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Age aware means becoming aware of and addressing age bias and stereotypes. It is an important step in fighting ageism which older adults experience across all sectors from employment to healthcare, housing, politics, technology and media. Combating ageism requires a multifaceted approach.

Older workers may face challenges in finding new jobs, receiving promotions, or being selected for training opportunities due to misconceptions that they are less capable, adaptable, or technologically proficient than their younger counterparts leading to economic insecurity.
In healthcare ageism can result in inadequate treatment or misdiagnosis as healthcare professionals might attribute symptoms to ‘just getting old’ rather than investigating further therefore preventing older adults from receiving the care they need.
Socially ageism can lead to isolation and a lack of opportunities for older adults to engage in community activities affecting their mental and emotional well-being.

Education and awareness campaigns can challenge and change misconceptions about aging. Policies that promote age diversity in the workplace and protect against age discrimination, intergenerational connections and celebrating older adults can all help break down barriers and build mutual respect and understanding.

Designing and building age-friendly communities are also crucial ensure that people of all ages feel included, respected, and supported and that older adults including those with mobility issues or disabilities have the right to access public spaces and transportation.

Organizations specializing in gerontology continue to make advances in aging related research to better meet the needs of the growing, global aging population. Addressing ageism benefits everyone and promotes a more inclusive, fair, and respectful society where people of all ages can contribute and thrive.

Age Awareness and Sensitivity Training
Senior Marketing
LGBTQ Older Adult Awareness, Diversity Training

Aging Awareness & Sensitivity Training Programs

Seniors are Cool

Free video and senior sensitivity training teaching school children how to dispel misconceptions and sterotypes about odler adults.
Manitoba, Canada.
Friends of the Elderly Transition Year

Irish students learn about Irish history through older adults and receive school credit.
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Help Age India
School Action for Value Education Program

Adding values education to Indian school curriculums to encourage children to treat the older adults with respect and understanding.
Across India. Watch Video

Macklin Intergenerational Institute Xtreme Aging Program
Simulating what it may feel like to physically and mentally age. Activities include participants stuffing cotton in ears and putting rubber bands around hands.
Across the USA.

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The Martha Stewart Center for Living Education Program
Geriatric care and training for doctors at Cedars Sinai. The Center provides older adults and caregivers with a holistic approach to healthcare covering the functional, physical, mental and social engagement aspects of aging. New York, USA. Watch Video
Serving Elders of Color Initiative Program

Senior sensitivity training for organizations to appreciate cultural differences and diversity in program development geared towards older adults.
San Francisco,California, USA.

Walk in My Shoes
Senior Sensitivity Program

Age sensitivity training for young people. Youth can understand what it may feel like to be an older adult by sharing experiences and learning through sensory exercises. Illinois, USA
ZOOM Into Action
You Can Help Seniors Program

A PBS television show that encourages kids to help older adults in fun ways.
Across the USA.
Shades of Gray

Jewish leaders receive training on how to engage older adults and and better address their unique changing challenges.
Philadelphia and New York, USA.

Capturing Experience Program

Training video for employers and organizations to better understand and employ the talent, energy and expertise of older adults.
Pennsylvania, USA.
Training for Housing

Training for landlords on how to bettter meet the needs of older adult tenants and their specific issues. England, United Kingdom. (UK)
Changing Age

Anti ageism and awareness campaign to challenge the negative perceptions society has about older people in the United Kingdom.(UK)

Age Demands Action Campaign

Global campaign by HelpAge International to fight age discrimination. International. Watch Video
ASA - Network On Multicultural Aging Education Program
American Society on Aging provides education and training for professionals on diversity and multicultural aging to be used in program development. Across USA.
ASA – Policy and Advocacy Education Program
American Society on Aging provides senior awareness and sensitivity training for professionals and others on advocating for the rights and well being of seniors.
Across USA.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology- MIT
AgeLab Program

