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WHATThe Senior Citizens Equestrian Club provides older people living in residential homes with equine assisted therapy and the opportunity to interact with horses.
WHYTo help the elderly keep engaged, socially active and receive the physical and mental benefits of interacting with animals.
WHEREThe Urban Equestrian Academy.
Senior Citizens Equestrian Club.
Founder - Freedom Zamapaladus.
Leicester, United Kingdom.

Program Description

“As a horse changes its manner of walking its elderly riders can slowly develop better muscle control and flexibility.”

“Horses are amazing and majestic animals. Their movement has a unique and balanced rhythm to it. The repetitiveness of their movements can help the physical health of our elderly members of the Leicester community. Horses provide a unique base of support for our senior citizens who poor posture control as well as problems with balance. For individuals who are not as mobile, horses again provide that strong and secure support base.”

Equine assisted therapy visits to residential homes can help older adults with the following:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Stroke
  • Mobility and posture issues
  • Fight depression and social isolation
  • Decrease anxiety
  • Non-verbal communication skills

Older adults can increase their responsibility level and confidence while caring for a horse helping to develop an emotion connection.

The Senior Citizens Equestrian Club also provides programs for inner-city children, faith groups, and other communities to promote equestrianism.

Aging Programs
Elderly Nursing
Nursing Home Activities
Animal Assisted Therapy and Activities
Pets Assistance for Elderly
Service Dogs for Elderly
Terminally Ill & Their Pets

Find out more about the Senior Citizens Equestrian Club

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