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WHATA telephone reassurance system or call check-in service for friends and family of a senior citizen. Loved ones who find it difficult to maintain consistent contact or who are concerned about elderly loves ones safety can use this system for added security.
WHYTo keep senior’s who prefer to live independently safe and to provide them with the added security of being monitored for safety by a loved one. To provide emergency response to elderly when needed.
WHERE Northland Innovation Corporation.
Bruce Johnson-Founder
Ohio, Texas, Massachusetts and multiple states across the USA.

Program Description

"If the RUOK (Are You Ok?) subscriber doesn't answer after a preset number of call attempts, an alert is given visually on the computer's monitor and audibly on the computer's speakers. A printout containing emergency information on the subscriber, including doctor name and phone number, contact name and phone number, next of kin and brief medical history is generated."

Concerned family or friends of the senior need to have a computer and printer set up along with the "Are You OK?" Software installed. They may monitor responses through the computer’s speakers while attending to other duties.

Every day at a pre-determined time, the computer of the person monitoring the senior automatically makes a check-in call to the senior.

If the senior doesn’t answer the check-in call after a preset number of attempts, a safety alert is given visually on the monitoring person's computer screen and audibly on the computer’s speakers.

A printout containing emergency information including doctor name and phone number, next of kin and brief medical history is generated and either the person who is monitoring the senior through the "Are You OK?" program or local authorities go to the home to check on the senior.

If the "Are You OK? " software detects voicemail it leaves a recorded message.

The check-in service can also be used to reminder seniors to take medication or other quick messages.

Elder Abuse Prevention Programs

Find out more about the "Are You OK?" Program

Senior Programs
Senior Check in Service
Elderly Emergency Response
Elderly Driver and Senior Transportation
General Senior Safety
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