Senior residents of nursing homes, long-term care facilities or hospice have their dreams come true in this make-a-wish type program.
Compare Nursing Homes
The official US Goverment website for Medicare
Improving Nursing Care for Elderly
Nursing Home Activities
Speciality Nursing Homes
Animal Assisted Therapy and Activities
Transitioning Admission or Discharge from Nursing Care
Improving Long-Term Care for Elderly
Transforming the quality of one nursing home at a time into "homes" instead of institutions with person centered care. A real solution to the question of how to change nursing home culture and improve elderly nursing care.Internationally available
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Free assistance to Medicaid certified nursing home operators by providing suggestions for how to improve elderly nursing care quality and deliver more person centered care. Guidance, support and follow up are provided. Arkansas, USA. Some resources avaialable online.
A staff development program for hospitals to learn how to improve elder nursing care in and become a 'Nurses Improving Care For Health System Elders' (NICHE) certified facility.
New York, NY, USA.
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Beacon Institute
Long term care facilities are trained in culture change. A team of geriatric nursing professionals educates, guides, and provides tools to skilled nursing facilities to assist them in a culture change in elder nursing care and promote new ways of thinking about their senior residents and overall operations. Columbia, Maryland, USA.
Provides training in nursing communication techniques to improve nursing home staff communication with senior resident’s and their family members at long-term care facilities. New York, USA.
An elder abuse prevention training program for long term elder nursing care staff.
Philadelphia, PA, USA.
The PEAK award is a program that recognizes skilled nursing facilities which promote innovative, person-centered non-traditional models of nursing care in long-term care.The program hopes to encourage other nursing homes to promote a elder nursing care culture change also. Kansas USA .
Senior Health Sciences Awards Program
Awards are given to skilled nursing facilities that have zero or a maximum of three deficiencies in the Department of Health’s annual survey. The hope is to promote an elder nursing care culture change for all nursing home. Ohio, USA.
The American Health Care Association / National Center for Assisted Living National Quality Award Program is a three step award program for long term care facilities such as elderly nursing care homes and assisted living to improve their quality of service to the elderly. The program is based on the based on the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program. Across the USA.
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Care Home
An new model changing nursing care culture in which senior residents receive person centered care and nursing support in a green, environmentally friendly home. Across the USA.
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Geriatric Nursing Care
Free videos and print material for elder nursing care staff so that they are able to provide better assessment and screening for geriatric care. New York, USA. Watch Video
The "Quality Initiative" Program sets goals and target dates for nursing homes and assisted living communities to improve quality of elder nursing care. Across the USA. Watch Video
Training programs to improve nursing education and elder nursing care through nursing school curriculum, scholarship and Faculty. Across the USA.
Culture Change in
Long-Term Care Program
Professionals in long-term care advocating for radical culture change in elder nursing care by providing resources and training for person centered care. Across the USA.
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Long-Term Living Awards Program
An award recognizing nursing care homes and staff working in effective teams to promote culture change, provide better elder nursing care and increase the quality of senior residents. Awards given out across the United States.
A campaign in the United States to improve nursing homes by promoting an elder nursing care culture change movement towards more person-centered care and providing set goals for nursing homes to achieve. Across the USA. Watch Video
School of Nursing Program
An in-house nursing school located inside the Los Angeles Jewish Home for seniors. The Annenbergthe nursing school trains students for careers as licensed vocational nurse (LVN) or nurse assistant to then work in the Los Angeles Jewish Home. Direct nursing training can only help to improve nursing care for elderly.
Los Angeles, California, USA
Trained volunteers oversee mealtimes at skilled nursing facilities and hospitals to ensure elderly receive the correct nutrition and service.United Kingdom, U.K.
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Protects older patients from declining physically and mentally and the loss of independence while they are hospitalized.To improve nursing care for elderly. Pennsylvania,USA.
Care Awards
Hands out awards for excellence to those working directly or indirectly in the nursing care sector. Throughout England.
A New Jersey state program to assure seniors, persons with disabilities, and their families and caregivers are aware of the choices they have when it comes to long-term care.
New Jersey, USA.
Report Card
A nursing home report card which analyzes, compares, rates and ranks the quality of America's nursing homes state by state. The report is managed by Families for Better Care, an advocacy group dedicated to increasing public awareness of the conditions in American nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. Across the USA. Watch Video
A long-term care advocacy organization, which aims to improve the choices, care and quality of life for California's older adults and others in need of long-term care.
