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WHATOlder adults and others may receive free or low-cost donated hearing aids based on income.
WHYTo provide free or low-cost hearing aids to older adults and others in need and to improve overall health and well-being in communities.
WHERELions International.
Hearing Charities of America. Hearing Aid Project.
Across the USA.

Program Description

“Through Lions Affordable Hearing Aid Project, Lions work with partner hearing care professionals to serve individuals in the United States with hearing impairment who cannot afford hearing aids.”

“Since 1925, Lions International has been a champion in helping combat vision impairment and blindness. With this same conviction, Lions have also been a force in providing medical care and education to help prevent hearing loss.”

Lions clubs partner with local hearing care professionals to dispense hearing aids and services.

Older adults and others may receive free or low-cost donated hearing aid assistance by contacting their local Lions club.

Each Lions club is responsible for determining the amount of additional cost of providing a hearing aid to be covered or shared with the recipient such including testing, fitting the aids, providing follow-up care, the cost of ear molds, audiologist/hearing aid dispenser fees, batteries and transportation.

Hearing aid assistance is based on guidelines such as the recipient is:

  • Unable to access a hearing aid due to limited income
  • At an income level below or at 200 percent of the poverty level
  • Unable to access other personal and family resources to purchase commercial hearing aids
  • Denied state and federal assistance

In addition to hearing aid donations Lions Clubs International partners with Walmart to provide location drop offs for eyeglass donations at participating Walmart Vision Centers.

Lions International provides humanitarian services through dedicated volunteers and partners with the aim of improving health and strengthening communities.

Aging Programs
Senior Health
Senior Medical Health Programs




Find out more about Lions Affordable Hearing Aid Project

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