A research lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with the purpose of inventing new ideas and technologies to allow older adults to continue to live well independently as they age.
Massachusetts, USA.
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Stanford Geriatric Education Center Ethnogeriatric Program
Resource materials to educate health care professionals, researchers, and policy analysts on diversity and culturally sensitive issues associated with aging and health.
Stanford, California, USA.
Age Gain Now Empathy System Program

AGNES is a suit designed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 's AgeLab to simulate what it feels like to age Massachusetts, USA.
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Learning to Give
Senior Sensitivity Training Program

Philanthropy training curriculum for youth to increase understanding of older adults and those with disabilities. Online.
Get Old Campaign Program

A campaign and interactive website for all ages to share their stories and thoughts on what it means to 'get old.' A forum for rethinking what it means to age and challenge aging stigmas. Online.
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How to Conduct a
Senior Sensitivity Training Session Guide

A guide on how to conduct senior sensitivity training for students, youth or others who work with seniors. The training seeks to increase awareness of challenges seniors face. Available free online.

Universal Gerontology and Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Program
College, high school, and graduate school students increasing awareness of aging. The group aims to encourage younger generations to have respect, love, and compassion, for older adults and to better understand issues that they deal with in particular Alzheimer's disease.
Los Angeles, California.
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SECURE - Senior Sensitivity Training Program
Simulated aging trainings where participants can feel what it's like to age through sensory exercises such as modified eye glasses to simulate vision loss and putting rubber bands around hands to simulate arthritic symptoms. Available in Florida.
New Ventures Leadership Leaders of Color in Field of Aging
Trains and encourages leaders and their critical role in the field of aging.
Across USA.

Leadership Council of Aging Organizations

A group of organizations concerned with advocating for the well-being of older adults, fighting ageism and improving health care policy.
Across the USA.
Association of Gerontology

Connects professionals working in the aging related service industry and promotes awareness of aging related issues. Australia.
Grey Pride

A campaign to raise awareness about the issues and challenges experienced by older people, such as ageism, stereotypes and other common misconceptions surrounding aging. United Kingdom.
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Global Action
on Aging
United Nations

Global Action on Aging researches critical worldwide aging issues and publishes reports. Issues relating to older adults such as income support, health access, and human rights are covered so that the quality of life of older adults worldwide can be improved. International.
100 Days of
Happy Older People Campaign

A global social media campaign encouraging younger generations to connect with older generations. Younger generations are to ask an older person 'What makes you happy?' The answer and a picture or video is then posted online on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #happyolderpeople. The goal is to increase awareness of aging and the positive contributions of older adults to society.
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Economic Security Initiative

The Elder Economic Security Initiative is a national campaign that responds to the economic uncertainty and challenges facing seniors in America. The aim of the initiative is to make certain that low and moderate income seniors and those living in poverty can age in place with economic certainty and dignity. Across the USA. Watch Video

Bin Ageism

A national campaign to tackle age-based prejudice and ageism. The project includes an animated film put together by an intergenerational group of students, artists and animation experts from the British Film Institute and Magic Me.
United Kingdom.

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Trailblazers in Aging Awards

The National Council on Aging’s Trailblazers in Aging Awards recognizes individuals and organizations helping to create a society where all people are able to age with dignity, purpose, and security.
USA. Watch Video
Link Generations

Intergenerational activities that connect older adults and students along with aging sensitivity training for youth to learn about the aging process. Maryland, USA.

Beautiful Minds Campaign

A national photo essay exhibit showcasing older adults living active lives without allowing age be a barrier. Across the USA. Watch Video
To Live 10,000 Years

A campaign to photograph 100 centenarians in each of the 50 United States with the end result representing over 10,000 years of living.
Across the USA.
Assisted Living Federation of America Film Competition Ageism
An award competition for the best short film and public service announcement addressing ageism.
Across the USA.

The Alliance for
Aging Research

Alliance dedicated to aging related research, improving the health of older adults and advocating for issues that affect seniors.
Washington, D.C. USA.
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McMaster’s Institute for Research on Aging

A research institute for advancing the science of aging. Ontario, Canada.
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Older Persons
Advocacy Network

Provides free advocacy, information and education on aged care services with the goal of educating and empowering older adults on their rights with respect to aged care homes and aged care services. Australia.

