National Senior Citizens Law Center
The National Senior Citizens Law Center provides advocacy, litigation, education and counseling to ensure access to health care benefits along with the economic security of older adults who are on limited incomes. Based in Washington, DC., and California, USA.
Elderly Depression, Mental Health and Isolation | Elderly Suicide Prevention
Elderly Drug Abuse | Senior Medical Health
Senior Health Insurance Benefits
Senior Hunger, Elderly Nutrition and Senior Meal Delivery
Elderly Exercise | Senior Wellness | Elderly Poverty
Elderly Depression, Mental Health and Isolation Programs
Elderly depression treatment and counseling program using the help of counselors, supervising psychiatrists and medical providers to provide senior therapy. Available across the USA.
Elderly depression treatment and counseling program using the help of counselors, supervising psychiatrists and medical providers to provide senior therapy. Available across the USA.
Cemetery Visits
Volunteer escorts accompany seniors to visit the gravesites of loved ones in New York cemeteries and assist with emotional support and may provide a form of therapy.
Cemetery Visits
Volunteer escorts accompany seniors to visit the gravesites of loved ones in New York cemeteries and assist with emotional support and may provide a form of therapy.
Recovery Coaching for Seniors Program
Life coaching therapy for seniors in California that offers guidance and holds seniors responsible for their actions. Coaching promotes mental health and can fight elderly isolation and depression as seniors age. Watch Video
Life coaching therapy for seniors in California that offers guidance and holds seniors responsible for their actions. Coaching promotes mental health and can fight elderly isolation and depression as seniors age. Watch Video
HIV 50+ Support Group LGBT Elders of Color Program
LGBT seniors of color with HIV/AIDS discuss their unique issues with a senior therapy support group in a safe space.
Available in New York.
Watch Video
LGBT seniors of color with HIV/AIDS discuss their unique issues with a senior therapy support group in a safe space.
Available in New York.
Watch Video
Gay Seniors Preparing For Rainbow Years (SPRY) Program
Provides behavioral health and and mental health support services to Gay Seniors, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender LGBT seniors who are age 60 years and older. Therapy counselling may prevent some gay seniors from "returning to the closet."Available in Texas, USA.
Provides behavioral health and and mental health support services to Gay Seniors, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender LGBT seniors who are age 60 years and older. Therapy counselling may prevent some gay seniors from "returning to the closet."Available in Texas, USA.
Mature Mens Group
LGBT Elders of Color Program
A therapy support group for gay senior men in New York to share their thoughts, fears, socialize and build new friendships promoting mental health and possibly preventing elderly isolation or depression.
LGBT Elders of Color Program
A therapy support group for gay senior men in New York to share their thoughts, fears, socialize and build new friendships promoting mental health and possibly preventing elderly isolation or depression.
Geriatric Social Work Initiative
Collaborating geriatric social work programs and therapy so that professionals and organizations can improve elder care and quality of mental health and life for seniors and their families. Across the USA at participating organizations. Watch Video
Collaborating geriatric social work programs and therapy so that professionals and organizations can improve elder care and quality of mental health and life for seniors and their families. Across the USA at participating organizations. Watch Video
Healthy IDEAS
Provides training for elderly depression awareness and therapy treatment. IDEAS (Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors.) Across the USA at participating organizations.
Provides training for elderly depression awareness and therapy treatment. IDEAS (Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors.) Across the USA at participating organizations.
Certificate in Mental Health Care for the
Older Adult Program
A professional training program in mental health including elderly depressions for older adults and aging issues. Available in Wisconsin, USA.
Older Adult Program
A professional training program in mental health including elderly depressions for older adults and aging issues. Available in Wisconsin, USA.
Provides resources on the effect of loneliness among seniors and innovative ideas to alleviate isolation. USA.
Watch Video
Provides resources on the effect of loneliness among seniors and innovative ideas to alleviate isolation. USA.
Watch Video
The American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
Provides professional education, public advocacy and support for professionals in geriatric psychiatry. The aim is to promote the mental health and well-being of older adults. USA. Watch Video
Provides professional education, public advocacy and support for professionals in geriatric psychiatry. The aim is to promote the mental health and well-being of older adults. USA. Watch Video
Loneliness Line
A free call service for older adults who are lonely, isolated, depressed or feeling anxious. The aim is to help elderly who do not have the necessary support system. Oregon, USA.
Loneliness Line
A free call service for older adults who are lonely, isolated, depressed or feeling anxious. The aim is to help elderly who do not have the necessary support system. Oregon, USA.
Behavioral Support for Seniors Program
Treatment center and counseling for behavioral issues in older adults including elderly depression, isolation, loneliness, anxiety and changes in memory or personality. Toronto, Canada. Watch Video
Behavioral Support for Seniors Program
Treatment center and counseling for behavioral issues in older adults including elderly depression, isolation, loneliness, anxiety and changes in memory or personality. Toronto, Canada. Watch Video
End Loneliness
A coalition of organizations and individuals working together to fight elderly loneliness, isolation, depression and to inspire older adults to keep connected and engaged. The campaign website also offers helpful advice for seniors on how to fight elderly loneliness.
United Kingdom.
A coalition of organizations and individuals working together to fight elderly loneliness, isolation, depression and to inspire older adults to keep connected and engaged. The campaign website also offers helpful advice for seniors on how to fight elderly loneliness.
United Kingdom.
Age UK
The Big Chinwag
Campaign to End Loneliness
Age UK's Chinwag Campaign asks citizens to arrange a get-together with friends, family or colleagues, and raise funds to help end loneliness later in life which may lead to elderly isolation or depression. Across the UK.
Campaign to End Loneliness
Age UK's Chinwag Campaign asks citizens to arrange a get-together with friends, family or colleagues, and raise funds to help end loneliness later in life which may lead to elderly isolation or depression. Across the UK.
RISE Campaign
The Rise Campaign works to reduce social isolation and loneliness among older adults by increasing awareness, education and partnering with the community.
Across Canada.
The Rise Campaign works to reduce social isolation and loneliness among older adults by increasing awareness, education and partnering with the community.
Across Canada.
The Cares Family
An intergenerational social program bringing together young professionals and older adults to reduce isolation in two at-risk groups for loneliness. United Kingdom.
Watch Video
An intergenerational social program bringing together young professionals and older adults to reduce isolation in two at-risk groups for loneliness. United Kingdom.
Watch Video
The Village Connector Experience
An outreach service by trained ambassadors to provide social support for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. The program aims to reduce social isolation and encourage older adults to engage in calls and activities with ambassadors, friends, family and those with similar interests and connect with the community. USA.
