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WHATPartners with nursing care homes, senior centers, senior living, meals on wheels programs and other locations to bring physical letters and cards of cheer to older adults.
WHYTo help fight senior isolation and loneliness by providing a sense of connection and something to look forward to.
WHERELetters Against Isolation. Shreya and Saffron Patel. Across the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and Israel.

Program Description

“We fight senior loneliness one letter at a time. Through handwritten messages of love, hope, and joy, our volunteer community brings seniors connection and improves their mental and physical health.”

“Every other week, our volunteers will send letters and cards to your senior residents. All you have to do is tell us how many letters you would like to receive, and where we should send them to.”

“The residents stop me frequently to share a letter that they have received and to tell a story of the person who wrote to them. Letters Against Isolation artwork is on the walls of many bedrooms and night tables. I also see residents bringing their letters to meals to share with their neighbor in delight. This program is above and beyond what I expected and the reactions are uplifting to say the least.”
-Teresian House Center for the Elderly's Activities Director source:

In addition to providing older adults in nursing homes, senior living and other locations with a social connection, letters may also have a positive impact on mental and physical health.

Volunteers sign up to write and send physical letters or cards to residents from any of the care homes who have signed up through the organization’s website.

Letters should be mailed directly to the care facility listed through the Letters Against Isolation website and will be distributed randomly to senior residents by facility staff.

Letters to seniors should be cheerful in tone and creative. Volunteers should not include information that can personally identify them and should not send gifts.

Seniors may or may not write back to volunteers depending on either their physical ability to respond or access to writing supplies or stamps. 

Free stamps may be available to both volunteers and seniors through the Letters Against Isolation stamp fund.

Volunteers may be individuals or part of larger groups such as employees at corporations, schools, sororities, community centers, Girl Scout & Boy Scout Troops and other organizations.

Corporate Partners include:

BlueCross BlueShield
Johnson and Johnson
Kaiser Permanente
Americorps Seniors
Volunteers of America


Aging Programs
Elderly Nursing
Nursing Home Activities
Senior Activities







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