California, USA. Watch Video
Gerontological Nursing Association
The National Gerontological Nursing Association (NGNA) is dedicated to the clinical care of older adults with members ranging from clinicians, educators, and researchers and certified gerontological clinical nurse specialists. The organization aims to increase the quality of life of older adults through improved nursing care. Across the USA.
Advanced Practice Nurses Association
The Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA) represents the interests of certified advanced practice nurses who work with older adults in a wide variety of practice settings. The organization provides nurses with continuing education in gerontology and support and aim to increase awareness of the needs of caring for the elderly. Across the USA.
The Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association (CGNA) represents and supports gerontological nurses. The goal is to address the health concerns of older adults and the nurses who participate in their health care. Across Canada and internationally.
Action Pact helps senior living communities including nursing facilities transform from large, non-personal, formal care models into person-centered households. Across the USA.
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Aged Care Report Card helps people to find an aged care facility by providing a comprehensive online directory for all aged care homes along with Report Cards, ratings and user reviews. Australia.
Elder care research partnership among researchers, policy makers, and citizens which aims to improve the quality of elder care, the work environment for caregivers and the effectiveness of long-term care. Alberta, Canada.
of the Seniors Advocate
Monitors senior services related to In-Home Care Complaints, Adult Day Care, Assisted Living, Long-Term Care and Elder Abuse and makes recommendations for improvements to government and providers.
British Columbia, Canada.
Speak2 uses Alexa to coordinate care in assisted living, nursing facilities and senior living communities. The voice command system aims to expedite response times for senior care requests and to provide older adults in senior care facilities with easy access to on-demand information. Online. Watch Video
Free on-line training class for infection prevention and control for nursing home staff byThe Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Facilitates relationships between universities and senior living providers to help advance recruitment and address workforce challenges and shortages in the senior living industry. Illinois, USA.
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Nursing Home Activites
Tailored and person-centered nursing home activities and gifts that fulfill dreams of elderly. Senior residents of long-term care facilities or hospice have their dreams come true with the help of this make a wish type program. Across the USA and Canada. Watch Video
A make a wish program that partners with Brookdale Senior Living granting tailored senior dreams and wishes that fulfill anything from basic needs, thrill seeking activities to life long dreams. Across the USA
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Helps seniors living in the community and nursing homes to achieve life long dreams or to simply make a wish happen through providing gifts for seniors. In Ontario, Canada. Watch Video
To honor and enrich the lives of elderly living in nursing homes by granting senior dreams through a make a wish type model and providing gifts for seniors. To help make dreams come true for those seniors in nursing homes who do not have the ability on their own to do the types of activities they would like to do. Program available in most areas of the USA.
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Wish Granting Initiative
Intergenerational activity program for students to help seniors make a wish come true. Students interact with seniors throughout the process by meeting and learning what senior's wishes are, organizing fundraising to help purchase senior dreams and finally present the wish (gift) to seniors. Program available in most areas of the USA.
Have Dreams Too Program
A make a wish program that grants wishes or gifts to for seniors living on limited, low incomes (at or below the current federal government poverty level. Wallingford, CT, USA.
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Senior theater including plays, stage productions and acting workshops are performed by professional senior actors. Senior theater is put on for other seniors in nursing homes providing the option for elderly to participate in more stimulating nursing home activities.Oakland, and Los Angeles California, USA. Watch Video
Offers senior residents of Laguna Honda hospital (a 62-acre skilled nursing facility, one of the largest in the United States) several artistic nursing home activities such as painting classes four days a week. The program promotes senior arts and includes special sessions for monolingual Chinese-speakers and residents in the Alzheimer's program.
San Francisco, CA, USA. Watch Video
Creative Exchanges Program
Provides senior art training to care home staff working in long term care settings. Nursing home activities directors, and staff can regularly provide senior art classes such as theater, drama, visual arts and dance as a great alternative to typical, non-stimulating nursing home activities.
Dublin, Ireland. Watch Video
Arts & Aging Toolkit Training Program
Training kit for health care facilities, nursing homes and care facilities to develop senior arts as optional nursing home activities.New York, NY, USA.
Slide Talks Program
Interactive slide-based museum lectures providing senior centers and nursing homes with senior art activities.
New York, NY, USA.