An outreach service by trained ambassadors to provide social support for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. The program aims to reduce social isolation and encourage older adults to engage in calls and activities with ambassadors, friends, family and those with similar interests and connect with the community. USA.
National Council on Aging COVID-19 Response Fund
Funding grants for organizations that are helping to serve older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. NCOA aims to raise donations that will help seniors stay safe and healthy in their own homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. USA.
Funding grants for organizations that are helping to serve older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. NCOA aims to raise donations that will help seniors stay safe and healthy in their own homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. USA.
Social Bridging Project
Phone calls are made to reach
out to older adults who are isolating at home to help prevent the effects of social distancing. Seniors who feel alone and isolated are provided moral support and information on how to get resources and help. California, USA.
Phone calls are made to reach
out to older adults who are isolating at home to help prevent the effects of social distancing. Seniors who feel alone and isolated are provided moral support and information on how to get resources and help. California, USA.
COVID-19 Mutual Aid UK
A worldwide map listing community groups organizing mutual aid during the Covid-19 pandemic. The goal is to make it easy to find resources, connect people, help support those in need, and to fight social justice during the coronavirus pandemic. Online
Watch Video
A worldwide map listing community groups organizing mutual aid during the Covid-19 pandemic. The goal is to make it easy to find resources, connect people, help support those in need, and to fight social justice during the coronavirus pandemic. Online
Watch Video
Support services for older adults and connections to community resources including supportive housing, befriending and assistive technology. Ireland.
Support services for older adults and connections to community resources including supportive housing, befriending and assistive technology. Ireland.
Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health
The coalition advocates for issues affecting the mental health of older adults.
The coalition advocates for issues affecting the mental health of older adults.
Social Isolation and Loneliness Outreach Toolkit
An outreach toolkit to help reduce social isolation and loneliness in older adults developed by the National Institute on Aging. USA.
Watch Video
An outreach toolkit to help reduce social isolation and loneliness in older adults developed by the National Institute on Aging. USA.
Watch Video
Guide to Measuring Loneliness
A guide to different scales that measure loneliness in older age. The guide helps service providers, organizations and others to better understand and measure loneliness and social isolation in older adults.
United Kingdom.
A guide to different scales that measure loneliness in older age. The guide helps service providers, organizations and others to better understand and measure loneliness and social isolation in older adults.
United Kingdom.
Elderly Suicide Prevention Programs
Center for Elderly Suicide Prevention & Grief Counseling Program
Providing seniors in San Francisco, CA with an elderly suicide prevention crisis line, compassionate therapy, counseling, crisis intervention, hope, and a connection.
Watch Video
Providing seniors in San Francisco, CA with an elderly suicide prevention crisis line, compassionate therapy, counseling, crisis intervention, hope, and a connection.
Watch Video
Suicide Prevention Assessment Resource Kit Program
Helping staff in senior facilities, nursing homes, assisted living and residential care facilities recognize the warning signs that can lead to elderly suicide.Across the USA at participating organizations.
Helping staff in senior facilities, nursing homes, assisted living and residential care facilities recognize the warning signs that can lead to elderly suicide.Across the USA at participating organizations.
Elderly Asian Women Suicide Prevention Workshop Program
Campaign to raise awareness about suicide risk for Asian elderly women who have the highest suicide rate among all female groups over age 75 in the U.S. Program based in New York. Watch Video
Campaign to raise awareness about suicide risk for Asian elderly women who have the highest suicide rate among all female groups over age 75 in the U.S. Program based in New York. Watch Video
Suicide Prevention in the Elderly Task Force Program
An International task force on elderly suicide prevention by the International Suicide Prevention Association (IASP)and the World Health Organization (WHO) Internationally Accessible.
An International task force on elderly suicide prevention by the International Suicide Prevention Association (IASP)and the World Health Organization (WHO) Internationally Accessible.
Elderly Suicide Prevention & Awareness Campaign Program
Suicide prevention and awareness campaign targeting the elderly and their caregivers. In Mississippi, USA.
Watch Video
Suicide prevention and awareness campaign targeting the elderly and their caregivers. In Mississippi, USA.
Watch Video
Tennessee Older Adult Suicide Prevention Plan Program
Strategies and more to prevent elderly suicide in Tennessee.
Strategies and more to prevent elderly suicide in Tennessee.
Late Life Suicide Prevention Toolkit Program
An older adult suicide prevention toolkit health care providers and information for families of seniors who are at risk for suicide. Available
Across Canada.
An older adult suicide prevention toolkit health care providers and information for families of seniors who are at risk for suicide. Available
Across Canada.
Outreach Befriending Service for Elderly
Serving elderly who are suicidal by befriending them, providing check-in service and assisting them in regaining control of their emotions so that they may find the will to live on.
Hong Kong, China.
Serving elderly who are suicidal by befriending them, providing check-in service and assisting them in regaining control of their emotions so that they may find the will to live on.
Hong Kong, China.
The Institute on Aging’s 24-Hour Toll-Free Friendship Line
A crisis line to support isolated, lonely, depressed or suicidal older adults. USA.
Watch Video
A crisis line to support isolated, lonely, depressed or suicidal older adults. USA.
Watch Video
Elderly Drug Abuse Programs
Odyssey House Elder Drug Abuse
In house drug abuse program and treatment for elderly drug and alcohol abusers in New York. Watch Video
In house drug abuse program and treatment for elderly drug and alcohol abusers in New York. Watch Video
Older Adult
Elder drug abuse program treating seniors with addiction to alcohol or other drugs. Treatment program is available to seniors in Hemet Valley, California. Watch Video
Elder drug abuse program treating seniors with addiction to alcohol or other drugs. Treatment program is available to seniors in Hemet Valley, California. Watch Video
Community Outreach in Programs Addictions College
A elderly drug abuse and other addictions program held anywhere from long-term care facilities, senior drop in centers and more with a full curriculum and graduation for older adults with addictions. In Toronto, Canada.
A elderly drug abuse and other addictions program held anywhere from long-term care facilities, senior drop in centers and more with a full curriculum and graduation for older adults with addictions. In Toronto, Canada.
Curry Senior Center Substance Abuse Program
Counselors provide mental health services for seniors dealing with drug and substance abuse, along with psychosocial challenges such as aging and disability, grief and loss, and depression.
