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WHATAn in-home care training program that makes a shift in elder care to more person centered care.
WHYTo bring decision making back to seniors and therefore purpose and meaning so that elderly may have a voice in their daily routine and lives and a better quality of life at home.
WHEREThe Eden Alternative.
Dr. William Thomas - Founder. United States, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan, Canada, South Africa.

Program Description

"The mission of The Eden Alternative extends past the walls of the nursing home with Eden at Home."

"Working together, empowered care partner teams help to ensure the independence, dignity, and continued growth and development of their Elder care partners and each other via a quest to eliminate loneliness, helplessness, and boredom for everyone on the team."

The aim of Eden at Home is to bring the person-centered Eden Alternative approach, which has been successfully implemented in nursing home facilities, to seniors living at home and in other community-based care locations.

Eden at Home works to help elderly by implementing the 10 principles of Eden care including:

  • Empower elderly to be actively involved as a care partner in his or her own care. 
  • Encourage spontaneity and variety.
  • Provide access to companionship.
  • Create opportunities for seniors to give as well as receive.
  • Focus on a person-centered approach around caring for the whole person including physical mental and emotional needs.
  • Promote the idea that elders have a legacy or gift to share with their loved ones and their communities.

‘Eden at Home’ offers Trainer Certification Workshops to empower certified Eden at Home Trainers to offer Workshops within their organizations or to the general public.

Eden Alternative for Nursing Homes

The GreenHouse Project- Senior long-term care which uses green concepts, natural resources, abundant plant life, natural light and therapeutic outdoor spaces. Smart technology is used to create a comfortable and safe environment that fosters the well-being of elders and those who work with them. The model challenges the existing nursing care staff hierarchy found in nursing homes. Visionary- Dr. Bill Thomas.




Find out more about “Eden at Home”

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