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WHATProvides training in nursing communication techniques to improve nursing home staff communication with senior resident’s and their family members at long-term care facilities.
WHYTo increase cooperation and improve communication between family members and nursing home staff.
WHERELifeWorks Learning.
Rhoda Meador - President & Director of Extension and Outreach for the College of Human Ecology at Cornell University
Ithaca, New York, USA.

Program Description

"Partners in Caregiving is a training program that was designed by researchers at Cornell University to increase cooperation and effective communication between family members and nursing home staff."

“Now, I’m not afraid to strike up a conversation with families. I understand why they might behave the way they do - the feelings behind the actions.”
-Certified Nursing Assistant

The training includes two workshops, one for elderly nursing care staff and the other for family caregivers or family members with the main focus on how to improve nursing home communication between staff and family and to learn conflict resolution skills. Nursing communication techniques are covered along with simulations, case studies, and brainstorming exercises are a part of the training.

The goal of the "Partners in Caregiving" Program is to bring about changes in family and nursing home staff perceptions and behaviors and improved communication by both groups.

The "Partners in Caregiving" Program curriculum was designed by researchers at Cornell University who evaluated the program in a study including 20 elderly nursing care homes. Positive outcomes were found for both family and nursing home staff. In families of residents with dementia reported less conflict with staff and staff reported a lower likelihood of quitting.

LifeWorks Learning is a national training and consultation service that helps elderly nursing care facilities with improved nursing home communication techniques, and help the elderly, their families and their caregivers have an improved quality of life.

Find out more about the “Partners In Caregiving" Program

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