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WHAT Provides access to free healthcare, doctor visits, medical care, lab work, vision care, dental care, prescriptions, immunizations, social services, behavioral health services and more.
WHYTo provide access to free health care and charitable clinics for older adults and others who are not able to afford healthcare.
To build healthy communities for all through quality, equitable, accessible healthcare.
WHERENational Association of Free and Charitable Clinics.
Across the USA.

Program Description

“Many people do not realize that there are approximately 1,400 Free and Charitable Clinics and Charitable Pharmacies throughout the nation who since the 1960s have been filling in the gap for those who ‘fall through the cracks’ in our current health care system.”

“Free and charitable clinics are nonprofit healthcare organizations that provide medical, dental, pharmaceutical, and/or behavioral health services to individuals who may not have access to healthcare due to financial constraints or other barriers. These clinics typically serve low-income, uninsured, and underinsured individuals and families.”

Seniors and others can receive free healthcare, eyecare, dental care, vision care, lab work, prescriptions, immunizations, social services, behavioral health services and more.

Free healthcare can be received at
free clinics, charitable clinics, hybrid clinics, student run clinics, standalone free/ charitable pharmacy, Federal qualified health Centers, or HRSA designated rural health clinics.

Eligibly for free healthcare depends on the capacity and needs of each organization and their community. Patients are typically uninsured or underinsured and are within the range of below 100 – 300% of the Federal Poverty Level.

Uninsured or underinsured seniors and others in need of free or low-cost healthcare can find a free or charitable clinic or pharmacy here

Free clinics are run with the help of volunteers including doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, mental health providers, dentists, pharmacists, optometrists, podiatrists, dietitians, medical students, gardeners, landscapers, website and marketing specialists and more.
Those looking to help provide free healthcare for seniors and others can visit the website and contact their local free clinic.

The National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics also accepts donations through funding, supplies or services in order to carry out their mission of providing free healthcare to those in need.

The National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics works to achieve the following goals:

Advocacy- advocates by engaging with policymakers for policies that support better access to healthcare and healthcare services to underserved and uninsured populations.
Capacity Building - providing communities with resources, training, and support to better serve their communities effectively.
Collaboration - encourages collaboration among clinics, healthcare professionals, volunteers, and others to improve the coordination of care for individuals in need.
Education - provides educational resources and opportunities for clinics and their staff.Resource Development - works to secure resources such as funding and donated medical supplies to support the operations of free and charitable clinics.
Promotion of Best Practices - promotes best practices in healthcare delivery to ensure that clinics are providing high-quality, compassionate care to their patients.
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