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WHATThe Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund raises money through donations to help Meals on Wheels programs across the country meet the increased demand for nutritious in-home senior meal delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic.
WHYTo keep older adults who are quarantine or socially isolated due to the COVID-19 pandemic safe and healthy by providing home delivered meals and check-ins.
WHEREMeals on Wheels America. USA.

Program Description

“Meals on Wheels programs are experiencing increased demand, with four in five programs reporting that new meal requests have doubled since March 1, 2020, when concerns over COVID-19 and social distancing measures began taking hold.”

“Nearly 9.5 million seniors are threatened by hunger 5.5 million of which are food insecure or very low food secure.”

The Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund is accepting donations for seniors in need during the pandemic from individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations.
Donated funds will be used by Meals on Wheels to:

  • Stock up on food and supplies.
  • Subsidize home delivery of meals (transportation and personnel costs.)
  • Check-in on isolated seniors through phone reassurance and technology.
  • In-kind and other product distribution to help the hardest-hit communities.
  • Public awareness of senior malnutrition.
  • Senior safety and infection control measures.

Meals on Wheels America supports thousands of programs across the country dedicated to helping solve the problem of senior hunger and isolation by in-home or senior center delivery of nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks. The organization funds research in the area of senior hunger and isolation with reports on In-Home Senior Safety, Hunger in Older Adults, and Partnerships Between Meals on Wheels and Healthcare.

COVID-19 Senior Programs
Aging Programs
Senior Health Programs
Elderly Nutrition and Senior Meal Delivery Programs




Find out more information about the Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund

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