Milken Institute
Center for the Future of Aging

A think tank which works to promote healthy and purposeful aging through education, publications, policy initiatives and research. Online with offices in Santa Monica, Washington, London, Singapore.
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Age is More Campaign

A campaign using research, commentary and storytelling to challenge ageism and promote elder rights. Canada.
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Sheridan Centre for
Elder Research

A postsecondary institution conducting aging related research to improve the lives of older adults, their families and communities. Canada.
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International Conference on Geriatrics & Gerontology
The International Conference on Geriatrics & Gerontology brings together Geriatricians, Gerontologists, Doctors, Professors, Social workers, Palliative Care Specialists, Nurses, Health Care Administrators, Researchers and Students from around the world to discuss the latest aging related issues, achievements and advancements in the field of Geriatrics and Gerontology. International. Watch Video
Return of Million Smiles

A campaign initiative to encourage people to change the way they look at aging and take care of aging parents in India. The goal is to increase awareness about the state of vulnerable elderly so that older adults can live with social security and emotional support. Across India.
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International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics
The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics conducts gerontological research and training worldwide by working with international, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations. International.


INNOVAGE is a project dedicated to developing, testing, surveying and cataloging, social innovations that will have a solid impact on improving the quality of life and well-being of older people. United Kingdom.
Creative Aging

Annual creative aging festival bringing together older people and others across generations to celebrate, share stories and explore what aging means. Scotland. Watch Video
Passions Project

A photography project following older adults who are living their passion and leading full and active lives. Online.
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Gilbrea Centre for Studies in Aging

The Gilbrea center conducts aging related research, suggests changes in aging policy and advocates for older adults. Canada. Watch Video
Grandparents Day

Annual day celebrating grandparents with the aim of recognizing the importance of grandparents in society and their valuable influence on future generations.
New South Wales NSW
Ask Gran Not Google

An inter-generational project that encourages kids to turn to older adults and engage in conversation before looking online for answers. The project allows younger generations to benefit from the valuable wisdom and experience of seniors. New South WalesNSW Watch Video

Old’s Cool

Engaging older adults and youth in intergenerational activities.The program tackles ageism, improves communication between older adults and youth and increases understanding between the two generations.
Scotland. Watch Video
Intergenerational Quiz

Brings older people and younger people together to discuss everything from stereotypes within each group to interests and opinions. The program aims to connect different generations together, increase awareness of ageism, have fun and reduce social isolation. Scotland.
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American Federation for Aging Research

Supports healthy aging through biomedical research to help individuals live longer, healthier lives. USA. Watch Video

Age On Rage On

Campaign to raise awareness for long-term care services and to support the caregiver workforce that in turn supports California's aging population. The goal is to mobilize change, affect legislation and provide additional resources for older adults.
California, USA.
International Council on Active Aging

A network of organizations committed to the well-being of older adults challenging misconceptions about aging and empowering seniors. Vancouver, B.C. Canada. Watch Video
Council on Social Work Education Gero-Ed Center
Resources, information and training to help prepare social work students treat older adults. The aim of the program is to help clarify and strengthen the role of social work in elder care and to meet the social and emotional needs of older adults. Virginia, USA. Online.

Disrupt Aging Campaign

A campaign redefining what it means to age by sharing and posting stories about how people are staying active, relevant and vibrant as they age. The aim is to inspire positive aging and to challenge aging stereotypes. USA.
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Older Americans Month

An annual celebration during the month of May to honor older adults, the contributions they make to their communities and to recognize the importance they hold.
Across the USA.
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Age Demands Action
Ageism During COVID-19

A campaign that stands against ageism during the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign asks community members to ensure that the interests and concerns of older adults are heard by decisionmakers and to ensure equity and rights during the COVID-19 pandemic regardless of age. International.
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Age Awareness Training for Intergenerational Workplace Teams
Age awareness training for intergenerational workplace teams providing sensitivity training for employers and employees. Training covers how intergenerational practices can benefit the workplace. Scotland, United Kingdom.
Top 7 Over 70 Awards

The Top 7 Over 70 Awards recognizes older adults who
are transitioning or have started new ventures and initiatives later in life. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Watch Video
Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program

A fellowship for leaders in health and aging policy for older adults. The fellowship trains and equips leaders with the necessary skills to shape policy.
New York City, NY, USA.