San Francisco, California, USA, Watch Video
Counselors provide mental health services for seniors dealing with drug and substance abuse, along with psychosocial challenges such as aging and disability, grief and loss, and depression.
San Francisco, California, USA, Watch Video
Addiction Treatment for Older Adults
Program to help treat substance abuse in older adults, provide early intervention, treatment and relapse prevention. Pennsylvania. USA.
Watch Video
Addiction Treatment for Older Adults
Program to help treat substance abuse in older adults, provide early intervention, treatment and relapse prevention. Pennsylvania. USA.
Watch Video
Hazelden Betty Ford Addiction Treatment for Older Adults
A substance abuse program for older adults providing treatment and help addressing unique needs older adults may have in drug rehabilitation and recovery. Florida, USA.
Watch Video
A substance abuse program for older adults providing treatment and help addressing unique needs older adults may have in drug rehabilitation and recovery. Florida, USA.
Watch Video
Senior Medical Health Programs
HIV Prevention - Wisdom for Older Women
Prevention & outreach senior health program for elderly women with AIDS. Based in Kansas City, USA.
Prevention & outreach senior health program for elderly women with AIDS. Based in Kansas City, USA.
Senior HIV
The "Condom Granny" promotes senior health by taking the stigma out of talking about sex and elderly HIV in
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Watch Video
The "Condom Granny" promotes senior health by taking the stigma out of talking about sex and elderly HIV in
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Watch Video
Medical Equipment Lending
Senior health program where seniors can check out free medical equipment for short-term use. In Arlington Heights, Illinois, USA.
Senior health program where seniors can check out free medical equipment for short-term use. In Arlington Heights, Illinois, USA.
Self-Management Program
Arhtritis classes giving back the power to seniors with arthritis through a self-management program that helps handle the day-to-day challenges of arthritis. Across the United States and Canada.
Self-Management Program
Arhtritis classes giving back the power to seniors with arthritis through a self-management program that helps handle the day-to-day challenges of arthritis. Across the United States and Canada.
Chronic Disease
Self-Management Program
Communication and coping tools for seniors managing chronic disease and health conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, asthma, cancer, heart disease and more. Across the USA at participating facilities.
Self-Management Program
Communication and coping tools for seniors managing chronic disease and health conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, asthma, cancer, heart disease and more. Across the USA at participating facilities.
EyeCare America
Seniors Eyecare
Provides seniors with free eye exams and eye care if they qualify so that they can prevent or treat eye diseases such as Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Cataracts, Diabetic Neuropathy and more. Across the USA.
Seniors Eyecare
Provides seniors with free eye exams and eye care if they qualify so that they can prevent or treat eye diseases such as Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Cataracts, Diabetic Neuropathy and more. Across the USA.
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Program
A safe place for individuals to dispose of expired, unwanted and unused prescription drugs.
Program available accross the USA and Carribbean.
Watch Video
A safe place for individuals to dispose of expired, unwanted and unused prescription drugs.
Program available accross the USA and Carribbean.
Watch Video
Don't Dump Drugs
Down Drains
Volunteers collect medications from the homes of seniors for safe disposal promoting senior health. In Santa Clara County, California, USA.
Down Drains
Volunteers collect medications from the homes of seniors for safe disposal promoting senior health. In Santa Clara County, California, USA.
National Caucus & Center on Black Aged Health and Wellness
Promoting African American senior health by increasing awareness and education of proper elderly nutrition, fitness and physical activity, and early detection and screening of disease. Washington, D.C. U.S.A.
Promoting African American senior health by increasing awareness and education of proper elderly nutrition, fitness and physical activity, and early detection and screening of disease. Washington, D.C. U.S.A.
Senior Friendship
Free senior health care services are provided by volunteer or retired doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses and other health professionals to thousands of uninsured or low income seniors in Florida, USA. Watch Video
Senior Friendship
Free senior health care services are provided by volunteer or retired doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses and other health professionals to thousands of uninsured or low income seniors in Florida, USA. Watch Video
Yad Sarah
The largest voluntary organization in Israel providing free or low-cost services and medical equipment for the elderly, sick, or disabled and their families.The aim is to keep the ill and the elderly in their homes and out of institutions as long as possible. Israel.
Watch Video
The largest voluntary organization in Israel providing free or low-cost services and medical equipment for the elderly, sick, or disabled and their families.The aim is to keep the ill and the elderly in their homes and out of institutions as long as possible. Israel.
Watch Video
Federation for
Aging Research
The American Federation for Aging Research supports and advances healthy aging through biomedical research. The federation also supports training of new scientists and physicians in geriatric research and geriatric medicine which will lead to a greater understanding of the aging process and improve the health of aging Americans.
Across the USA.
Federation for
Aging Research
The American Federation for Aging Research supports and advances healthy aging through biomedical research. The federation also supports training of new scientists and physicians in geriatric research and geriatric medicine which will lead to a greater understanding of the aging process and improve the health of aging Americans.
Across the USA.
Home Instead
Center for
Successful Aging
The Home Instead Center for Successful Aging provides senior services such as primary medical care, a Geriatric medicine and psychiatry clinic, a Geriatric assessment program, a wellness clinic for health screenings and senior nutrition services and research and clinical trial programs along with community education and an outreach center. Nebraska USA. Watch Video
Center for
Successful Aging
The Home Instead Center for Successful Aging provides senior services such as primary medical care, a Geriatric medicine and psychiatry clinic, a Geriatric assessment program, a wellness clinic for health screenings and senior nutrition services and research and clinical trial programs along with community education and an outreach center. Nebraska USA. Watch Video
Wisdom Tooth Project
Free or discounted dental care for older adults. The program also provides education on oral health related topics. The aim is to provide older adults and their caregivers with affordable dental care providers and oral health support.
Across the USA.
Watch Video
Free or discounted dental care for older adults. The program also provides education on oral health related topics. The aim is to provide older adults and their caregivers with affordable dental care providers and oral health support.
Across the USA.
Watch Video
Dental Lifeline Network
Provides free and discounted dental care services to people with disabilities, the elderly or the medically fragile who have no access to dental care. Based in Denver, Colorado.
Available across the USA.
Watch Video
Provides free and discounted dental care services to people with disabilities, the elderly or the medically fragile who have no access to dental care. Based in Denver, Colorado.
Available across the USA.
Watch Video
AUDIENT Alliance
Provides free or low cost hearing aids and hearing aid services to low income seniors, those on fixed-incomes and others so that they no longer have to suffer from uncorrected hearing loss. USA
Provides free or low cost hearing aids and hearing aid services to low income seniors, those on fixed-incomes and others so that they no longer have to suffer from uncorrected hearing loss. USA
Hear Now
Hear Now helps low-income seniors and others who are deaf or suffer from hearing loss to receive free or discounted hearing aids. Across the USA and Internationally.
