The Electronic Caregiver is a comprehensive personal medical alert and home safety monitoring system for seniors who are living at home independently and includes: A Master Control Unit, Oversized Medical Alarm Buttons, A Waterproof, Lightweight Bracelet for Seniors to Wear, Inactivity Sensors, Flood Sensors, Monitored Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors To Alert Fire Authorities When Needed.
Checking in Service | Emergency Medical Response
Elderly Driver and Senior Transportation | General Senior Safety |
Home Modification and Home Repair Assistance for Elderly
Checking In Service
Cell Phone Project
Provides free cell phones for seniors that can only be used to call 9-1-1 in case of an emergency. To prevent crimes against seniors and to prevent elder abuse of at-risk seniors by giving them easy and quick access to help. Florida, USA.
Senior Citizen
Cell Program
Police department provides a check in service for seniors through home visits and regular phone calls.
New Delhi, India Watch Video
Check-In Service
Computer generated phone calls are made to check in on seniors directly from family members computers. This check-in service can be used for loved ones who find it difficult to maintain consistent contact or who are concerned about elderly loves ones safety for added security. Ohio, Texas, Massachusetts and multiple states across the USA.
Postal carriers, meter readers and others keep an eye on things while on the job by providing a checking in service to elderly living alone.
Letter Carrier Alert
Due to their regular, daily presence USPS letter carriers watch for signs that something is out of the ordinary with an elderly or disabled person living alone. Letter carriers are trained to look for signs such as accumulating mail and unattended pets at the residences of senior citizens. Across the United States
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Adopt A Senior
Police officers provide a checking in service to help seniors with household chores and/or errands during officer breaks or after their shift ends. Birmingham, Michigan, USA.
Free Senior Cell Phone
Seniors and others on Medicaid, Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8), Home Energy Assistance, Programs Food Stamps/SNAP, General Assistance, or below the poverty line, can apply to qualify for a free cell phone and free cell service. So that seniors can have access to free telecommunications for checking in, for safety or personal use. Available in most locations across the United States. Watch Video
Free Senior Cell Phone
Free senior cell phone and 250 free minutes every month. Seniors can benefit from receiving a free cell phone to ensure safety, make emergency 911 calls or just to stay in touch with family and friends. Open to seniors and others Across the USA.
Senior Cell Phone
Just5 is an ideal senior cell phone and cell phone service due to it's 'senior friendly' features and design. Just5 aims to provide seniors who have vision impairments, manual dexterity issues and hearing impairments with a reliable, suitable cell phone. The senior cell phone also adds to senior safety by acting as an emergency response system.
USA, Canada, Across Europe. Watch Video
CareCheckers provides daily check-in or reassurance calls, medicine reminders and social interaction to seniors. The service helps isolated seniors by providing them with a meaningful, regular connection, which can help prevent loneliness and provide peace of mind, safety and security. Across USA.
A free phone with a large screen that displays written captions of what callers say in addition to providing amplified sound. The phone is free to those who qualify with the help of funding through the Federal Communications Commission and helps older adults who are deaf or experiencing hearing loss to stay safely connected with friends and family members. Across the USA. Watch Video
Provides older adults with easy to use cell phones and emergency response services through a senior care call center. GreatCall aims to provide seniors with safety and independence, and to provide family and caregivers with remote monitoring, regular alerts and peace of mind. USA.
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Qualifying low-income seniors and others can receive free cell phones and free cell services. The service is provided based on qualification of the FCC Lifeline Program which aims to provide low-income older adults and others with safety, security and equal opportunities. Across the USA.
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Qualifying low-income seniors and other can receive free cell phones, unlimited Talk & Text and free limited international calling. Across the USA.
Free call captioning phone and service providing real-time display of caller’s words during phone conversations on landlines, cell/mobile phones, tablets, or internet phones. Large print words or captions of a caller’s conversation can help older adults or those with hearing loss stay connected, safe and avoid social isolation.
Across the USA. Watch Video
Emergency Medical Response
Senior's vital information is kept in a clear bag with a red sticker for first responders to refer to in an emergency. Important health information including social security number, date of birth, current medical conditions, medications, allergies, insurance information, emergency contact information, doctor’s contact information. If emergency response by first responders is required important information is easily accessible. Implemented Across the USA by Hospitals, firefighters, paramedics and police departments.
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Emergency training provided by the County Fire Authority to health service providers or elderly caregivers who then in turn will be able to help isolated elderly in an emergency make a plan to escape or escape a fire in the home. Australia.
