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WHATA California DMV Approved refresher courses for senior drivers, age 55 or older.
WHYTo help senior drivers remain safe on the roads and maintain a safe driving record and reduced senior car insurance premiums.
WHEREMature Driver Courses. California, USA.

Program Description

Mature drivers who successfully complete an approved driver improvement course can qualify for reduced senior car insurance premiums. Upon completion of the course a Mature Driver Improvement Course. A Certificate is mailed which can be  presented to the car insurance company. Senior drivers may qualify for a reduction in auto insurance premiums depending upon the type of car insurance held.

Driver safety programs can help:

-Refresh elderly driving skills and update knowledge of the rules of the road
-Senior drivers learn about normal age-related physical changes, and how to adjust driving to allow for these changes
-Reduce traffic violations, accidents, and chances for injuries
-Senior driver safety through the use videos, animation and easy to read short chapters

Mature drivers who successfully complete an approved driver improvement course can qualify for reduced senior car insurance premiums. California law allows insurance companies to determine the percentage of premium reduction. Car insurance carriers can refuse to give a reduced rate to those who have poor driving records.

The “Mature Driver Courses” Program has been in the driver and traffic safety industry for 35 years.

Find out more about the “Mature Driver Courses” Program

Senior Programs
Elderly Driver and Senior Transportation
Senior Check in Service
Elderly Emergency Response
General Senior Safety
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