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WHAT A shared ride, carpooling service which adjusts to new pick-up requests as needed.
WHYTo create a low-cost, affordable transportation option for seniors and others who require rides.
Founder -Daniel Ramot.
New York, Chicago and Washington, D.C. USA.

Program Description

“What separates Via from an increasingly crowded ride-hailing field is its dynamic-routing system that adjusts to new trip requests in real-time. Via's system takes a number of factors into consideration before deciding whether it's reasonable to add a new passenger: space in the vehicle, of course, as well as origin and destination, required route deviation, and additional wait time. Live route updates are all made through a back-end system that requires no distraction for the driver.”
-CityLab ‘The New York Car Service That Charges (Almost) Transit Prices.’

“Via is re-engineering public transit, from a regulated system of rigid routes and schedules to a fully dynamic, on-demand network. Passengers request rides through a mobile app and Via’s sophisticated algorithm instantly finds a vehicle that best matches their route, allowing for quick and efficient shared trips.”

"It’s part of this idea that Via’s a community, its shared, you’re in the vehicle with other people and that’s really what we are striving for.
Via Founder -Daniel Ramot. CBS This Morning

Via is aiming to create a new model of transportation by modifying the public transit model of ridged system of routes and schedules to a real time, adjustable, on-demand transit network.

Shared ride requests are taken over the Via app.

-Passengers book a ride.
-A vehicle going in that direction is notified to pick up passenger. 
-A shared car picks up other booked passengers at nearby street corners and they ride together.

In addition providing affordable transportation for seniors and others, shared rides may help to reduce traffic congestion and emissions and reduce the collective carbon footprint.

Via drivers use remotely programmed ipads to view passenger pick up and drop offs and other updates and relevant information from Via headquarters.

Aging Programs
Senior Safety
Elderly Driver and Senior Transportation







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