Virtual Reality VR technology goggles for seniors in nursing care and senior living facilities to relive moments from their past or travel to places they have never had the opportunity to experience. Across the USA. Watch Video
Mobile Art for Seniors in Nursing Homes Program
Senior art therapy activities for those living in nursing homes, assisted living and adult daycare. To provide an option for nursing home activities that help meet the mental, physical and spiritual needs of seniors. Pennsylvania, USA.
Nursing Home
Free delivery of art supplies, art instructors and volunteers to nursing homes, assisted living, senior activity centers, adult day care, Alzheimer respite care and others so that seniors can participate in art therapy. To provide better person-centered options for nursing home activities. Austin, Texas.
Senior Theater
A professional theatre company dedicated to performing plays and productions for senior citizens bedridden in long-term care facilities, hospitals or for those too financially burdened to buy a theater ticket.
Ontario, Canada.
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Jewish faith kits distributed to nursing homes to facilitate the celebration of Jewish holidays for senior residents. Providing relevent nursing home activities. Available across the United States.
Wheelchair bound senior residents at a nursing care facility ride a specially designed senior bicycle along with another person providing a stimulating fitness activity. Vancouver, Canda.
Sing for Your Seniors visits Senior Day Centers, Skilled Nursing facilities, Hospitals, Senior Living Centers and Palliative Care Centers and provides professional Broadway style entertainment in the form of music and stories. New York, NY, USA. Watch Video
Nursing home activities that include senior arts, senior theaters, music, writing, public readings, lectures and spiritual awareness at Ebenezer's assisted living and skilled nursing care facilities!
Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Long-term care facilities, nursing homes and senior residential living communities are offered a user friendly, online interface to connect to the internet providing stimulating person-centered activities such as email, video chat, senior arts and much more.
Selected States in the USA.
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Horticultural Therapy Program
Garden therapy for seniors in "Ebenezer's" nursing care homes, assisted living, memory care, senior housing, and adult day programs. Offering seniors gardening activities, spiritual care and a healing garden. Minneapolis, MN. USA.
An easy to use storytelling app which allows nursing care staff to assist seniors in telling a story or sharing a memory and instantly create a video to send to family members. The app helps to create an interactive activity between seniors and staff and allows for senior resident's voices to be heard. OneDay for Senior Living. Available across the USA.
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Free beauty services, manicures and makeovers for seniors living in nursing homes and senior residential care homes providing an intergenerational activity to reduce loneliness and isolation in older adults. Across USA.
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Installation of raised garden beds for nursing homes, senior living facilities and other locations to help senior residents connect with nature and access the benefits of gardening. Tennessee, USA.
Builds raised garden beds for older adults in nursing homes and other locations in the community. The organization aims to promote gardening access for older adults no matter where they live and educate on the benefits of community gardening. Washington, DC, USA.
Therapeutic, mobile and accessible indoor gardening help and activities for older adults living in residential and nursing care. Eldergrow. Washington, USA.
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Engaging technology for older adults in senior living, retirement homes, nursing homes and other older adult communities. The program aims to fight social isolation, support connection and social interaction, cognitive stimulation, physical exercise, therapy, memory support, and life-long learning.
Denver, Colorado.
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A newspaper subscription custom made for nursing homes or care homes which features past news, brain games for mind fitness such as puzzles, quizzes, stimulating questions and gossip and entertainment all to stimulate seniors' memory.
United Kingdom. UK
Teaching caregivers, nursing staff and volunteers how to relate to senior residents well enough to record their life stories in autobiographical albums. London, England. Watch Video
Volunteers from a younger generation host evening cocktail parties for care home residents, relatives and friends. Parties provides entertainment and an opportunity for intergenerational exchange. London, England.
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Fourth Age
Learning for the Fourth Age provides learning opportunities to older people receiving care in care settings, such as care homes or nursing homes, or with individuals living in their own homes. United Kingdom. Watch Video
Step by step guide on how to design and implement art activities for older adults in care homes. United Kingdom.
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Live Music in Care provides a toolkit and guide for how care homes can provide regular singing, choir and musical activities for their older adult residents as well as how to bring in performances by visiting musicians. United Kingdom. Watch Video.
Social robots used in healthcare, nursing homes, assisted living and other care facilities for older adults that can provide physical and emotional stimulation, and help reduce social isolation and lonliness. Based in Belgium.
