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WHATThe "Yellow Dot" Program helps save lives of senior drivers and other citizens during a car crash by alerting first responders to a yellow decal on the driver's side rear window. The decal signals first responders to check in the glove compartment for the corresponding "Yellow Dot" folder with crucial emergency information to help the victim.
WHYTo help senior drivers, and citizens of all ages in the event of an car crash or other medical emergency involving a vehicle. To improve communication between first responders and car accident victims at a time when victims may be unable to communicate for themselves.
WHEREYellow Dot Program.
Several States across the USA including Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Virginia, Alabama and New York.

Program Description

" 'It is very nice to see innovative programs to address the unique risks associated with older Americans and car crashes,' says Peter Kissinger, president and CEO of AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. 'Since older individuals tend to have more medical conditions, are on more medications and are generally more fragile, this sounds like a well-justified program, especially in light of the growing number of older Americans.' "
– Article: Yellow Dot Car Program Speeds Help To Crash Victims:

Having information in the glove compartment following a crash helps first responders identify the person, get in touch with family or emergency contacts and ensures that the person’s current medications and pre-existing medical conditions are considered when treatment is administered for injuries. Immediate access to personal records information immediately can make the difference between life and death.

The “Yellow Dot” Program helps protect senior driver safety by providing detailed medical information crucial following the first hour after a car crash. A Yellow Dot decal on the senior driver’s side rear window of a vehicle alerts first responders to check in the glove compartment for the corresponding Yellow Dot folder.

Senior drivers enrolled in the free Yellow Dot safety program receive:

-A “Yellow Dot” decal
-A “Yellow Dot” folder and an information form with:
*The senior participant’s name
*An identifying photo
*Emergency contact information
*Personal physicians’ information
*Medical conditions
*Recent surgeries
*Allergies and medications

The “Yellow Dot” program is a free service provided to individuals of all ages, with an emphasis on senior safety and is a joint program of local Law Enforcement, Fire & Rescue, Emergency Medical Services, Senior Groups and concerned citizens.

The National Yellow Dot Program encourages all states to implement their own driver safety programs to help seniors and other citizens. Yellow Dot programs are helping senior drivers in the following states:

Alabama Yellow Dot Program -The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs Highway Traffic Safety Division.

Illinois Yellow Dot Program - Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Traffic Safety

Pennsylvania Yellow Dot Program

New York Yellow Dot Program

Maine Yellow Dot Program

Utah Yellow Dot Program
- Utah Department of Public Safety




Find out more about the “Yellow Dot” Program

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