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WHATAARP campaign to increase awareness on the issue of senior hunger with the aim to help end hunger among older adults in the United States.
WHYTo end senior hunger by looking for long-term solutions by partnering with corporations, researchers and non-profits. To help seniors apply for eligible benefits such as the Federal government's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP.)
WHEREAARP Foundation.
Across the USA.

Program Description

"Nearly 9 million older adults are at risk of hunger but the depth of senior hunger in America is not widely understood. Why? First, this is a problem often hiding right in front of us. Older adults who are hungry don't walk around with a big red H on their shirts. Many are too embarrassed to ask for help or even to acknowledge that they need it."

"In just two years, from 2007 to 2009, there was an increase of almost 40 percent in the number of Americans ages 50-59 at risk of hunger."

"Every day in the U.S., millions of older Americans struggle to put food on the table. Faced with a struggling economy and rising health care costs, they face a grim choice: whether to skip meals, or choose cheaper, less nutritious foods."


The "AARP Drive to End Senior Hunger" Program cites that Senior hunger and malnutrition in America can be attributed to:

-Seniors not acknowledging, admitting or recognizing that they suffering from hunger
-An average Social Security benefit of only $1,200 a month as the only source of senior income
-The economic downturn and recession in the United States affected seniors in the workforce with the unemployment rate for older Americans 50 plus having doubled from 2007-2011.

The AARP Foundation is helping to end senior hunger by:

  • Increasing awareness about senior hunger by teaming up with NASCAR Champion Jeff Gordon and team sponsor Hendrick Motorsports.
  • Partnering with Fortune 500 companies and national organizations to raise money to fight senior hunger.
  • Developing long-term solutions to end senior hunger through collaboration with researchers, educators, nonprofit organizations, and through grants.
  • Enrolling eligible seniors into the SNAP Program (Federal government's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) in states across the USA.
  • Working with No Mas Hambre - to raise awareness about senior hunger in the Latino community since out of the nearly nine million seniors at risk for hunger every day, one in four is Latino.
Individuals looking to help the elderly and end senior hunger can make donations on the "AARP Drive to End Senior Hunger" Program website.

UnitedHealthCare and AARP Credit Card from Chase are sponsors of AARP's Drive to End Senior Hunger.

The AARP Foundation aims to help those age 50 and over with senior hunger, income, senior housing and isolation. The Foundation is also a member of the BBB (Better Business Bureau.)

Senior Hunger Programs

Meals on Wheels Pledge to End Senior Hunger Program - Meals On Wheels Association of America pledge to end senior hunger by the year 2020. Campaign activities include: volunteering, increasing awareness about the problem of senior hunger in America, making donations to help with senior meals, or providing ideas about how to end senior hunger. Across the USA.

Comfort Keepers STOP Senior Hunger Campaign Program - Educating seniors, their caregivers and families to watch for signs of elderly malnutrition and senior hunger. Across the USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.







Find Out More about the "AARP Drive to End Senior Hunger" Program

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