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WHATAwards those communities that design senior friendly neighborhoods around senior mobility and access needs so that they can remain independent and physically fit and active.
WHYSo that seniors can age in place, have a higher quality of life in active and adaptablly designed senior communities.
WHERE The United States National Environment Protection Agency’s (EPA)
Aging Initiative.
The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The National Council on Aging's Center for Healthy Aging.
The National Blueprint Office Active for Life.

Program Description

The “Building Healthy Communities For Active Aging - National Recognition" Program encourages and rewards existing and new communities to design senior friendly neighbourhoods and environments with an emphasis on physical fitness and activity using “smart growth” and “active aging” concepts so that seniors can "age in place."

The "Commitment Award" is awarded to those involved in "Smart Growth" or designing senior communities to host attractive, distinctive, walkable areas for safe and convenient ways to get around where seniors live. "Smart Growth" also emphasizes that existing resources are to be used efficiently and that certain places distinct to the community should be preserved.

By designing senior friendly neighborhoods to incorporate housing, shops, offices, parks, etc, senior residents have the option to walk, bicycle, use public transportation, or drive.

The "Achievement Award" recognizes communities that are involved in “Active Aging” which refers to those communities that implement more accessible self-directed physical-activity opportunities for those 50-plus. Encouraging regular senior fitness activities such as walking, biking, and fitness trails are some examples.

In addition to the ability for seniors to age in place, the health benefits to seniors, and the high quality of life in these active senior communities businesses find these communities attractive and are encouraged to invest in these areas.

Find out more about the "Building Healthy Communities for Active Aging" Program


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