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WHATYouth volunteer to provide seniors, the disabled, veterans and single parents with free yard work and landscaping help by mowing lawns.
WHYTo help elderly and others who are physically not able to or do not have the resources to do yard work, and to place youth on a positive path of service to their communities.
WHERERaising Men and Women Lawn Care.
Founder - Rodney Smith Jr.
Based in Alabama, USA. Services across the USA.

Program Description

“Back in 2015 I was leaving school one day and I was driving home and I came across an elderly man outside struggling with his lawn, so I pulled over and helped him out and that one small act of kindness kind of changed my life forever...I saw it was a real serious need. That first elderly man I mowed for I realized that he’s not the only one struggling with his lawn and needs help so what better way to help than start an organization…”
-Founder Rodney Smith Jr., Raising Men and Women Lawn Care. Source: Video Man Provides Free Lawn Care Service For Elderly And Others The A Plus Upside

“I’ve come across so many people especially elderly people who are on fixed incomes that can’t really afford it, so when we can come cut it for free they can use those funds for medication and food and others things they really need.
-Founder Rodney Smith Jr., Raising Men and Women Lawn Care. Source Video Fox News: ‘Man aims to mow lawns in all 50 states for veterans, elderly.’

“…these kids wanting to help out you know, you’re not forcing them, you’re just encouraging them and they just want to do it on their own now.”

-Founder Rodney Smith Jr.

Seniors and others can contact the organization to be connected with a local youth volunteer who is available to provide free landscaping help and mow their lawn. Depending on the location snow shoveling and leave raking service may also be available.

In addition to providing seniors and others with a free yard service Raising Men and Women Lawn Care raises money for those in need through the Raising Hope Program along with partnering with police and sheriff's departments who volunteer to mow lawns through the Lawn Cruiser Program.  

If a volunteer does not own a lawn mower Raising Men and Women Lawn Care is able to provide youth who would like to take part in the program with a mower through the Adopt a Mower program.

Volunteer youth can enter into the 50 Yard Challenge to mow 50 yards and can receive recognition through leveled t-shirs, sunglasses or a plaque.

Anyone who would like to help Raising Men and Women Lawn Care help the elderly and others can donate items to the organization through their Amazon Wish List which includes purchasing lawn mowers, lawn trimmers and leaf blowers. Donations of additional equipment, gas, t-shirts, water, snacks, and travel expenses may be made directly to the organization.

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