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Elder Home Care Medical Repairs Grocery programs


In-home senior service exchange and banked service hours help support seniors. In exchange for driving an individual to a doctors appointment one can return the favor when a skill of theirs is needed in the community. Maryland, USA.


Senior In Home Care
Service Dogs for Elderly
Visually Impaired Support Programs

Senior In Home Care Programs

Beacon Hill Village Intentional Community Program
Membership service that allows elderly in Boston to stay in their own homes and neighborhood as they age by delivering programs with concierge-type in home senior services with established trusted vendor relationships. In Boston, MA. Watch Video
Partners in Care

In-home senior service exchange and banked service hours help support seniors.
In exchange for driving an individual to a doctors appointment one can return the favor when a skill of theirs is needed in the community. In Maryland, USA. Watch Video

Online caregiver database allowing users to find and manage all aspects surrounding hiring a caregiver for a loved one including a care plan, instant updates and payment. Online. USA.
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Concierge Club

Provides concierge type senior in-home care services and solutions to low and moderate income seniors and their families.In San Diego, CA
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To Your Door In-Home
Spa & Salon for Seniors Program

Mobile in-home salon services for seniors which relieves caregivers and seniors from transportation issues.
Oregon, USA.
Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
Under partial Medicare/Medicaid coverage and for private pay: PACE provides in-home care service to individuals who are age 55 or older, certified by their state to need nursing home care, and are able to live safely in the community at the time of enrollment, and live in a PACE service area.
Locations Across the USA. Watch Video

Staying Put Program

Volunteers help seniors to live at home and age in place in their own communities rather than having to move to assisted living or a nursing facility. Seniors pay for concierge type in home care services to help with daily tasks.
Connecticut, USA.
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Medical House Call Program

Elderly in Washington benefit from old fashioned doctor house calls which provide in-home medical care services from a unique health care cost saving program.
Washington, DC, USA.
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Eden At Home

Eden at Home aims to bring the person-centered Eden Alternative approach, which has been successfully implemented in nursing home facilities, to seniors living at home and in other community-based care locations. Across the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan, Canada, South Africa.
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Home Care

The national voice in Canada promoting the role and value of in-home care through increasing awareness, shaping government strategy and leadership. The organization aims to promote and support the in-home care industry and community which enables older adults to stay in their own homes with safety, dignity and quality of life. Across Canada.
DoorStep Doctor

Seniors in India receive convenient in-home medical care house calls and other health services while their adult children living abroad are kept in the loop. Across India.
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Volunteers of America Aging with Options Program
Provides senior services such as in-home care services, connections to the community, adult day care services, senior meals, medical and health care, along with guidance to give older adults a sense of control over their lives as they age. Across the USA.
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Senior Advocacy

EngAGE Senior Advocacy advocates for access to senior services for moderate-income elderly who have financial resources greater than Medicaid and waiver programs.
Georgia, USA. Watch Video

A network of local people in the community that can provide seniors with in home care, help, resources, tools and support when needed. The idea is to help the elderly, earn points, and return favors if needed.
San Diego, California.
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Honor In-Home
Senior Care

Provides in-home senior care such as housekeeping, personal care, transportation, errands, groceries etc. The service allows older adults to continue live in their own homes with assistance from time to time. USA. Watch Video

The Good Care Group

Provider of live-in, in-home care for older adults providing screened, trained, 24/7 supported carers for seniors in their own homes allowing older adults to maintain a greater level of choice and control over their lives. England and Scotland. Watch Video
for Older Adults

Trained volunteers visit older adults in their home to coordinate their entire health care team from the areas of primary, specialist, hospital and community care. The program aims to serve as a means of preventative care, and to provide a continuum of care. Across Canada. Watch Video
Smile Operation

Volunteers from Habitat for Humanity spring clean homes of elderly in Japan.

Book a doctor to arrive for a house call within a few hours online or by phone. On-demand in-home doctor visits allows a physician to see older adults who may have limited mobility and other individuals in their home environment and be better able to sense their lifestyle and overall health and well-being. Select States across the USA.
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A doctor house call visit at a place of convenience such as work or travel location.
United Kingdom.
Program for Seniors

Primary care medical services for homebound seniors due to a physical disability, dementia or a psychiatric condition. Geriatricians or social workers are available for in home medical visits.
San Francisco, California, USA.
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Confidence at Home

Provides seniors with in-home care services, retirement villages, wellness centers, day programs and an overnight respite center. Australia.
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Jersey Assistance for Community Caregiving

In-home care assistance and services for older adults.
New Jersey, USA.
Services for Native Americans Title VI

In-home care and aging support services for Native Elders so that they can continue to live independently in their own homes and communities.