NextFifty Initiative

Provides grants and funding for aging related start-ups and projects that improve the lives of the older adults and their caregivers. Colorado, USA.
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Age Options

Advocates for older adults so that they have access to in home and community support services. Illinois, USA.
The Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation

Funding, support and acceleration services for the development innovative aging related and brain health products, technology, services and best practices. The center supports start-ups working to make innovative aging related products which improve the lives of older adults. Canada.
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Seniors of Canada

A photo exhibit featuring older adults with accompanying life stories. The project aims to challenge stereotypes about aging and fight ageism by showing and telling the stories of older adults. Canada.
Older Not Invisible

An intergenerational campaign to decrease barriers to aging with dignity. The campaign aims to combat ageism, encourage intergenerational interaction, and promote age inclusiveness.
International. Watch Video
National Seniors Strategy

A think tank providing recommendations on how to create a national approach to best support the aging population. The group provides evidence-informed recommendations for older adults through research and stakeholder consultations. Canada. Watch Video

Centre on Aging

Supports and promotes interdisciplinary research on aging to improve the lives of older adults, their families, caregivers, and communities. Manitoba, Canada.
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New Dynamics of Aging Program

A multidisciplinary research initiative on aging related topics to improve the quality of life of older people. United Kingdom
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LA County
Flex Vote Center

Specially located voting centers for marginalized voters such as senior voters living in assisted living, voters with disabilities, voters experiencing homelessness, geographically isolated voters and others.
Los Angeles County, USA.
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Reframing Aging Initiative

Initiative to improve public awareness of what it means to age and how older adults contribute to society. The initiative works to help fight ageism, promote age equality and support aging related policies and programs. USA. Watch Video
Harvard Implicit Association Test

An implicit age bias test to determine the presence and level of an individual’s age-related bias. The test is used for research and to increase awareness of ageism and age-related bias in individuals or organizations which can then be used as basis for implicit bias training.
Boston, MA, USA.

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Southern Gerontological Society

Association of individuals and organizations with interests in gerontology with the aim to improve the quality of life for older adults through education, research and practice.
Georgia, USA.

Age-Inclusive Management Strategies

Trains employers to implement strategies to recruit and retain experienced employees. The program aims to prevent ageism and age discrimination in the workplace through education and training and to transform the way employers approach the future of aging by addressing the needs of experienced employees (age 50+ workers).
Colorado, USA. Watch Video
California’s Master Plan for Aging

A blueprint for state government, local government, the private sector, and philanthropists to help prepare California for the future increase in the older adult population. California, USA.
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Eight Over Eighty

An annual event which honors eight remarkable seniors 80 years of age or older who have demonstrated the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam, Repairing the World. Michigan, USA.
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Centre for Technology Adoption for Aging in the North
Bringing in aging related technologies, products and services that help older adults living in northern and rural communities.
Prince George, BC, Canada.
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SFU Science and Technology for Aging Research STAR Institute
Supports the development and implementation of technologies that help address the health challenges of an aging population along with the barriers around accessing technologies including equitable access.
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Women's Age Lab

The Women’s Age Lab aims to improve the lives of older women using science to change health care practices to create positive systemic and social change.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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EveryAGE Counts

A campaign against ageism providing ageism research, information, resources and tools such as an age bias quiz, posters, brochures games and more. The campaign hopes to change stereotypical and negative attitudes towards older adults which may impact their rights and ability to participate in the community.  Australia.
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HelpAge International Human Rights Training Toolkit
A human rights guide for aging service providers, staff, and organizations to promote a human rights-based approach to aging in their line of work. United Kingdom.
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Senior Marketing

Elders in Action
Age Friendly Business Certification

Elders in Action helps businesses assess their level of elder friendliness. Businesses can better serve the senior market by providing catered products and service and older adults can receive a more pleasant service experience. Portland, Oregon, USA.
Generations Award Senior Marketing

Increasing awareness of the purchasing power of seniors by holding an International competition for excellence in marketing to the senior market.
Mature Media

Senior marketing awards recognizing the best marketing, communications, educational materials and programs for older adults. Across the USA.

