The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China.
Program Description
"According to the Coroners' Report, there was an average of 1 elderly suicide per day and it's a leading cause of death for senior citizens. The statistic is alarming. With the support of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, we have launched a pioneer three-year project "Outreach Befriending Service for Suicidal Elderly" in October 2006, to recruit and train up volunteers to visit the suicidal elderly."
The "Outreach Befriending Service For Suicidal Elderly” Program offers the following elderly suicide prevention services:
-Case Service - professional social workers and trained volunteers make home visits to suicidal elderly. Social workers and volunteers also provide check in service by visiting care homes and making a regular phone call to the elderly. The Program provides emotional support to the elderly, someone who can listen to them and allow them to regain the will to live on
-Seasonal Visit -on holidays, special days and traditional festivals volunteers bring gifts to elders.
-Community Education Programs - help train and equip frontline social workers, health care workers, the elderly, caregivers and families to become aware of the signs and symptoms of depression and to prevent the elderly suicide.
Elderly are referred to the program by elderly service units in the community and all cases are assessed by social workers.
An annual large-scale visit program called “Dong Gua” (Don’t suicide) Elderly Visit Program is held during the summer.
"Suicide Prevention Services" also offers a 24-hour Suicide Hotline Service to help depressed, desperate and suicidal people of all ages. The hotline is managed by selected and trained volunteers.
Elderly Suicide Prevention Programs
Elderly Depression & Mental Health Programs