Watch Video
Hear Now helps low-income seniors and others who are deaf or suffer from hearing loss to receive free or discounted hearing aids. Across the USA and Internationally.
Watch Video
Lions Affordable
Hearing Aid Project
Older adults and others may receive free or low-cost donated hearing aids based on income. The Lions Club is helping to provide healthcare to seniors by offering free or low-cost hearing aids to older adults in need with the aim of improving overall health and well-being in communities. Across the USA. Watch Video
Hearing Aid Project
Older adults and others may receive free or low-cost donated hearing aids based on income. The Lions Club is helping to provide healthcare to seniors by offering free or low-cost hearing aids to older adults in need with the aim of improving overall health and well-being in communities. Across the USA. Watch Video
The National
Hearing Aid Project
The National Hearing Aid Project provides free and low cost hearing aids to those in need and encourages individuals and groups to increase awareness of hearing loss by hosting fundraising events through the Celebrate Sound program. The program helps older adults and others with hearing loss afford quality hearing aids and receive hearing related health services such professional consultations, hearing aid fittings, hearing tests and more.
Across the USA. Watch Video
Hearing Aid Project
The National Hearing Aid Project provides free and low cost hearing aids to those in need and encourages individuals and groups to increase awareness of hearing loss by hosting fundraising events through the Celebrate Sound program. The program helps older adults and others with hearing loss afford quality hearing aids and receive hearing related health services such professional consultations, hearing aid fittings, hearing tests and more.
Across the USA. Watch Video
The Miracle-Ear Foundation
Provides free or discounted hearing aid assistance to individuals with limited financial resources. To help those with hearing loss afford the cost of hearing aids.
Across the USA.Watch Video
Provides free or discounted hearing aid assistance to individuals with limited financial resources. To help those with hearing loss afford the cost of hearing aids.
Across the USA.Watch Video
National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics
Provides access to free healthcare, doctor visits, medical care, lab work, vision care, dental care, prescriptions, immunizations, social services, behavioral health services and more for older adults and others who are not able to afford healthcare. Across the USA.
Watch Video
Provides access to free healthcare, doctor visits, medical care, lab work, vision care, dental care, prescriptions, immunizations, social services, behavioral health services and more for older adults and others who are not able to afford healthcare. Across the USA.
Watch Video
Teladoc Health
Telehealth service which allows doctor visits through video or phone chats. USA
Watch Video
Telehealth service which allows doctor visits through video or phone chats. USA
Watch Video
Doctor visits through mobile app, video or phone allowing convenient health care at home or other location of choice. Across the USA.
Watch Video
Doctor visits through mobile app, video or phone allowing convenient health care at home or other location of choice. Across the USA.
Watch Video
Doctor On Demand
Online video chat doctor appointments through smartphone tablet or computer for urgent care, mental health issues, preventative care and chronic conditions.
Across USA. Watch Video
Online video chat doctor appointments through smartphone tablet or computer for urgent care, mental health issues, preventative care and chronic conditions.
Across USA. Watch Video
Patients can see Doctors online by using a smart phone, tablet or computer providing convenient access to general healthcare visits. Maple. Canada. Watch Video
Patients can see Doctors online by using a smart phone, tablet or computer providing convenient access to general healthcare visits. Maple. Canada. Watch Video
Online video Doctor visit through smartphone or tablet
providing easier, more convenient access to health care visits without long waits.
United Kingdom.
Watch Video
Online video Doctor visit through smartphone or tablet
providing easier, more convenient access to health care visits without long waits.
United Kingdom.
Watch Video
LiveHealth Online
Anthem Blue Cross
Blue Shield, Empire
Patients have access to doctor video visits available to Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield and Empire Blue Cross members.
Select States in USA.
Watch Video
Anthem Blue Cross
Blue Shield, Empire
Patients have access to doctor video visits available to Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield and Empire Blue Cross members.
Select States in USA.
Watch Video
Senior Care Pharmacists
Consultant pharmacists serving older adults in order to educate seniors and caregivers about medication safety and usage. USA. Watch Video
Consultant pharmacists serving older adults in order to educate seniors and caregivers about medication safety and usage. USA. Watch Video
British Geriatrics Society Coronavirus for Older People Guide
Advice and guidelines for healthcare professionals on how to approach Coronavirus with respect to older people. Healthcare providers such as Geriatricians, Nurses, GPs, Psychiatrists, and other healthcare professionals are provided training on how to care for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Online.
Watch Video
Advice and guidelines for healthcare professionals on how to approach Coronavirus with respect to older people. Healthcare providers such as Geriatricians, Nurses, GPs, Psychiatrists, and other healthcare professionals are provided training on how to care for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Online.
Watch Video
Alaska Native and American Indian Elder Program
Provides senior health care services to Alaska Native and American Indian older adults including in-home support, information, referrals, meals, transportation along with traditional tribal storytelling as a form of wellness and healing. Alaska, USA. Watch Video
Provides senior health care services to Alaska Native and American Indian older adults including in-home support, information, referrals, meals, transportation along with traditional tribal storytelling as a form of wellness and healing. Alaska, USA. Watch Video
Health Needs Assessment Native American Aging
Health needs assessment survey to determine the healthcare needs of Native older adults. The program aims to address the health care disparities which exist for Native Elders and to provide older adults with improved quality of life. North Dakota, USA. Watch Video
Health needs assessment survey to determine the healthcare needs of Native older adults. The program aims to address the health care disparities which exist for Native Elders and to provide older adults with improved quality of life. North Dakota, USA. Watch Video
Gary and Mary West Senior Emergency Care Unit UC San Diego Health
An emergency department specialized in geriatric care. The department is equipped to address the specific healthcare needs of seniors, provide person-centered care, and aims to reduce hospital visits and readmissions.
San Diego, California, USA.
Watch Video
An emergency department specialized in geriatric care. The department is equipped to address the specific healthcare needs of seniors, provide person-centered care, and aims to reduce hospital visits and readmissions.
San Diego, California, USA.