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Volunteers take nursing home residents out for bike rides on a three wheeled trishaw. Assisted cycling allows elderly with limited mobility to have the experience of riding and enjoy the outdoors. International. Watch Video
Provides older adults in nursing care, retirement communities, and those living independently with access to in-person and online art classes. The program engages older adults in the creative arts and promotes healthy and vibrant aging.
San Francisco, CA, USA.
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Building Bridges
Senior living and long-term care communities partner with local schools to bring together older adults and children for intergenerational exchanges. Louisiana, USA.
Partners with nursing care homes, senior centers, senior living, meals on wheels programs and other locations to bring physical letters and cards of cheer to older adults. The program works to help alleviate senior isolation and loneliness by providing a sense of connection. Across the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and Israel.
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Animal Assisted Therapy and Activities
Nursing home activity providing animal assisted therapy through regular pet visitation by trained volunteers and their approved pets to nursing homes and assisted living.
Fairfax, Virginia, USA.
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Therapy Dogs International provides free visits of dogs to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals, hospices and other facilities to provide animal assisted therapy, an interactive nursing home activity and to give companionship to elderly. Program available across the United States and areas in Canada. Watch Video
Certified pet handler volunteers take their pets to visit elderly in nursing homes and provide animal assisted therapy. In Washington, DC., Maryland and Virginia. USA.
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Program that arranges for pets (cats and dogs) and their owners to make friendly visits providing animal assisted therapy to elderly in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. Boston Massachusetts, USA.
Animal Assisted Therapy Program
Pet owners can register their dogs and cats for animal assisted therapy and visit elderly in nursing homes, hospitals, classrooms, libraries and other facilities. New York, USA.
Visiting Pet
Animal assisted activity program where volunteer pet handlers and their pets visit nursing homes, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and other facilities in New Orleans USA.
Therapy Animal
Trains pet owners and pets on how to visit nursing homes, hospice, hospitals, physical therapy centers, long-term care facilities and other facilities to provide animal assisted activities. Program widely available across the United States, Canada, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, and several other countries. Watch Video
Provides registration, support, and insurance for those involved in volunteer animal assisted activities. Program available across the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Territories.
Pet Therapy Program
To help the elderly by providing a regular visitor along with their pet, and to increase morale and the activity level in nursing homes.
Baton Rouge,Louisiana, USA.
Pet Therapy Training Program
Austin Dog Alliance provides training to pet owners and their dogs to visit local nursing homes, hospitals, rehabilitation centers and other facilities to provide animal assisted
activities. Austin,Texas, USA. Watch Video
The Therapy Pet Pals of Texas Program places trained volunteer pet handlers and pets in healthcare facilities such as nursing homes, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, State and County facilities and other special needs environments.
Texas, USA. Watch Video
Volunteer pet handers and their pets visit elderly Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Hospitals and Hospice to provide animal assisted therapy.
Frederick, Maryland, USA.
Therapy Animals
Animal Assisted Activity/Therapy teams visit seniors in Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Centers, Alzheimer's Care Units, Hospitals, Veterans Hospitals, Hospices, Rehabilitation Centers and many other facilities. Utah, USA.
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Pet Enhanced Therapy for Seniors Program
The Nebraska Humane Society arranges for pets to be adopted by long-term care facilities and nursing homes. Pets in nursing homes can provide seniors with beneficial animal assisted therapy and stimulate senior residents who have been unresponsive. Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Volunteers and therapy pets provide therapeutic visits to elderly and others in hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, care homes, and other facilities providing animal assisted activities. United Kingdom.
Pet Outreach team volunteers arrange for animal assisted pet therapy visits to nursing homes and senior care facilities providing health and well-being benefits to older adults.
New York, USA.
Animal assisted therapy visits to older adults in skilled nursing care, hospitals and other facilities with the goal of providing mental, physical and emotional stimulation and social interaction.
San Diego, California, USA.
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Equine assisted therapy program for elderly living in nursing care homes. The program helps keep older adults engaged with the outdoors while receiving the therapeutic benefits of interacting with animals. Florida, USA. Watch Video
Volunteer pet handers and pets make regular visits seniors in nursing homes. To provide a stimulating activity for seniors in nursing homes and other individuals where needed. Ontario, Canada.
Provides free pet visitation and animal assisted activities to long-term care facilities, to interact with the disabled, elderly, chronically ill and mentally ill.
