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WHAT Training for nursing homes, long-term care facilities, aging service providers, and healthcare organizations to develop and teach senior arts and senior theater programs.
WHYSenior art programs and active participation in learning have been shown to promote senior physical health, sense of well being and improve the quality of life for those who are ill.
WHERECreative Aging Initiative 
Creativity Matters.
Program Creator -
Johanna Misey Boyer
National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA), New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC), National Guild, MetLife Foundation
New York, NY, USA.

Program Description

"No matter what their age or their physical or mental ability, older adults can and should participate in the arts...and not just any arts, but high-quality, participatory arts programs conducted over a significant period by professional teaching artists."

The " Creativity Matters Arts and Aging Toolkit" Program is designed for leaders and senior program staff in nursing homes, long-term care facilities and other aging service organizations to promote seniors theater and senior arts. The program training is also appropriate for teaching artists who would like to teach seniors how to engage in artistic expression, staff of lifelong learning organizations and higher education programs.

The will help nursing home staff and other aging service provider to:

  • Appreciate senior theater and senior arts in the United States
  • Understand how older adults continue to learn and benefit from training and education
  • Learn about aging services and community arts
  • Discuss the benefits of participatory senior arts and aging programs with stakeholders such as elected officials, funders, partners, and policymakers
  • Design, implement, market, support, evaluate, and sustain senior arts programs
  • Train artists to teach senior arts

    The first half of the "Creativity Matters" Training, provides: the background to design and implement a senior arts and aging program and explains the context for arts and aging today; the benefits of arts participation for older adults ; issues, infrastructure, and opportunities in the aging services and arts fields; and effective practices for senior arts and aging programs.

    The second half of the "Creativity Matters" Training offers: practical, how-to guidance for program design and implementation; senior art program evaluation; and public awareness. These chapters illustrate important concepts with concrete examples from successful programs for well or frail elders, people who live in the community or in a residential facility, or older adults with dementia.
Nursing Home Activities
Seniors and Art Activities Programs

Find out more about the “Creativity Matters: Arts & Aging Toolkit Training” Program

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