Senior Marketing

A marketing and advertising company dedicated to the unique needs of businesses serving older adult consumers. Across the USA.
Elder Friendly Business Certification

Seniors go undercover to evaluate how sensitive a business is to the needs of older adults. Volunteers report back to the organization Action for Older People on how elder friendly a business is which then makes a decison on granting an elder friendly seal of approval.
New York, USA. Watch Video
ASA - Education for Businesses on the Aging Population Program
American Society on Aging provides education and senior awareness and sensitivity training for businesses on the aging population's consumer habits, boomer lifestyles, marketing, legal, workplace and retirement issues.
Across USA.

Coming of Age
Senior Online Marketing

Marketing to baby boomers with the help of online senior marketing targeted techniques. To cater to the unique needs of the boomer age group by using market research.
Based in Illinois, USA.
Society of Certified Senior Advisors
Senior Market Training

The Society of Certified Senior Advisors provides in-depth training and credentials to professionals in any industry so that they can effectively work with and interact with senior clients and the senior market. .
Across the USA.
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International Center for Long Term Care Innovation (InnovateLTC)
InnovateLTC provides aging technology research, testing and distribution for new, innovative aging related products and services for entrepreneurs, start ups and venture capitalists so that they can help older adults live more independently.
Based in Kentucky, USA. Watch Video

Aging in America Conference

Aging related issues conference for professionals who work with older adults, businesses and others to learn about the growing aging aging related products and services. Across the USA.
Watch Video.
GenAge Marketing

Senior marketing company that assists businesses in catering their marketing strategy, message, product and/ or service to the senior/boomer market. Across the USA.
Innovation Consulting

A consulting company that helps companies connect with the mature market and develop innovative aging related products, services and programs. The aim is to help companies design better products and services which will allow older adults live more independent lives. Massachusetts, USA.

Modern Aging

An educational program to inspire entrepreneurs and innovators to create businesses that provide goods and services to serve the needs of aging populations around the world. Based in Singapore and Sweden.
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Zoomer Show

An annual exhibition featuring the latest products, services and trends for the senior market. Senior providers and exhibitors catering to the senior market connect and exchange information on products and services. Canada.
Changing Age
for Business

Providing businesses with targeted training so that products and services are better able to reach the senior market.
United Kingdom

Ageing Well
Challenge Prize

The Nesta Ageing Well Challenge Prize rewards innovative ideas and projects that help people age well with a cash prize and other start up resources that will help bring their innovations and ideas to life.United Kingdom.
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Aging2.0 connects, educates and supports startups and innovators so that they can improve the lives of older adults in long-term care. Aging 2.0 combines innovation, technology and aging to better serve the senior market. International. Watch Video
The Research
Institute for Disabled

Researches and publishes free consumer reports on issues of concern to disabled and older adult consumers. The aim is provide practical information along with better designed products and services which meet the needs of the market.
United Kingdom.

Innovators in Aging

The Revera Innovators in Aging Program partners with and invests in innovative companies which aim to improve the lives of older adults. Canada.
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Technologies for
Aging Gracefully Lab

Designs aging related technology to provide products and services that help support older adults. The lab works to make tasks easier and experiences more pleasant for older adults and to keep them independent for as long as possible. Canada.
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Age Well

A community of researchers, older adults, caregivers and others working to find technology-based solutions to make difference in the quality of life of older adults. Canada. Watch Video

