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WHATEmergency training provided by the County Fire Authority to health service providers or elderly caregivers who then in turn will be able to help isolated elderly make a plan to escape or escape a fire in the home.
WHYTo possibly help save the lives of isolated seniors in the event of an emergency, fire or disaster.
WHERECounty Fire Authority (CFA.) Australia.

Program Description

"If you live in a high risk bushfire area, then on a Severe, Extreme or Code fire day your only safe option could be to leave early especially if you're frail or elderly, have a physical disability, or have problems thinking clearly or acting quickly under stress.

The "Australian Fire Authority Isolated Elderly" Program provides education on fire safety, emergency response, emergency prevention & awareness.

Training highlights factors that make the elderly vulnerable to fire related deaths and injury and encourages caregivers to provide advice and develop strategies suitable for individual clients. For example, caregivers have special awareness of fall prevention that can put them in a unique position to help.

Groups who have participated in past trainings include home-care workers and nurses.

The workshop is two hours and is delivered for free by trained CFA presenters.

Each participant is provided with a "Carer's Guide Flipchart" and associated CFA fire safety literature at the conclusion of the program.

The "Red Cross 'Bushfires: Preparing to Leave Early" plan will help elderly to make decisions about when to leave their home. The resource will help elderly plan for emergency escape under the threat of fire, help them to think about where to go, transportation options and when and how they could possibly return home.

The "Red Cross 'Bushfires: Preparing to Leave Early" plan is designed to be discussed amongst elderly, caregivers, family, friends, and neighbors. The plan can be completed out by form or filled out directly from a computer.

The County Fire Authority (CFA) Australia has put out a "Leaving Early" Checklist for elderly planning for emergencies and includes preparing:

-My trigger to leave
-Destination Contact
-Relocation kit - Money, keys, identification, medication, glasses etc.
-Pets- taking them, leaving them with neighbors or in a kennel etc.

Learn more about the "Australian Fire Authority Isolated Elderly" Program

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