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WHAT Senior's vital information is kept in a clear bag with a red sticker for first responders to refer to in an emergency. Important health information including social security number, date of birth, current medical conditions, medications, allergies, insurance information, emergency contact information, doctor's contact information. If emergency response by first responders is required important information is easily accessible.
WHYTo clearly draw the attention of medical and other first responders to a senior citizen’s vital medical information and wishes. Also to provide a standardized system that may eliminate confusion during elderly emergency response and to save lives.
WHEREVial of Life Program.
Implemented Across the USA by Hospitals, firefighters, paramedics and police departments.

Program Description

"Wilkes (Regional Medical Center) and other hospitals, including Stanford University's hospital, are participating with emergency-response organizations in one program known as Vial of Life (, which offers medication forms that patients can fold up and store in an empty vial or pill bottle in the refrigerator, alone with a bright red sticker for the door to alert emergency responders such as paramedics or firefighters."

-, Wall Street Journal

“The Vial of Life puts important instructions in the hands of Emergency Responders and Physicians when it is needed most during the first minutes of critical illness or accident in your home.”
-The Memorial Hospital, Craig CO

A standard "Vial of Life" form listing personal information is filled out ahead of time by the senior, placed in a clear bag and fixed to the fridge or other prominent place.

A “Vial for Life” red decal sticker is placed on the bag as well as the senior’s front door in order to identify them as a participant in the "Vial of Life"Program.

The standardized form contains areas for information such as social security number, date of birth, current medical conditions, medications, allergies, and insurance information, emergency contact information, doctor’s contact information.

There is room on the form for any advance health care directive instructions. Any additional documents such as a “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR) document (if that is what the senior has decided) would also be placed in the envelope.

An additional duplicate "Vial of Life" envelope may also be placed in the senior’s car.

The program educates elderly, families and caregivers on the importance of keeping up-to-date medication and allergy information available near by and accessible in case of emergency.




Find out more about the “Vial of Life" Program

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