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WHATCaptionCall is a free phone with a large screen that displays written captions of what callers say in addition to providing amplified sound.
WHYSo that older adults who are deaf or experiencing hearing loss can stay socially connected with friends and family members and others in case of emergency.
Across the USA.

Program Description

“Hearing loss is the third most common health condition facing adults today. Despite being a potentially debilitating health issue many people delay seeing treatment out of denial, fear or embarrassment. Untreated hearing loss had been linked to a number of other health problems both physical and psychological including cognitive decline, anxiety, depression and increased risk of falls…get your hearing checked. Hearing loss is very common in older individuals and because of its link to depression it is critically important to take steps to address it.”
Source: video: ‘Hearing Loss and Your Overall Health’ by Caption Call.

“The CaptionCall phone dials numbers and receives calls just like a standard landline telephone. The difference is its large display screen, which provides nearly instant captions of your phone conversations—so you can read what’s being said.”

The CaptionCall phone is available for free to those are certified to have a medically recognized hearing disability and is subject to an application process.

Captions are available in both English and Spanish and font size is adjustable.

Free installation, training and ongoing customer support is provided to those who qualify. 

CaptionCall Mobile is also available for use with iPad.

CaptionCall receives funding through the Federal Communications Commission as part of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

It is important to note that CaptionCall provides captioning of conversation through live agents who convert the calling party’s spoken words into captioned text. Additional information on privacy policy may be obtained through the CaptionCall website.

Aging Programs
Senior Safety




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