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WHATThe Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association (CGNA) represents gerontological nurses and promotes gerontological nursing across Canada and internationally.
WHYTo promote excellence in gerontological nursing through leadership, knowledge, and scholarships. To address the health concerns of older adults and the nurses who participate in their health care.
WHEREThe Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association.
Across Canada.

Program Description

The Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association aims to promote:

  • High standards of gerontological nursing practice.
  • Educational programs in gerontological nursing.
  • Activities that aid the health of older adults.
  • Networking opportunities for nurses. 
  • Gerontological nursing research.
  • The views of the Association to government, education, professional and others.

The Journal of the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association ‘Perspectives’ aims to promote healthcare for older adults and their families through the development of gerontological nursing.

Online Gerontological Nursing Webinars include:

  • Stay the Course! Be prepared for the CNA certification exams  
  • CNA Certification Preparation and Study Session
  • Aging and Wound Management    
  • Depression and Chronic Illness
  • Behavioural Challenges in Dementia         
  • Delirium, Dementia, and Depression
  • Pathophysiology - Skin Infections in Elderly

The Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association offers the following scholarships:

The Anne C. Beckingham Scholarship - to support outstanding Registered Nurses undertaking further education in a graduate degree program relevant to career development, preferably in the field of gerontological nursing including Nurse Practitioner programs that focus on the care of older adults.

Memorial Scholarship
- awarded to an outstanding Registered Nurse, Licensed or Registered Practical Nurse, or Registered Psychiatric Nurse who is undertaking further education in a post-basic undergraduate nursing degree program with a gerontological nursing focus.

The Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association is a member of the Canadian Nurses Association. (CNA) Conjoint provincial gerontological nursing associations include:

Gerontological Nursing Association of British Columbia (GNABC)
Alberta Gerontological Nurses Association (AGNA)
Manitoba Gerontological Nursing Association (MGNA)
Nova Scotia Gerontological Nurses Association (NSGNA)
Newfoundland and Labrador Gerontological Nurses Association (NLGNA)
Gerontological Nursing Association Ontario (GNAO)
Prince Edward Island Gerontological Nurses Association (PEIGNA)
New Brunswick Gerontological Nursing Association (NBGNA)

Find out more about the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association

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