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WHAT A class with a full curriculum, behavior modification techniques and a graduation for elder drug abuse and older adults with addictions.
WHYProvides a group setting for seniors to learn about drug addiction, to be held accountable for their actions, and to succeed in a successful graduation from the program.
WHERECommunity Outreach in Programs Addictions (COPA) Toronto, ON, Canada.

Program Description

The “Community Outreach in Programs Addictions College" takes place at several locations including long-term care homes, hostels, senior drop in centers, and more.

At the beginning of each semester, seniors are given a letter of acceptance and a curriculum package, which includes a course outline detailing which topics, will be presented throughout the eight weeks.

Participants are actively encouraged to suggest future session topics, lead a session on a topic of their choosing. In one of the last sessions of the semester there is a ‘Reflections’ session, during which participants are asked for their feedback both on what they have learned throughout the semester and how they have changed their behaviors based on what they have learned.

In the last session a graduation ceremony is held and seniors are presented with a certificate of completion, their reflections are reviewed and they are given feedback from the course instructors.

“Community Outreach in Programs Addictions also provides elder drug abuse treatment and services for seniors under "Case Management & Addictions Treatment" in the form of:

-Initial assessment and treatment for either substance abuse and/ or problem gambling
-Meeting seniors who need help with drug abuse either in their homes, apartments, senior facilities,  long-term care homes, shelters, boarding homes or homeless.
-Case management 

The aim of COPA is to improve the quality of life for older adults with addictions, concurrent disorders and problem gambling issues.


-Elderly Drug Abuse Prevention Programs
-Elderly Suicide Prevention Programs
-Elderly Depression & Mental Health Programs

Find out more about the “Community Outreach in Programs Addictions (COPA) College” Program

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