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WHAT Allows wheelchair bound senior residents at a nursing care facility to ride a specially designed senior bicycle along with another person.
WHYSo that elderly can take advantage of the therapeutic exercise, a bike ride and get out into the community in ways that they would not otherwise be able to access.
WHEREYaletown House
Vancouver, BC. Canada. Bicycle designed by:
Robert Hoening - Germany.

Program Description

"Yaletown House is a non-profit 130-bed long-term care facility in downtown Vancouver. Many residents are wheelchair-bound and, in spring 2009, Yaletown House launched its Duet Bike program to provide modified-bike transportation for its patients." "Duet Bike Program"

The senior bicycle combines a wheelchair for the senior resident and a mountain bike for a volunteer to ride along on. The bike is an eight-speed modified tandem bike made in Germany, with a trailer attached to a lightweight, sturdy wheelchair. The wheelchair is also usable separately.

Senior bicyles can be taken along the ocean on the seawall for a lovely view providing fresh air and promoting senior health and well-being.

Bicycle training and orientation including transport safety is provided to volunteers who would like to help the elderly.

Senior residents who would like to be a wheelchair passenger in the "Duet Bike" Program must receive a health assessment and written consent from family members or guardians and a doctor referral. Seniors should be able to transfer themselves from one wheelchair to another and have sufficient upper body movement.


Biking is Back - Older Adult Three - Wheeled Bicycle Program - Free three wheel biking elderly exercise classes for seniors along the Willamette Greenway in Portland, Oregon. Seniors can enjoy a low-impact, outdoor group exercise activity and learn how to use the three wheel bike as a mode of transportation for errands.


Senior Housing Rental Initiative Program - Affordable housing developments for seniors or persons with disabilities. British Columbia (BC) Canada.

Guru Nanak Niwas Assisted Living and Independent Living Facility" Program - An assisted living and independent living facility designed specifically for the South Asian community in Canada. Staff members are fluent in English, Punjabi, Hindi, Bengali, Urdu and Fijian Hindi languages. British Columbia (BC) Canada.

BC Center for Elder & Advocacy
- A trained legal advocate who is a paralegal provides legal information to those who call the Seniors Advocacy & Information Line. Advocates also provide legal representation to older adults with problems related to access to safe housing, access to government benefits and pensions and elder abuse. British Columbia (BC) Canada.

Rainbow Vision LGBT Senior Housing and Assisted Living - Condominium, Independent and Assisted Living for LGBT seniors which offers a trial stay to those who wish to test out the facilities before moving in. British Columbia (BC) Canada.

Healthy Eating for Seniors Handbook Program
- A 200 page guide on elderly nutrition put together with the help of dietitians, senior focus groups and the Government of British Columbia.

Find out more about the “Duet Bike” Program


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