Watch Video allows users to compare prescription prices at pharmacies for savings in addition to comparing on-demand doctor visits, eye exams, dental exams online at different health care providers. Online. Watch Video allows users to compare prescription prices at pharmacies for savings in addition to comparing on-demand doctor visits, eye exams, dental exams online at different health care providers. Online. Watch Video
Blink RX
Online pharmacy offering cheaper prescription drug prices negotiated with major pharmacies along with free home delivery or option to pick up. The aim is to help seniors and others find the lowest priced prescriptions and save on healthcare costs. USA.
Watch Video
Online pharmacy offering cheaper prescription drug prices negotiated with major pharmacies along with free home delivery or option to pick up. The aim is to help seniors and others find the lowest priced prescriptions and save on healthcare costs. USA.
Watch Video
Good RX
Reliable online pharmacy that negotiates with major pharmacies to offer cheaper prescription drug prices. Good RX is a discount prescription site that helps seniors and others find the lowest priced prescriptions and save on healthcare costs.
Online Watch Video
Reliable online pharmacy that negotiates with major pharmacies to offer cheaper prescription drug prices. Good RX is a discount prescription site that helps seniors and others find the lowest priced prescriptions and save on healthcare costs.
Online Watch Video is a reliable licensed online pharmacy that provides seniors and others with prescription medications and over-the-counter healthcare products at discounted and competitive prices for free home delivery.
Online.USA. Watch Video is a reliable licensed online pharmacy that provides seniors and others with prescription medications and over-the-counter healthcare products at discounted and competitive prices for free home delivery.
Online.USA. Watch Video
Licensed non-profit, online pharmacy offering free delivery of affordable discounted prescription medications and a list of free medications to low-income individuals and those in need. Across the USA.
Watch Video
Licensed non-profit, online pharmacy offering free delivery of affordable discounted prescription medications and a list of free medications to low-income individuals and those in need. Across the USA.
Watch Video
Senior Health Insurance Benefits Programs
Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy (HICAP) Program
Counselors give seniors free Medicare counseling and health insurance benefits educational presentations in California.
Counselors give seniors free Medicare counseling and health insurance benefits educational presentations in California.
Helps seniors to receive any eligible government health insurance benefits and other benefits that they are entitled to receive such as heating and energy to prescription savings, income supplements, housing, in-home care, employment, tax relief and more. Across the USA. Watch Video
Helps seniors to receive any eligible government health insurance benefits and other benefits that they are entitled to receive such as heating and energy to prescription savings, income supplements, housing, in-home care, employment, tax relief and more. Across the USA. Watch Video
Long Term Care Insurance
Long term health care insurance helps cover expenses for services for which most health plans and Medicare provide only limited if any coverage. Across the USA and Canada.
Long term health care insurance helps cover expenses for services for which most health plans and Medicare provide only limited if any coverage. Across the USA and Canada.
Aid & Attendance Benefit or Housebound Benefit Program
War Veterans Aid and Attendance benefit or Housebound health insurance benefit paid in addition to monthly pension. Across the USA.Watch NBC Video from Trading Places - Aging Parents Series
War Veterans Aid and Attendance benefit or Housebound health insurance benefit paid in addition to monthly pension. Across the USA.Watch NBC Video from Trading Places - Aging Parents Series
Veterans Benefits
Talk Radio
Talk radio show that informs Veterans, Military personnel, and their dependants about eligible health benefits and discusses any recent developments concerning benefits, and referrals for assistance in filing benefit. Across the USA.
Talk Radio
Talk radio show that informs Veterans, Military personnel, and their dependants about eligible health benefits and discusses any recent developments concerning benefits, and referrals for assistance in filing benefit. Across the USA.
Lifestyle Solutions
Radio program that provides information on senior health, senior nutrition, retirement, pensions, Social Security, VA benefits, and community programs for aging Americans. Available free online.
Radio program that provides information on senior health, senior nutrition, retirement, pensions, Social Security, VA benefits, and community programs for aging Americans. Available free online. Program
Online tools to help seniors compare Medicare insurance plans. To help simplify the complicated process of navigating health care plans and Medicare options. To help senior beneficiaries decide what the best individual Medicare plan is that will provide healthcare coverage and save money.
United States. Watch Video
Online tools to help seniors compare Medicare insurance plans. To help simplify the complicated process of navigating health care plans and Medicare options. To help senior beneficiaries decide what the best individual Medicare plan is that will provide healthcare coverage and save money.
United States. Watch Video
State Health Insurance Assistance (SHIP) Program
A national program that offers one-on-one Medicare counseling and assistance to individuals and their families. The SHIP program aims to help seniors better understand their health care benefit options and make informed decisions regarding their personal situation.
Across the USA.
A national program that offers one-on-one Medicare counseling and assistance to individuals and their families. The SHIP program aims to help seniors better understand their health care benefit options and make informed decisions regarding their personal situation.
Across the USA.
Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders (SHINE) Program
A free health insurance benefits advice program for seniors. Trained volunteers can help seniors with Medicare, Medicaid, and other health insurance questions by providing one-on-one counseling and information.
Florida, USA. Watch Video
A free health insurance benefits advice program for seniors. Trained volunteers can help seniors with Medicare, Medicaid, and other health insurance questions by providing one-on-one counseling and information.
Florida, USA. Watch Video
Community Health Advocates
An innovative resource that helps seniors and others learn about their health care benefit options by providing one on one counseling and educational presentations to underserved communities.
New York, NY, USA.
An innovative resource that helps seniors and others learn about their health care benefit options by providing one on one counseling and educational presentations to underserved communities.
New York, NY, USA.
Senior Citizens Law Center
The National Senior Citizens Law Center provides advocacy, litigation, education and counseling to ensure access to health care benefits along with the economic security of older adults who are on limited incomes. Based in Washington, DC., and California, USA. Watch Video
Senior Citizens Law Center
The National Senior Citizens Law Center provides advocacy, litigation, education and counseling to ensure access to health care benefits along with the economic security of older adults who are on limited incomes. Based in Washington, DC., and California, USA. Watch Video
Payingfor and the Eldercare Financial Resource Locator Tool are targeted resources to help pay for long-term senior care and senior health care. Online. Programs Across USA. and the Eldercare Financial Resource Locator Tool are targeted resources to help pay for long-term senior care and senior health care. Online. Programs Across USA.
Partnership for Prescription Assistance
Helps connect uninsured and underinsured or those without prescription drug coverage to free or discounted prescription drug programs.
Across the USA.
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Helps connect uninsured and underinsured or those without prescription drug coverage to free or discounted prescription drug programs.
Across the USA.
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Justice in Aging
Provides advocacy, training, and litigation to fight senior poverty in the areas of health care benefits and economic security. California, USA.
