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WHATAn elder abuse prevention training program for long term elderly nursing care staff.
WHYTo increase nursing staff awareness of elder abuse and neglect, conflict resolution skills and reduce the incidents of elder abuse and neglect in long-term care facilities, personal care boarding homes, adult day care programs, and those served by home health care workers.
WHEREThe Center for Advocacy for the Rights & Interests of the Elderly (CARIE)
Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Program Description

This taught you how to accept attitudes of others and how to respond to patients if you’re under stress.”
-Nursing Care Staff

“I was inspired to perform to my highest ability.”
-Competence With CompassionProgram Participant-

The "Center for Advocacy for the Rights & Interests of the Elderly" (CARIE) "Elder Abuse Prevention Training for Long- Term Staff" Program aims to

-Increase nursing home staff awareness of abuse, neglect, and potential abuse in long term care
-Equip nursing staff with appropriate conflict intervention strategies.
-Reduce elder abuse in long term care settings, and therefore improving the quality of life for residents.

The "Center for Advocacy for the Rights & Interests of the Elderly" (CARIE) "Elder Abuse Prevention Training for Long-Term Staff" Program includes group discussions between nursing home staff.

Daily examples of elderly nursing care home staff and elderly resident situations are looked at and innovative solutions in order to prevent elder abuse in nursing homes are provided.

Geriatric nurses and nursing home staff are provide with training to improve communication and senior care while remaining sensitive.

CARIE's "Elder Abuse Prevention Training for Long- Term Staff" Program stresses that seniors in nursing homes deserve quality care even when nursing staff are faced with conditions such as low staffing levels, little support, or not enough time.

The program contains an Ethical Decision-Making Training component that teaches a 5-step process to guide nursing staff in decision-making when ethical dilemmas arise.

It is important to note that caregivers provide physical care in some cases emotional, psychological, social support to residents. Elderly nursing care staff may find themselves in stressful working conditions and receive minor support from supervisors. Nursing staff may also be the victims of abuse themselves from residents and family members.

The belief is by addressing the training needs of the caregiver, the quality of life for residents will also improve.

CARIE, the Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly, is an organization dedicated toward improving the quality of life for the frail elderly through elder abuse prevention education for long term care staff. CARIE has developed an innovative edler abuse training curriculum that can help prevent elder abuse in nursing homes and provide preventive solutions.

-More Elder Abuse Prevention Programs

Find out more about the “Competence With Compassion - Elder Abuse Prevention Training for Long-Term Staff" Program

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