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WHAT Support services for older adults and connections to community resources including supportive housing, befriending and assistive technology.
WHYTo support older adults to age comfortably in their own homes, to reduce social isolation and lonliness, and help them to connect to their communities.
WHERE Alone.

Program Description

“We use support plans, provide a point of contact for access to health, social care, housing, transport and other arising needs using technology and other services and activities to improve physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. We have nearly 3000 volunteers throughout the Country who conduct and provide practical supports to older people, visits and phone calls, linking older people into social activity and being a companion.”

“Our Mission is to lead the drive to support positive aging at home, strengthen our services, innovate and create new services, be more sustainable and realize our full potential as we grow.”

“We work with all older people, including those who are lonely, isolated, frail or ill, homeless, living in poverty, or are facing other difficulties.”

Alone Ireland provides socially isolated older adults with:
  • Support Coordination - a support coordinator visits older adults and helps put together a personalized support plan to help access medical and other support within the community. Coordinators work together with local authorities, state agencies, community and volunteer groups.
  • Befriending - provides regular visits by volunteers to reduce social isolation and lonliness in older adults.
  • Supportive Housing - age-friendly housing provides senior housing and support for older people who have housing difficulties or are experiencing homelessness.
  • Assistive Technology - empowers older adults to use technology to manage their social connections, health, safety and security.

Alone’s campaigns include:

-Benchmarking the State Pension - to keep pace with the rising cost of living.
-Digital Skills Training
-No one ALONE at Christmas
-Cold Weather Initiative
-Gratitude Campaign
- thanking older adults staff and supporters and more.
Alone’s National Support & Referral Line for older adults can be reached at: 0818 222 024.

Aging Programs
Senior Health
Elderly Depression & Mental Health Programs
Elderly Suicide Prevention Programs

Find out more about Alone

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