Long-Term Care Services and Supports LTSS Native Elders
Funding, support and guidance for American Indian and Alaska Natives to implement long-term care programs so that elders can age comfortably in their own communities and continue to honor cultural traditions. USA.
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Papa Pals

Papa Pals works with Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, and corporate wellness plans to provide ‘Pals’ to support older adults by providing in-home help, transportation, help with errands, grocery delivery, companionship and more.
USA. Watch Video
Village to Village Network

The Village to Village Network supports communities who would like to start their own membership run, supportive Village for older adults to age in their own homes and communities. The model is designed to prevent social isolation among older adults, increase independence, and provide necessary supports for aging in place in neighborhoods. International
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Area Agency on Aging Elder Locator

Area Agency on Aging are local agencies designated by a state to address the needs of older adults and the disabled including in-home support service assistance which may include free or low-cost personal care for the elderly, homemaking or cleaning services, home repairs, yard work, respite care and more Across the USA. Watch Video
Wyoming Home Services

Provides free in-home care services such as personal care and grooming, free cleaning services for elderly, yard maintenance and much more to qualified older adults and others at risk of institutionalization. Wyoming, USA.
Tailored Supports for Older Adults

Provides older adults who are at risk of needing long-term care with free personal care in-home care assistance, free home modifications, respite care, transportation and more. Washington, USA.

Service Payments for the Elderly and Disabled (SPED) Program
Provides free services such as personal care, cleaning services, home modifications, transportation and more for people who are older or physically disabled and who have difficulty completing tasks that allow them to live independently at home.
North Dakota, USA.
Disabled Persons and Family Support Program

Provides free in-home care support services such as personal care, cleaning services, transportation, errands, assistive devices and more for older adults or persons with disability. Nebraska, USA.
Alternative Care Program

Provides in-home support services, home health aides, personal care assistants and other free or low-cost assistance to older adults who need an additional level of care but choose to live in the community. Minnesota, USA.

Hart-Supported Living Program

Provides funding grants, free home care help and support service assistance such as free cleaning services, free yard work, free home modifications and more for the elderly and those with disabilities. Kentucky, USA.
Escorts Seniors
to Voting Polls

Escorting elderly so that they can cast their votes on election day. The program provides escort and transportation to ensure that age and mobility does not limit a senior citizen’s rights to vote. New York, USA.

Service Dogs for Elderly

Canine Companions for Independence

Service Dogs, Companion Dogs, and Hearing Dogs assist seniors and others with disabilities to complete daily tasks and provide companionship. Several states across the United States. Watch Video
Guide Dogs for Blind Seniors

Intensive training for blind or visually impaired seniors on how to incorporate a service guide dog into their lives. Training campuses located in San Rafael California & Boring, Oregon.
Disability Assistance Dogs Program

Skilled Companion Dogs, Mobility Assistance Dogs, Signal (Hearing) Dogs, Medical Response Dogs, and Guide Dogs are available to seniors and others with disabilities to perform specific tasks at home and when out of the home. Davenport, IA, USA.

Guide Dogs of America Guide Dog

Provides free guide dogs and instruction to blind and visually impaired seniors and others so that they may continue to live independently. Participants live on the training campus four about a month in order to train with the guide dogs. All meals, rooms and activites are included free of charge.Across the United States and Canada. Watch Video
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association UK

Guide dogs in the United Kingdom assist blind or partially sighted seniors and others so that they can increase mobility, get out of their homes, engage with their community, and rebuild confidence and independence. Watch Video
Dogs for the Deaf Program

Dogs are rescued from shelters, professionally trained to become Hearing Dogs and then placed to help seniors and others enhance their lives. Across the United States.
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Handi Dogs
Service & Assistance Dogs Program

Provides seniors and others who have a disability ( as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, including physical impairment, hearing impairment, and psychiatric disorders) with Service/Assistance Dogs. Arizona, USA. Watch Video
Assistance Dogs of America Therapy Dog Program
Highly trained service/assistance dogs help seniors and others with disabilities with mobility and daily tasks across the United States. Watch Video
Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides Program
Helps Canadian elderly and others with a medical or physical disability by providing them with free guide dogs. To help those who are blind or visually impaired, deaf, in a wheelchair, or have other disabilities to be able to get around and live independent lives. Across Canada.
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International Hearing Dog

Free service dogs for older adults and others who are deaf or those with hearing loss. So that those who are deaf can lead independent and safe lives with the help of trained service dogs.
USA, Canada, Japan, Norway, and Australia.
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Can Do Canines Assistance Dogs

Provides free training and placement of service dogs for seniors or those with disabilities allowing them to live independent lives by assisting with basic day to day tasks, mobility and transportation. Across the USA.
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Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Provides free assistance dogs to older people and others with hearing loss including hearing dogs, sound support dogs, and companion dogs to ensure the that deaf individuals receive the necessary safety and security, assistance, companionship and emotional support, and connection to life that they deserve along with increased independence.
United Kingdom.
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Visually Imparied Seniors Home Care Programs

Senior Blind
Independent Living Program

Visually impaired seniors are provides with senior in-home care and assistance and given the skills and resources to live independently in their own homes. In Michigan, USA.
Seniors Achieving Independent Living (Sail) Program
Visually impaired seniors are given skills training, instruction and assistance on how to remain living independently. In Baltimore, MD. Watch Video
Senior IMPACT Project - Independence at Any Age Program
Free week long retreat (or in-home training if needed) for low vision or blind seniors to learn skills that will allow them to live independently.
Sacramento, CA, USA.

Kitchen Confidence for
Visually Impaired

Visually impaired seniors are trained on how to grocery shop and get back into the kitchen with improved self confidence to prepare meals. Braille Institute. In partnership with numerous grocery stores and other locations.
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VoicePrint transfers full-text articles from more than 600 Canadian newspapers & magazines into audio broadcasts for those are blind, vision restriction or have physical or learning disabilities.
Across Canada.

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