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WHATProvides free or low cost hearing aids to older adults and others who may not otherwise be able to afford them.
WHY To help provide the gift of hearing and hearing health services to those in need.
WHEREThe National Hearing Aid Project. Hearing Charities of America.
Across the USA.

Program Description

“The National Hearing Aid Project is a unique model and one-of-a-kind collaboration created by Hearing Charities of America. It addresses the increased demand for hearing aids by providing hearing aids to low-income individuals on a national scale.”

“Hearing loss prevention, fundraising and awareness campaigns, putting assistive hearing devices into the hands of low income individuals who need them and supporting those impacted by hearing loss. Hearing Charities of America stands behind programs across the country that make a difference.”

The National Hearing Aid Project works with organizations to provide hearing aids to older adults and others.

The project also accepts donations of used hearing aids, new batteries, cases, and chargers by mail or established hearing aid collection centers around the country.

Hearing Charities of America helps coordinate Celebrate Sound events across the county. Celebrate Sound is a national fundraising opportunity to help promote hearing health and awareness in communities. Groups such as sororities, fraternities, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, charities, chambers and others can organize to raise money to provide hearing aids to seniors and others.

Hearing Charities of America provides tools and supplies for events such as website set up, emails and letters, t-shirts and posters and more. Learn how you can help older adults receive free or low cost hearing aids by visiting Celebrate Sound

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