Provides advocacy, training, and litigation to fight senior poverty in the areas of health care benefits and economic security. California, USA.
Medi-Cal Free Dental Program
Free or low-cost dental coverage for older adults and others who receive Medi‑Cal, California’s Medicaid program. The program aims to promote and maintain good dental health, hygiene and care for older adults who are susceptible to increased oral health problems as they age.
California, USA. Watch Video
Free or low-cost dental coverage for older adults and others who receive Medi‑Cal, California’s Medicaid program. The program aims to promote and maintain good dental health, hygiene and care for older adults who are susceptible to increased oral health problems as they age.
California, USA. Watch Video
Senior Hunger, Elderly Nutrition and Senior Meal Delivery Programs
Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition
A Federal and State funded program providing discounts to low-income seniors to buy locally grown fruits and vegetables promoting healthy elderly nutrition. Across the USA. Watch Video
A Federal and State funded program providing discounts to low-income seniors to buy locally grown fruits and vegetables promoting healthy elderly nutrition. Across the USA. Watch Video
Feed Me Fresh
An intergenerational program linking seniors of an adult day care with the children of a child care center next door to maintain a fresh vegetable garden promoting proper elderly and childhood nutrition along with other intergenerational activities.
In New York, USA.
An intergenerational program linking seniors of an adult day care with the children of a child care center next door to maintain a fresh vegetable garden promoting proper elderly and childhood nutrition along with other intergenerational activities.
In New York, USA.
Cooking Under Pressure Program
Free guide to help seniors and caregivers prepare senior meals, including warning signs of senior malnutrition, top staple foods to keep on hand, grocery shopping tips and recipies. Across the USA and Handbook Available for download.
Free guide to help seniors and caregivers prepare senior meals, including warning signs of senior malnutrition, top staple foods to keep on hand, grocery shopping tips and recipies. Across the USA and Handbook Available for download.
Comfort Keepers
STOP Senior Hunger Campaign Program
Educating seniors, their caregivers and families to watch for signs of elderly malnutrition and senior hunger. Across the USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia,New Zealand and Singapore,
Watch Video.
STOP Senior Hunger Campaign Program
Educating seniors, their caregivers and families to watch for signs of elderly malnutrition and senior hunger. Across the USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia,New Zealand and Singapore,
Watch Video.
Healthy Eating
Seniors Handbook
A 200 page guide on elderly nutrition put together with the help of dietitians, senior focus groups and the Government of British Columbia. Available in English and culturally adapted and translated into Chinese, Punjabi and French. In British Columbia. Canada.
Seniors Handbook
A 200 page guide on elderly nutrition put together with the help of dietitians, senior focus groups and the Government of British Columbia. Available in English and culturally adapted and translated into Chinese, Punjabi and French. In British Columbia. Canada.
Senior Connections Home Delivery Meals for Seniors Program
Meals on Wheels program providing nutritious, home delivered daily meals to seniors throughout the Atlanta area along with nutrition counseling services and a congregate family style meal program to serve senior facilities such as nursing home facilities, assisted living, senior housing, and senior daycare. Georgia, USA. Watch Video
Meals on Wheels program providing nutritious, home delivered daily meals to seniors throughout the Atlanta area along with nutrition counseling services and a congregate family style meal program to serve senior facilities such as nursing home facilities, assisted living, senior housing, and senior daycare. Georgia, USA. Watch Video
Kosher Meals for the Homebound
Kosher senior meals are delivered to the homes of Jewish elderly and all others by DOROT in New York.
Kosher senior meals are delivered to the homes of Jewish elderly and all others by DOROT in New York.
Meals on Wheels
Pledge to End
Senior Hunger Program
Meals On Wheels Association of America pledge to end senior hunger by the year 2020. Campaign activities include: volunteering, increasing awareness about the problem of senior hunger in America, making donations to help with senior meals, or providing ideas about how to end senior hunger.
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Pledge to End
Senior Hunger Program
Meals On Wheels Association of America pledge to end senior hunger by the year 2020. Campaign activities include: volunteering, increasing awareness about the problem of senior hunger in America, making donations to help with senior meals, or providing ideas about how to end senior hunger.
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Drive to End
Senior Hunger Program
AARP campaign to increase awareness on the issue of senior hunger with the aim to help end hunger among older adults in the United States. To end senior hunger by looking for long-term solutions by partnering with corporations, researchers and non-profits. and to help seniors apply for eligible benefits such as the Federal government's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP.) Across the USA. Watch Video
Drive to End
Senior Hunger Program
AARP campaign to increase awareness on the issue of senior hunger with the aim to help end hunger among older adults in the United States. To end senior hunger by looking for long-term solutions by partnering with corporations, researchers and non-profits. and to help seniors apply for eligible benefits such as the Federal government's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP.) Across the USA. Watch Video
National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs
The National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) provides seniors with healthy meals through senior sites across the USA. The programs work to improve elderly nutrition, combat senior hunger and provide training for those working with seniors.
Across the USA.
The National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) provides seniors with healthy meals through senior sites across the USA. The programs work to improve elderly nutrition, combat senior hunger and provide training for those working with seniors.
Across the USA.
National Foundation to End Senior Hunger Programs
A research and grassroots organization that works to find solutions to end senior hunger in America. The aim is to address the short-term and long-term economic, health, environmental, and social implications of senior hunger.
Across the USA.
A research and grassroots organization that works to find solutions to end senior hunger in America. The aim is to address the short-term and long-term economic, health, environmental, and social implications of senior hunger.
Across the USA.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Food Stamps
A Government Program that offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families in the United States. SNAP helps prevent hunger and malnutrition by providing food stamps. The SNAP program helps low-income seniors and others to access nutritious food. Across the USA.
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A Government Program that offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families in the United States. SNAP helps prevent hunger and malnutrition by providing food stamps. The SNAP program helps low-income seniors and others to access nutritious food. Across the USA.
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Meals on Wheels
Response Fund
The Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund raises money through donations to help Meals on Wheels programs across the country meet the increased demand for nutritious in-home senior meal delivery and check-ins during the COVID-19 pandemic. USA.
Response Fund
The Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund raises money through donations to help Meals on Wheels programs across the country meet the increased demand for nutritious in-home senior meal delivery and check-ins during the COVID-19 pandemic. USA.
Free grocery and supply delivery for elderly and at-risk individuals who are unable or do not want to risk going shopping for essentials items during the COVID-19 pandemic. USA.
