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WHATProvides resources on the effect of loneliness among seniors and innovative ideas to alleviate isolation
WHYTo understand loneliness and isolation among older adults, to increase awareness about the problem and to find ways for seniors to build social connections so that they can live more vibrant lives.
AARP Foundation.
Across USA.

Program Description

“Isolation in older adults is rarely caused by a single event. More often, it’s the result of multiple causes, including poor physical and mental health, poorly designed communities, and major life events such as loss and retirement.”

“…the highest rate of suicides in America is among people age 45 to 64. There were more than 232,000 suicides in this age group from 1999 to 2016.”

“Isolation in older adults is a fairly new research topic, but data indicate that the health risks of prolonged isolation are equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Subjective feelings of loneliness can increase the risk of death by anywhere from 26 percent to 45 percent.”
- Connect2Affect Press Kit. states that older adults may be isolated due to:

  • Reduced mobility.
  • Hearing or vision loss.
  • Lack of access to affordable transportation.
  • Death of a spouse.
  • Retirement.
  • Geography.
  • Language/cultural barriers.

Older adults can visit the website and complete a quick assessment for their level of isolation risk Seniors are asked to answer yes or no questions related to their living situation, social activities, companionship, access to transportation, caregiving situation etc,. Afterwards solutions are presented for the areas of their lives in which they may be experiencing isolation.

The website presents a research article on ‘Social connectedness in older adults,’ examining the satisfaction level of social life in the elderly population.

Aging Programs
Senior Health
Elderly Depression & Mental Health Programs
Elderly Suicide Prevention Programs



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