Teaches emergency response to seniors, caregivers and others at assisted living homes, senior apartment complexes, senior centers, and senior homeowners associations. To reduce the risk of seniors dying in a fire by teaching seniors and caregivers how to prepare and respond to an emergency situation.
Bay Area, California, USA.
Serving elderly who are suicidal by befriending them, providing check-in service and assisting them in regaining control of their emotions so that they may find the will to live on. To help fight elderly depression in
Hong Kong.
Philips Lifeline Medical Alert provides 24-hour elderly emergency medical response and assistance. Help for seniors is a button-push away.
USA and Canada.
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The Electronic Caregiver is a comprehensive personal medical alert and home safety monitoring system for seniors who are living at home independently. Health safety and home security for seniors living at home alone is a priority The emergency medical alert system also provides peace of mind for adult children and loves ones.
Available across the USA.
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Smart Home Security
Smart home security system that can monitor when alarm or emergency alerts are triggered and when sensors that track an elderly persons routine are out of sync. Across the USA.
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Disaster preparedness, response and recommendations for older people given their specific risk factors. New York, USA.
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Disaster preparedness, planning and recommendations for older adults. HelpAge International works to promote and provide appropriate, accessible assistance and services for older people in disaster, conflict and humanitarian crisis. International. Watch Video
Wellness Program
Smart home security and
notification program which uses installed sensors to track wanted and unwanted activity of elderly or the disabled. To provide family members, caregivers or senior living facilities with sensor tracking and mobile phone notification of an elderly persons daily activity to ensure senior safety. Online. Watch Video
A guide from the Red Cross which helps older adults prepare for an emergency or natural disaster. The guide was put together by seniors who are aware of the mobility issues, hearing or vision problems or other health conditions which older adults have and the additional attention required in an emergency or natural disaster. Online. Watch Video
A public awareness campaign by FEMA to educate and empower older adults to prepare physically and financially for emergencies and disasters. USA. Watch Video
A disaster preparedness campaign by AARP which encourages advance planning and sharing information and tools with older adults, family, friends and neighbors. Online.
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Provides free assistance for low-income older adults by providing money for food, shelter, medicine, gas, utilities, and other essential goods and services. Philadelphia, USA.
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A campaign and senior hotline to protect the health and well-being of older adults in California during the COVID-19 pandemic. California, USA.
Helps seniors plan fire safety in advance through home assessments, smoke alarm installation, education and follow up. The progr aimams to prevent injury or death to elderly in the event of a fire emergency. USA. Watch Video
Toolkit for Older Adults
A home fire safety awareness toolkit to help older adults, caregivers and family members be aware of potential fire hazards facing people as they age. USA and Canada.
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Fire Safety booklet providing lifesaving information and tips on how seniors and their caregivers can stay safe in a fire emergency. The program can help save lives and prevent injury in older adults who are more likely to be victims of home fires.
New York, NY, USA.
A senior safety training presentation covering what seniors can do in case of an emergency or disaster such as a wildfire or earthquake. The program aims to provide older adults, caregivers, families and communities with the appropriate information, skills and tools to help keep older adults safe in disasters.
Los Angeles, California, USA. Watch Video
A guide for older adults on how to plan and prepare for a disaster or an emergency. The guide empowers older adults providing them with the tools and confidence to prepare before potential disasters and emergencies. Canada.
To connect communities of older adults who may or may not be socially isolated ahead of health emergencies and natural disasters such as earthquakes, wildfires, floods, tsunamis, changing climate and severe weather.
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Watch Video
Community Living
Resources and information for older adults to establish and implement emergency and disaster preparedness strategies in their communities. San Francisco, CA, USA.
Hurricane & Flood Preparedness for Seniors
A guide including information for older adults on disaster and emergency preparedness skills and strategies such as how to stay safe and healthy before and after natural disasters like floods and hurricanes. Online
Elderly Driver and Senior Transportation
Official AARP refresher driver safety program for elderly drivers. To help increase public safety and allow seniors to remain safely driving and independent as long as possible. Available across the USA.
Drive Smart Program
Various driving safety resources for elderly drivers such as presentations, classes and videos. The program also increases public awareness of mature drivers and addresses the general safety of all drivers.
California, USA. Watch Video
Senior Driver Ombudsman Program
The DMV Senior Driver Ombudsman acts as a go-between in resolving senior driver cases and issues. The Ombudsman also focus on promoting senior driver safety and increases awareness of mature driver issues. California, USA. Watch Video
Mature Driver Course Program
Drivers safety program for senior drivers needing an easy and convenient way to reduce their insurance premiums. To increase confidence of senior drivers, the safety of everyone on the road and to reduce elderly car insurance premiums. Several States Across the USA.
