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WHAT Philips Lifeline Medical Alert provides 24-hour elderly emergency response and assistance. Help for seniors is a button-push away.
WHYPhilips Lifeline Medical Alert helps the elderly, frail, disabled and those individuals who are at risk and living alone to stay safely living in their homes by giving them quick access to emergency help.
WHERECedars-Sinai Medical Center. Lifeline equipment (Phillips Lifeline, Inc.)
USA. Canada.

Program Description

"This year 13.5 million people, 65 and older will fall. If you or a loved one experience a medical emergency, time is of the essence. That's where Philips Lifeline can help, connecting you to the right help for the situation, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at the push of a button."

Seniors who need help in an emergency can push the Lifeline button which can be worn on the body. After an elderly person pushes the button a reassuring voice from Lifeline answers and after assessing the situation the Philips Lifeline call center will contact the seniors' neighbor, family member, or emergency services and follow up to confirm that help has arrived.

Lifeline provides caregivers and family members help by giving them confidence, reliability, and peace of mind that their loved ones will be taken care of in the event of an emergency.

Philips Lifeline with AutoAlert option is also available and can automatically place a call for help if it detects a fall and seniors are unable to push the button. AutoAlert works with motion detector and senor technology.

Lifeline emergency response equipment is installed for a one-time installation fee and a monthly service charge.

Philips Lifeline and Boston University have put together a free "Independent Living Assessment" to help seniors and their families figure out how to make changes to keep the elderly living safely at home. Home modifications or home improvements may be needed to simplify daily living and tasks.

Philips Lifeline has a "Medication Dispensing Service" that can help seniors to take medications at the proper time and on schedule. Seniors will hear a simple audio reminder and at the push of a button get medications at the pre-programmed times.

Safety threats to a senior's ability to live independently include falls and medication management. Philips Lifeline offers the following apps, ebooks and brochures to assist with independent living.

-CarePartners Mobile - a caregiver app to keep track of to-dos for an aging parent
-Working Together to Prevent Falls at Home
-Reducing fall risk for seniors- a safety checklist
-Elderly fitness - a key to avoiding falls
-Avoiding falls - tips to break the cycle
-Home senior safety tips to minimize the risk of falling
-How to get up from a fall
-Taking medications – a seniors guide to good health
-Medication Tracking Pocket Card




Find out more about the “Philips Lifeline Emergency Response” Program

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