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WHATLicensed non-profit online pharmacy offering free delivery of affordable discounted prescription medications and a list of free medications.
WHYTo provide affordable perceptions to low-income individuals and those in need across the USA.
WHERERX Outreach.
Based in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Program Description

“Our pharmacy and patient contact center, located in St. Louis, Missouri, is staffed by licensed pharmacists, pharmacy techs, and patient care advocates.”

"Rx Outreach is available to any person who is unable to access affordable medication. These barriers include financial, transportation, and supply issues.  We serve people regardless of their insurance or immigration status. Patients can be on Medicare, Medicaid, or other health insurance and still qualify for Rx Outreach.”

“Patients who are eligible for Medicare Part D can use Rx Outreach, specifically when they reach the ‘donut hole.’ However, Rx Outreach does not accept insurance (including Medicare), so the cost is out-of-pocket.”

RX Outreach is a non-profit, online mail order pharmacy that is able to provide affordable discounted prescription drugs through relationships with pharmaceutical companies and donors.

Rx Outreach's overall mission is to provide medication to people in need.

Discounted prescription drugs through RX Outreach may be obtained through the following steps:

• Patients complete an enrollment process online, by phone, or paper application.
• Patient’s prescription and payment are received.
• Medications are delivered for free and received four to six days after prescriptions are approved.
• Prescription refill reminders are sent.
Rx Outreach is accredited by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy as an Accredited Digital Pharmacy, Better Business Bureau as an Accredited Charity, and GuideStar as a Platinum Level charity.

In addition, Rx Outreach offers the opportunity for donors to help pay for prescription medication through the Helping Hand Program. The program provides free and reduced-cost medication to those in financial need with the aim of giving hope and helping individuals get back on their feet.

In addition to filling prescriptions, Rx Outreach offers a number of listed free medications.

Pharmacists are available to answer questions.

Aging Programs
Senior Health
Senior Medical Health Programs







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