A DMV-licensed and court approved California online traffic school for mature drivers. To improve driver safety and to allow mature drivers to receive a senior car insurance discount. Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, Chula Vista, Orange County, Alameda, and other locations in California, USA.
A California DMV Approved refresher courses for senior drivers, age 55 or older. To help senior drivers remain safe on the roads and maintain a safe driving record and reduced senior car insurance premiums. California, USA.
55 Plus Improvement Course Program
A drivers safety program for senior drivers offering tips and related information to help elderly and everyone else stay safe on the road.
Alberta, Canada
Older Driver Program
A Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) program that aims to better design roadways and highways for an aging population. By properly designing highways for senior drivers, the roads will be safer and all drivers should experience a reduction the number of accidents.
Across the USA.
A brain fitness computer software program clinically proven to help drivers react faster and cut crash risk in half.
Drive Sharp's mind fitness activities can help senior drivers react quicker, think faster, focus better, be more aware of other vehicles, street signs, and road conditions. Across the USA.
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Senior Driver Expo Program
AAA senior driver expo event where seniors and their families can learn about resources to assist older drivers and receive a driver's assessment.
Across the USA.
Older Driver
A team of trained CarFit technicians and health professionals work with each senior driver to make sure that they fit their car properly. AAA, AARP, AOTA. Across the USA
Smart Features for
Mature Drivers Program
Helps senior drivers buy the right kind of car that is better suited to drivers with visual, physical and mental changes that are frequently encountered with aging. Offers recommended assistive devices and adaptive equipment to help make driving easier for elderly.
Across the USA.
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A neutral party helps senior drivers and their families make decisions about the safety of continuing to drive while aging. The program provides a dignified way to deal with the question of when if at all to take the keys away from an elderly driver. Some States in the USA and areas in Canada.
Educating professionals who work with the elderly on early intervention methods that will help elderly drivers continue to drive safely. Appropriate for nurses, doctors, independent and assisted-living facility administrators, senior center and assisted living activity directors, social workers etc. Some States in the USA and areas in Canada.
Comprehensive evaluation and examination by driver rehabilitation specialists for elderly drivers or people with disabilities to determine if they can still drive safely and if required provide adaptive equipment. Illinois, USA.
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The "Yellow Dot" Program helps save lives of senior drivers and other citizens during a car crash by alerting first responders to a yellow decal on the driver's side rear window. The decal signals first responders to check in the glove compartment for the corresponding "Yellow Dot" folder with crucial emergency information to help the victim. States across the USA. Watch Video
Tips, resources and manuals on how to talk to senior drivers about driver safety and when it may be time to hand over the keys. Across the USA.
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Training transit employees on how to better handle mobility issues when interacting with seniors or elderly, disabled passengers to improve senior transportation. Across Canada.
Provides a drivers assessment for seniors. The program promotes senior driver safety through clinical assessments and support for seniors so that they can continue to drive. Also helps those with severe illness or disability, such as stroke, or Alzheimer's.
Fullerton, California, USA.
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Elderly Driver Simulator
A virtual driving experience or driving simulator for elderly drivers to maintain, re-train, or improve their current driving skills. Driving simulation takes place in the comfort of a safe environment and can help improve senior driver safety. Los Angeles, California, USA. Watch Video
Older Driver Safety Program
The American Medical Association (AMA) provides training and tools for doctors to assess the ability of senior drivers. Senior driver safety is a public health issue effecting not only the elderly but everyone on the road.
Across the USA.
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Senior driver program and helpful resources covering topics through the Senior Driver Group Education Handbook, Safe Driving for Seniors Brochure, and the Senior Driver: Driving Safety Cycle. Ontario, Canada.
Older Drivers Program
Helps seniors drivers, their families and health professionals deal with high-risk elderly driving situations and looks at how to reducing risk of injury and accidents. Across Canada.
Senior health and safety research program dedicated to improving senior driver safety. The program aims to identify, analyze and examine safety issues related to senior drivers and to improve the health and to quality of life of Canada's older drivers. Across Canada.
Transit Ambassador Program
Volunteers transit ambassadors teach seniors how to use the Santa Clarita's public transit services in
Santa Clarita California.
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Provides senior transportation by reimbursing volunteers to drive seniors where no transit service exists or when the individual is too frail, ill, or unable to use public transportation for other reasons.
