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WHATA guide including information for older adults on how to stay safe and healthy before and after natural disasters such as floods and hurricanes.
WHYTo provide seniors with disaster and emergency preparedness information, skills and strategies.
WHERE All Star Home.
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Online.

Program Description

“A senior citizen living on a fixed income already must face specific challenges during hurricanes and floods, but lack of financial resources can make matters worse.”

“Natural disasters like hurricanes and the consequential flooding following a storm can be especially damaging for older adults for various reasons.
Many seniors have mobility challenges, which makes evacuation harder. A significant number of older adults also have chronic health conditions, which makes access to medication and healthcare challenging during a natural disaster."

“Historically, seniors have had higher mortality rates during natural disasters like hurricanes. During Hurricane Katrina in 2005, about 75% of fatalities were among Americans aged 60 and above, according to a report from the AARP.”

“Coastal cities plagued by hurricanes and flooding are also where many senior citizens flock for retirement. Coastal communities are increasingly exposed to more intense and frequent hurricanes, accelerated by sea-level rise and prolonged tidal inundation.”

The Visual Guide to Hurricane & Flood Preparedness for Seniors provides seniors with detailed disaster preparedness information on the following:

Hurricane & Flood Emergency Kit Checklist - the necessary supplies to be self-sufficient for several days can make all the difference during and after a hurricane especially if emergency services can not reach quickly.

Hurricane & Flood Important Documents Checklist - while preparing for a hurricane have all important documents ready. Whether you evacuate or not, having these items with you will be especially helpful should you need any medical treatment or, in the aftermath, have to file insurance claims. 

Hurricane & Flood Home Safety Checklist - properly securing your home can significantly reduce property damage caused by high winds, heavy rain, and flying debris. For seniors who must shelter in place, this is a crucial step to stay as safe as possible when the storm arrives. 

Hurricane & Flood Response: Should seniors evacuate or not? Evacuation for the elderly can be complicated and even dangerous for those with serious physical disabilities. Older adults face specific challenges when evacuating because of a hurricane or severe flooding, planning for a hurricane evacuation can reduce anxiety and confusion in what can be chaotic and stressful situations. Ensuring an evacuation support system is in place is important as it can be more challenging for older adults to evacuate alone. 

Hurricane and Flooding Disaster Recovery for Seniors - the risks of hurricanes and floods aren’t limited to disasters in the short term, factors which contribute to this, but are not limited to, are flooding, contaminated water, downed power lines, limited access to medical care. Impacts on senior physical and mental health such as trauma, stress, and disruption caused by a hurricane can have significant impacts on mental health, including sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression.

Nursing Home Residents and Assisted Living Facilities - preparing for a hurricane is vital to the health and security of elderly individuals living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities as many elderly residents depend on life-sustaining equipment that requires electricity, such as oxygen concentrators, and may need regular medical treatments that a hurricane would severely disrupt.

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia - people with Alzheimer’s thrive on routine, and the chaotic pressure of hurricanes can throw those routines off and lead to increased confusion and agitation.

Low-income communities - costs associated with evacuating such as transportation, lodging, and food, can be cost-prohibitive for some low-income older adults often leading to delayed or no evacuation.

Aging Programs
Senior Safety
Elderly Emergency Response

Find out more about the Visual Guide to Hurricane & Flood Preparedness for Seniors

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