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WHAT Fall prevention program that empowers older adults to learn behaviors that reduce the risks of falls and increase quality of life.
WHYTo teach fall prevention to seniors and reduce the number falls as a leading cause of injury and deaths among older adults.
WHEREStepping On Program.
Support from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Program Founder- Dr. Lindy Clemson.
Available in Wisconsin, Montana, Minnesota, New York, Georgia, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, North Dakota, and Oregon.  USA.

Program Description

"Stepping On is a multifaceted falls-prevention program for the community-residing elderly. About 30% of older people who fall lose their self-confidence and start to go out less often. Inactivity leads to social isolation and loss of muscle strength and balance, increasing the risk of falling. Stepping On aims to break that cycle, engaging people is a range of relevant fall preventive strategies."

The “Stepping On” Program is for people who are:

-At risk of falling
-Have a fear of falling
-Who have fallen one or more times.

Stepping On workshops are held two hours a week for seven weeks. Classes are highly participative and supportive building senior participants’ confidence in their ability to manage their health and reduce their risk of falls.

 The “Stepping On” Program is suitable for seniors who:

-Live in their home or independent apartment
-Can walk without the help of another person
-Do not use a walker, scooter or wheelchair most of the time indoors
-Are cognitively intact

Subjects covered include:

-Simple and fun strength and balance exercises for seniors
-Vision changes and the effects on keeping our balance
-How medications can contribute to falls
-Ways to stay safe when out in the community
-What to look for in safe footwear
-How to check the home and make home modifications for safety hazards

Seniors learn how to become more aware of fall hazards, learn how fall risk can be reduced and learn about the most up-to-date information on falls prevention.

The “Stepping On” Program was developed in Australia and was later developed for American seniors through the support of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),




Find out more about the “Stepping On” Program

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