Riverside, California, USA.
Information and resource materials about volunteer driver programs describing what volunteer driver programs are, what they look like, how they are organized, what makes them low in cost, and their risk factors (including liability, exposure, and insurance), and includes a variety of models, case examples and work books for anyone looking into how to start a volunteer driver program. Across the USA.
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Provides minor home modifications, home repair assistance and escorted transportation to seniors living in high crime areas.
New Jersey, USA.
Travel Training Program
Training for the profession of Travel Trainers who help teach seniors and other individuals how to use trans
it, buses and all forms of public transportation.
Across the USA
National non-profit transportation system for America's aging population that provides senior transportation with door-to-door service to thousands of seniors nationwide. Across USA.
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Research and resulting recommendations for making streets safer for seniors to walk in and to use as a main form of transportation. New York, USA
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Safe Streets for Seniors
Extending the "walk now signal" at intersections for seniors and more! A pedestrian safety initiative for New York seniors that is re-tooling the city making it safer for seniors to get around. To provide an alternative form of senior transportation to those who can not access transit or no longer drive. New York, NY, USA
Older Adult Pedestrian
Safety Training Program
California WALKS is a leader and advocate for senior pedestrian safety and trains seniors in pedestrian safety workshops. California, USA. Watch Video
Mobility for Life
Coalition Program
The Safe Mobility for Life Program aims to improve the senior driver safety, access and mobility by developing designs and plans to reduce injuries and crashes among senior drivers. Florida, USA.
On demand transportation hotline for seniors with an added service of ‘watching over the ride’ by receiving text messages. USA and Canada.
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On demand rides for older adults through calling a 1-800 number providing an easier way for seniors to schedule a ride without the use of a smart phone or app. Across the USA where available.
Concierge service that dispatches Lyft and Uber rides on behalf of seniors who don’t have smartphones. Live operators connect seniors to rides by taking down address and pickup information. USA.
A non-emergency medical transportation provider for older adults and others to get to and from healthcare appointments. The service is available for Medicaid and Medicare Advantage members USA. Watch Video
A shared ride, carpooling
service which adjusts to new pick-up requests as needed.
To create a low-cost, affordable transportation option for seniors and others who require rides. USA. Watch Video
Free transportation for seniors through volunteer driver and shared ride programs. Older adults are provided with free transportation and an accompaniment to help or stay with the rider if required. USA.
Medical Transportation by MTM
Provides older adults and others with free transportation coverage to get to medical appointments. USA.
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Travel Training
Helps train the elderly, disabled and others how to use the transit system with confidence. The program aims to give those who require transportation assistance the information and tools to independently get to their health care appointments and other required destinations. USA.
A program for healthcare professionals to screen and assess older drivers to ensure that seniors can safely drive or to provide alternative forms of transportation when necessary. Across USA. Watch Video
An older driver safety questionnaire to assess where an older driver may be with respect to driving ability and possible suggestions, along with older driver safety tips, resources and technology. Accross USA.
Check Your Performance
A self-assessment questionnaire for older drivers. to help assess ability and driving performance.
Across USA.
Information, resources and guides related to highway and road safety for mature drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and cyclists. Guides on mature driver safety are available for seniors, family members, caregivers, law enforcement, medical professionals, transportation engineers and planners.
Washington D.C, USA.
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General Senior Safety
Provides seniors a glimpse into the day-to-day operations of the Newark Police Department and graduate from the Senior Police Academy. Seniors receive hands-on training by officers, including ride-a-longs, patrol techniques and firearms instruction. New Jersey, USA.
Police Academy Training for senior citizens. Police procedures and current trends in crime are discussed and hosted by local police. Macomb, Illinois USA.
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Volunteers pick up hazardous waste such as old paints, light bulbs, batteries, E-waste, insecticides, etc., from the homes of seniors.
Santa Clarita, California, USA.
Two eight hour classes for seniors to learn how to eliminate the fear of falling and all about fall prevention and protection. Several States across the USA including Maine,Texas, Massachusetts and others. Watch Video
Cooling Assistance
Free fans or air conditioners for seniors to prevent heat exhaustion and stay safe during heat waves.
Virgina, USA.
Cleans a seniors yard and overall outdoor home environment providing senior safety and home beautification. Texas, USA.