Free grocery and supply delivery for elderly and at-risk individuals who are unable or do not want to risk going shopping for essentials items during the COVID-19 pandemic. USA.
Feeding America
Senior Hunger
A hunger relief organization providing American seniors with access to food to prevent food insecurity and malnutrition among older adults.
Across the USA.
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Senior Hunger
A hunger relief organization providing American seniors with access to food to prevent food insecurity and malnutrition among older adults.
Across the USA.
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Providing senior citizens with donated food, nutrition and personal hygiene items so that they do not suffer neglect. India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan
Providing senior citizens with donated food, nutrition and personal hygiene items so that they do not suffer neglect. India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan
Adopt-A-Native Elder
The adopting a Native American Indian program helps to prevent self neglect of native elderly by providing food, medicine, clothing, fabric, and yarns to help the Navajo (Dine) People elders who live on the land in their traditional lifestyle in Utah.
The adopting a Native American Indian program helps to prevent self neglect of native elderly by providing food, medicine, clothing, fabric, and yarns to help the Navajo (Dine) People elders who live on the land in their traditional lifestyle in Utah.
Heart of Dinner
Free weekly delivery of hot meals, fresh groceries, pantry essentials, and bulk ingredients to the homes of Asian elderly. Heart of Dinner aims to fight food insecurity, senior hunger and senior isolation in the Asian community.
New York City, NY, USA.
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Free weekly delivery of hot meals, fresh groceries, pantry essentials, and bulk ingredients to the homes of Asian elderly. Heart of Dinner aims to fight food insecurity, senior hunger and senior isolation in the Asian community.
New York City, NY, USA.
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Turbans 4 Australia Disaster and Crisis Relief
Provides elderly and others with hot meal delivery, food hampers, water and clothing in times of crisis. The program aims to ensure that no isolated elderly person goes hungry or without basic necessities during a disaster or crisis. Australia.
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Provides elderly and others with hot meal delivery, food hampers, water and clothing in times of crisis. The program aims to ensure that no isolated elderly person goes hungry or without basic necessities during a disaster or crisis. Australia.
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Elderly Exercise Programs
Active Generations CATCH Healthy Habits Program
Elderly exercise program for seniors volunteers to help fight childhood obesity while being active themselves.
Multiple Locations in the USA and expanding including St. Louis, MO San Diego Escondido, CA Las Vegas, NV Los Angeles & Long Beach, CA Indianapolis, IN Atlanta, GA New York, NY Portland, ME Richmond, VA Hartford, CT Cleveland, OH Albany, NY Denver, CO Madison, WI Louisville, KY Manchester, NH.
Elderly exercise program for seniors volunteers to help fight childhood obesity while being active themselves.
Multiple Locations in the USA and expanding including St. Louis, MO San Diego Escondido, CA Las Vegas, NV Los Angeles & Long Beach, CA Indianapolis, IN Atlanta, GA New York, NY Portland, ME Richmond, VA Hartford, CT Cleveland, OH Albany, NY Denver, CO Madison, WI Louisville, KY Manchester, NH.
Silver Sneakers
Helping elderly to maintain an exercise program by providing membership and access to fitness facilities for eligible seniors with medicare or participating health plans. Across the USA.
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Helping elderly to maintain an exercise program by providing membership and access to fitness facilities for eligible seniors with medicare or participating health plans. Across the USA.
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Building Healthy Communities for Active Aging
Environmental Protection Agency program promoting senior friendly neighborhoods (walkable communities designed for the elderly.) Awards those communities that design around senior mobility and access needs so that they can remain independent and physically fit and active.
Across the U.S.A.
Environmental Protection Agency program promoting senior friendly neighborhoods (walkable communities designed for the elderly.) Awards those communities that design around senior mobility and access needs so that they can remain independent and physically fit and active.
Across the U.S.A.
Arthritis Foundation
Walk With Ease
A self guided or group class offering support, information and elderly exercise tools to relieve chronic pain and keep chronic pain suffers moving. Across the USA. Watch Video
Walk With Ease
A self guided or group class offering support, information and elderly exercise tools to relieve chronic pain and keep chronic pain suffers moving. Across the USA. Watch Video
Biking is Back - Older Adult Three - Wheeled Bicycle Program
Free three wheel biking elderly exercise classes for seniors along the Willamette Greenway. Seniors can enjoy a low-impact, outdoor group exercise activity and learn how to use the three wheel bike as a mode of transportation for errands, such as picking up a prescription, or visiting friends and family and just as an overall way of living an independent lifestyle.
Portland, Oregon.
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Free three wheel biking elderly exercise classes for seniors along the Willamette Greenway. Seniors can enjoy a low-impact, outdoor group exercise activity and learn how to use the three wheel bike as a mode of transportation for errands, such as picking up a prescription, or visiting friends and family and just as an overall way of living an independent lifestyle.
Portland, Oregon.
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Oakland Women's Rowing Club
Senior women between the ages of 60 and 80 form a rowing club known as ladies of the lake and enjoy companionship, exercise and tradition.
Oakland, California, USA.
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Senior women between the ages of 60 and 80 form a rowing club known as ladies of the lake and enjoy companionship, exercise and tradition.
Oakland, California, USA.
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The National
Senior Athletes Association
The National Senior Athletes Association provides fitness and athletic programs for older adults so that they can continue to play sports and remain active throughout their lives.
Across the USA.
Senior Athletes Association
The National Senior Athletes Association provides fitness and athletic programs for older adults so that they can continue to play sports and remain active throughout their lives.
Across the USA.
Senior Games Association
The National Senior Games Association is an organization that supports healthy active lifestyles for older adults through education, fitness and sports. The National Senior Games is a competition for men and women 50 and over and is the largest multi-sport event in the world for seniors.
Across the USA.
Senior Games Association
The National Senior Games Association is an organization that supports healthy active lifestyles for older adults through education, fitness and sports. The National Senior Games is a competition for men and women 50 and over and is the largest multi-sport event in the world for seniors.
Across the USA.
Must Have Play
Wellness Playgrounds for Elders
Innovative outdoor wellness playgrounds for seniors incorporating exercise equipment for balance, muscle tone, cardiovascular activity, motor skills, and range of motion. United States, China, Japan, Finland, Germany, Canada, England.
Watch Video.
Wellness Playgrounds for Elders
Innovative outdoor wellness playgrounds for seniors incorporating exercise equipment for balance, muscle tone, cardiovascular activity, motor skills, and range of motion. United States, China, Japan, Finland, Germany, Canada, England.
Watch Video.