China International Senior Care Expo

Senior Care expo held in China to exhibit and encourage businesses and services catering to the senior care market including senior housing, health care, technology and rehabilitation. The goal is to help meet the demand of the increasing aging market in China.
Action for Older Persons Elder Friendly Business Certification Program
Seniors go undercover at businesses to assess their level of elder friendliness. Seniors evaluate how elder friendly a business is and then report back to the organization, which then decides upon granting an elder friendly seal of approval. Participating states across the USA. Watch Video

LGBTQ Senior Awareness, Diversity & Sensitivity Training Programs

SAGE LGBT Caregiver Sensitivity Training

SAGE's caregiver trainings help support LGBT caregivers who may face obstacles from healthcare laws that privilege biological families.
New York, NY USA.
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Transgender Aging Network Training Program
Seminars and webinars providing training to health care providers and advocates on transgender elder issues and sensitivities.
Milwaukee, WI, USA.
Gay & Lesbian
Elder Housing
Education & Training

Health care providers and community members are provided with LGBT senior cultural competency training so that they can better serve low-income elder LGBT and HIV/AIDS populations.
Los Angeles, CA, USA.

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LGBT Aging
Cultural Competency Program

LGBT cultural competency training to educate nursing care facilities, assisted living, palliative care and other organizations and agencies that work with LGBT seniors.
New York, NY, USA.

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National LGBT
Housing Initiative

LGBT senior cultural competency and sensitivity training to help housing developers, older adult housing facilities and retirement communities build environments and programs welcoming for LGBT older adults. New York, NY, USA.
With Pride Project

Cultural readiness and sensitivity training for working with LGBT seniors. The program researches aging and health needs of LGBT seniors and increases awareness of issues.
Seattle, Washington, USA.

American Society on Aging LGBT Aging Issues Network
Education and LGBT senior sensitivity training for professionals and others on LGBT aging related issues by the American Society on Aging. Across the USA.
Project Visibility

LGBT senior sensitivity training for administrators and staff of nursing homes, assisted living residences, home care agencies, senior service providers, and friends and families of LGBT seniors.
In Colorado, USA.
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Advocates for and provides services such as LGBT senior sensitivity training for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender (LGBT) seniors.
Boston, U.S.A. Watch Video

Openhouse LGBT Sensitivity Training Program
A comprehensive LGBT senior sensitivity training to help health and other service providers create welcoming, supportive and safe environments for Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) seniors.
San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Gay & Grey

The Gay & Grey Program enhances the lives of older gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community members through LGBT senior sensitivity trainings, education, advocacy for inclusive LGBT senior housing along with providing a safe space for LGBT seniors to gather and connect with community. Portland, Oregon, USA.
Lavender Seniors

An organization which provides social support services, sensitivity training and a caring community for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual and Transgender (LGBT) seniors. San Francisco and Bay Area, California, USA. Watch Video

Older Lesbians Organizing
for Change

A national network of older lesbians over age 60 fighting against ageism through public awareness, education and public discourse.
Across the USA.
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Opening Doors London

The largest organization providing LGBTQ+ cultural competency training along with information and support services to older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (OLGBT) people in the UK.
United Kingdom.
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Stonewall Charity Working with Older LGBT People A Guide for Care
A guide that offers practical advice to care organizations which provide support services to older LGBTQ+ people.
United Kingdom.

Silver Rainbow Project

A training program for aging service staff members on serving LGBT older adults.The goal is to ensure that aging services providers, facilities, staff and caregivers are trained with the appropriate skills when caring for LGBT seniors. Philadelphia, USA.
Diverse Elders Coalition

Advocates for elders across racial, ethnic, and cultural communities on aging-related policies and programs. To provide a voice for the challenges diverse elders face and to promote a federal agenda to improve the health, economic security, dignity, and well-being of older adults. Across the USA.
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Aging Project

Provides cultural competency and LGBTQIA+ friendly education and training to senior service providers, staff, caregivers, the community, and advocates for equity and inclusion for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual older adults.Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
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Thrive With Pride

Provides information on support services and programs for LGBT+ older adults and caregivers along with education, trainings and social gatherings. Illinois, USA. Watch Video

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