British Columbia, Canada.
Animal therapy program where volunteers take their pets to visit seniors in hospitals, retirement facilities, group homes, long-term care facilities and other facilities where residents benefit from interaction with pets. British Columbia, Canada. Watch Video
Provides animal-assisted activity and animal-assisted therapy programs in health care setting such as rehab hospitals, long-term care facilities, hospitals, mental health programs, nursing and retirement homes and day programs. Ottawa, Canada.
Therapy Dog
Therapy dogs in nursing home and hospitals bring a change to a senior's daily routine. Therapy dogs and volunteers are able to contribute to the community by providing seniors with nursing home activities, and unconditional love. Ontario, Canada.
Provides equine assisted therapy, counseling, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, physical therapy, and recreational therapy to older adults and others with mobility issues. International.
Provides equine assisted therapy services to seniors with the hope of transforming lives through animal-assisted services and improving social and emotional well-being Singapore. Watch Video
Eequine assisted therapy for older adults and those with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Colorado, USA.
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Equine assisted therapy program for older adults in senior living communities providing an opportunity for seniors to engage in activity with horses and receive physical and emotional benefits. North Carolina, USA. Watch Video
Mobile equine assisted therapy for older adults in nursing homes, Alzheimer units, assisted living centers, hospitals and other locations. Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Provides older adults living in residential homes with equine assisted therapy and the opportunity to interact with horses to improve physical and mental well-being.
Leicester, United Kingdom.
Speciality Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care
Speciality skilled nursing care, rehabilitation and independent housing for the deaf, hearing impaired and blind. Services are also open to others who are non hearing impaired.
Ohio, USA. Watch Video
HIV/AIDS speciality skilled nursing program located in the Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center facility. San Francisco,CA,USA. Watch Video
Indian Nursing Home Program
Rehabilitation, subacute, nursing home and long-term care services for non-resident Indians (NRI's), Americans of Indian descent and South-Asian Senior Citizens. Seniors can receive nursing care in a manner in which their culture is respected and language understood.
In New Jersey, USA.
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Long-Term Care Services Program
Holistic long-term care and nursing home that offers a holistic approach to care emphasizing the mind, body and spirit in daily living.
In Nebraska, USA.
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A speciality holistic rehab program treating the body, mind, and spirit together and a real life skills simulation center.
In Nebraska, USA.
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Asian Nursing Home
Nursing care home specializing in caring for Asian American seniors. New York. U.S.A.
Indian Nursing Care and Dementia Unit
Neem Tree Care provides 24-hour nursing and dementia care for elderly South Asian Indian cultures, Punjabis, Gujrati's and Hindus living in the UK. Watch Video
Indian Nursing Home Program
Nursing home care for Indian Seniors and those from other cultures including the West Indies, the Caribbean and others. So that Indian seniors can communicate in their language of choice, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujrati or English.
New York, USA Watch Video
Tranistioning - Admission or Discharge from Nursing Care Programs
Social workers and counselors provide seniors with alternatives to permanently moving into a nursing care home facility. Information is provided so that seniors, their caregivers and families are aware of thier alternatives and may make informed choices. New Jersey, USA.
Training classes and other resources to help families understand the long-term care system. To help families through the process of deciding to move an aging relative into long-term care. Oregon, USA.
To provide patients with help and support from a transition coach as they move from hospital to home, or nursing home to home. To prevent seniors from being readmitted to the hospital from not being able to manage their own care. To provide continuity of care, symptom management and recovery. Based in
Colorado, USA.
Care Transitions Program (CCTP)
Funding opportunities for community-based organizations partnering with acute-care hospitals to decrease preventable complications during patient transition from one care setting to another. To reduce readmissions for high-risk Medicare beneficiaries. Across the USA. Watch Video
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Frailty Project
Treating the special nursing care needs of elderly when they are admitted into the hospital so that they do not experience preventable complications that would lengthen their stay and cause hospital readmission. Los Angeles, California, USA.
for the Elderly
The Martha Stewart Center for Living Geriatrics at the
Mount Sinai Hospital provides elderly (who are transitioning from hospital to home) with the services of a geriatrician, nurse coordinator and social worker to help ease the transition.
New York, NY, USA.
Transforming Care at the Bedside was started by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. The aim is to improve patient care and staff retention.
This model can be looked at to improve skilled nursing care for the elderly.