Window air-conditioners are installed free to any eligible senior in the Kansas City, MO area. Watch Video
Fall prevention program that empowers older adults to learn behaviors that reduce the risks of falls, increase quality of life and stay safe. Wisconsin, Montana, Minnesota, New York, Georgia, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, North Dakota, and Oregon. USA. Watch Video
Spreading the Warmth Campaign Program
Providing additional grant money to seniors so that they can keep the heat on during the winter months.The program also helps seniors stay safe by distributing blankets, heaters and clothes and lobbys government to deal with energy fuel poverty and cold weather related deaths.
United Kingdom (UK)
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Meals on Wheels Valentines Challenge
Youth make Valentines Day cards for elderly and Meals on Wheels helps make sure they reach seniors to brighten their day. The program aims to provide older adults with a gesture of kindness and consideration and to provide youth with the opportunity to work on a project which encourages compassion and connection to older adults.
Online. Watch Video
Center of Excellence
Provider of fall prevention education and programs for older adults helping to provide independence, safety, and well-being to seniors.
Los Angeles, California, USA Watch Video
An alliance of organizations dedicated to keeping older adults safe when purchasing prescriptions online. The alliance aims to provide checks and balances and to act as a watch dog with respect to the various online businesses selling prescription drugs. Online Watch Video
Youth volunteer to provide seniors, the disabled, veterans and single parents with free yard work by mowing lawns. The program helps elderly and others who are physically not able to or do not have the resources to do yard work, Across the USA. Watch Video
Volunteers of America
Volunteers provide free yard work and clean up for seniors. The program helps older adults who have limited mobility or financial resources to maintain their yards. Colorado, USA.
Provides free regularly scheduled lawn care, yard work clean up and maintenance for seniors. The program supports older adults who have limited resources to maintain and clean up their yards and provides regular social interaction for seniors who may feel isolated. Oregon, USA. Watch Video
Outdoor Yard Clean Up
Volunteers provides seniors with free yard work and lawn care. Eras supports programs for older adults to live independently in their own home.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
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Free Lawn Care for Seniors
Free lawn care by the City for seniors, veterans, and those with disabilities who are unable to mow their own lawn.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Free lawn mowing for seniors, military veterans, disabled, and low-income individuals or families. New Jersey, USA.
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Free lawn care and landscaping help for seniors, veterans, and people with special needs by black youth in the Detroit area participating in a summer college immersion credit and leadership program.
Detroit, Michigan, USA.
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Network for Seniors
Free or low-cost services for older adults such as free yard clean up, snow shoveling, help with errands, chores, paperwork, technology, in-home health care, and more. The network connects seniors to volunteers and services to help them live safely and independently at home. Minnesota, USA.
A campaign encouraging the community to donate free fans to keep seniors and others cool during summer heat and prevent heat related illness and/or deaths. Texas, USA.
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Blind Spot Sensors for Wheelchairs
Blind spot sensors to alert wheelchair users before encountering an obstacle or having an accident. Wheechair sensors can improve the independence and safety of older adults and others with mobility impairments by using smart technology. Based in Ontario, Canada, Online.Watch Video
An organization that provides free winter coats to older adults and those in need through coat drive donations. The organization aims to keep seniors and others safe and warm during the winter months.
Across the USA. Watch Video
Free help for the elderly by volunteer students including free yard work and other strenuous household tasks so that older adults can remain comfortably in their own homes. Ventura, California, USA. Watch Video
Free Lawn Care for Seniors
Free yard work clean up, lawn care, landscaping, handyman repairs and transportation to support seniors.
Santa Clara, California, USA.
Affordable or subsidized yard work clean up, lawn care, snow shoveling/removal, house painting, minor home repairs and light housekeeping for seniors. Minnesota, USA.
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Service that helps older, disabled, or vulnerable adults by providing free garden and yard maintenance. The program helps keep older adults safe at home with the ability to enjoy their outdoor space.
Across the United Kingdom.
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Catholic Charities
Project Cool Catholic Charities provides free box fans to seniors. The program helps older adults who may not have access to air conditioning to stay cool and prevent heat related illnesses, heat stroke , other health complications and fatalities that may be triggered by extreme heat.
San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Seniors from across the state of New York phone in to access the latest news and updates on safety, new laws and other issues of interest.
New York, NY, USA.
A free snow removal service for seniors and persons with physical disabilities. Older adults and those with disabilities are matched to nearby neighborhood volunteers. Across Canada. Watch Video

Update an elderly loved one's home for safety.
The checklist covers areas of concern such as stairways, floors, windows, doors, garage, lighting, electrical, and appliances.
An excellent home safety check list from AARP