Parkour Dance
Forever Young
A senior fitness program combining parkour (obstacle course type movement by using only the human body and ones surroundings) along with dance and yoga. Parkour Dance can provide older people with an innovative, fun form of exercise, self expression and socialization.
London, England.
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Forever Young
A senior fitness program combining parkour (obstacle course type movement by using only the human body and ones surroundings) along with dance and yoga. Parkour Dance can provide older people with an innovative, fun form of exercise, self expression and socialization.
London, England.
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Go4Life is a Federal exercise
and physical activity campaign for older adults 50+. The National Institute on Aging at the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services hopes individuals, families, organizations, and communities can get older adults moving and living a healthier lifestyle. Across the USA.
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Go4Life is a Federal exercise
and physical activity campaign for older adults 50+. The National Institute on Aging at the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services hopes individuals, families, organizations, and communities can get older adults moving and living a healthier lifestyle. Across the USA.
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Nifty After Fifty
A specialized gym for seniors providing fitness classes, equipment and motivation. The focus is to provide a safe and comfortable gym and fitness environment for older adults to maintain or regain their strength, flexibility, balance and mental acuity. Locations across Arizona, California, Nevada, Virginia.
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A specialized gym for seniors providing fitness classes, equipment and motivation. The focus is to provide a safe and comfortable gym and fitness environment for older adults to maintain or regain their strength, flexibility, balance and mental acuity. Locations across Arizona, California, Nevada, Virginia.
Watch Video
Passport for Wellness
Free senior fitness program which combines video episodes of exercises, travelling to different countries and trivia. The programs encourages older adults to stay active while keeping engaged informed and entertained.
USA. Online. Watch Video
Free senior fitness program which combines video episodes of exercises, travelling to different countries and trivia. The programs encourages older adults to stay active while keeping engaged informed and entertained.
USA. Online. Watch Video
HAL Assistive Device
A hybrid assistive device that is attached to the body and helps individuals prop up, stand up, sit down, bend and perform other supportive movements which may otherwise be restricted due to aging or injury. Japan and USA. Watch Video
HAL Assistive Device
A hybrid assistive device that is attached to the body and helps individuals prop up, stand up, sit down, bend and perform other supportive movements which may otherwise be restricted due to aging or injury. Japan and USA. Watch Video
All Terrain Georgia
Free Wheelchair
A free all-terrain electric wheelchair or Action Trackchair for use in state parks for older adults or those with impaired mobility. Off road wheelchairs increase access to nature, trails, fishing and other outdoor activities. Georgia, USA.
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Free Wheelchair
A free all-terrain electric wheelchair or Action Trackchair for use in state parks for older adults or those with impaired mobility. Off road wheelchairs increase access to nature, trails, fishing and other outdoor activities. Georgia, USA.
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Access Ability Wisconsin Free All Terrain Wheelchair
A free all-terrain or off-road wheelchair or Action Trackchair for use by older adults or those with impaired mobility to increase outdoor access Wisconsin, USA. Watch Video
A free all-terrain or off-road wheelchair or Action Trackchair for use by older adults or those with impaired mobility to increase outdoor access Wisconsin, USA. Watch Video
Action Trackchair
A customizable, electric, all-terrain wheelchair/ recreational device for outdoor use that provides older adults, those with limited mobility or disabilities with increased freedom, independence and mobility. Across the USA. Watch Video
A customizable, electric, all-terrain wheelchair/ recreational device for outdoor use that provides older adults, those with limited mobility or disabilities with increased freedom, independence and mobility. Across the USA. Watch Video
Michigan State Parks Free Track Chairs
Free, electric, all-terrain wheelchairs for use at state parks or beaches providing older adults, those with limited mobility or disabilities with increased independence and mobility and access to nature and outdoor activities such as experiencing trails, the beach, fishing and more.
Michigan, USA. Watch Video
Free, electric, all-terrain wheelchairs for use at state parks or beaches providing older adults, those with limited mobility or disabilities with increased independence and mobility and access to nature and outdoor activities such as experiencing trails, the beach, fishing and more.
Michigan, USA. Watch Video
Senior Wellness Programs
Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly Senior Vacation Program
A health and wellness retreat for home-bound seniors to get out of the city and enjoy fresh air and food in good company. Each summer isolated elderly who are living alone or have no family or visitors are treated to week long vacation in a country home in Rochelle, Illinois, USA.
A health and wellness retreat for home-bound seniors to get out of the city and enjoy fresh air and food in good company. Each summer isolated elderly who are living alone or have no family or visitors are treated to week long vacation in a country home in Rochelle, Illinois, USA.
Laughter Yoga Chicago Seniors
Elderly in skilled nursing facilities and assisted living partcipate in laughter yoga session promoting senior wellness and health.
Chicago, USA
Elderly in skilled nursing facilities and assisted living partcipate in laughter yoga session promoting senior wellness and health.
Chicago, USA
Aging with Confidence
Seniors in Ireland are taught how to improve self confidence amidst changes associated with aging. Dublin, Ireland.
Seniors in Ireland are taught how to improve self confidence amidst changes associated with aging. Dublin, Ireland.
Positive Aging
A curriculum training to teach seniors how to balance mind, body, and spirit so that they can increase their quality of life, self-confidence and be more powerful contributors to society. In Georgia USA.
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A curriculum training to teach seniors how to balance mind, body, and spirit so that they can increase their quality of life, self-confidence and be more powerful contributors to society. In Georgia USA.
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Elderly Poverty Programs
Mobile Medicare Units (MMU)
Helping elderly in poverty. Mobile medical vans with doctors, pharmacists and social workers make stops for India's impoverished seniors.
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Helping elderly in poverty. Mobile medical vans with doctors, pharmacists and social workers make stops for India's impoverished seniors.
Watch Video
African American
Helping elderly in poverty by Identifying frail, isolated African American elderly and assisting them in accessing health and social services. In Seattle, WA, USA. Watch Video
Helping elderly in poverty by Identifying frail, isolated African American elderly and assisting them in accessing health and social services. In Seattle, WA, USA. Watch Video
Sustenance for the Grandmother
Sponsor an elderly woman in need (grandmother) in India and provide her with free medical care and support.
Sponsor an elderly woman in need (grandmother) in India and provide her with free medical care and support.
Feeding Seniors in
Indian "Slums"
Provides free food, health care and other basic necessities to senior citizens living in Banglore, India slums.
Indian "Slums"
Provides free food, health care and other basic necessities to senior citizens living in Banglore, India slums.