Anchor Hanover.
United Kingdom.
Program Description
"Our campaign calling for a dedicated Minister for Older People has achieved cross-party political backing and is supported by an array of organisations working for older people, as well as celebrities of all ages."
"Music is a powerful medium which brings people together and we wanted to write a song based on real life experiences, lifetime achievements, challenges overcome as well as older peoples' aspirations for the future. Together we have created a record that highlights the wealth of talents older people have and hopefully, will become synonymous with the benefits of age!"
Grey Pride is campaigning for a post in government representing the elderly through a dedicated Minister for Older People.
Grey Pride is asking for the following changes to policy to create fair and equitable services for older people:
- Increase staff on older people’s wards in line with Royal College of Nursing guidance.
- Assessments for frailty and risk of falls in line with expert guidance.
- Appoint a Commissioner for Older People to investigate poor health care experienced by older people.
Retirement Housing
- A national task force of developers, ministers and local government to implement a national strategy for increasing supply.
- Create a level playing field for retirement housing developers.
- Ensure all local authorities have a housing strategy for older people in place and act on it.
Social Care
- Extend worksave pension scheme to include additional saving for social care.
- Providers receiving adequate State funding be required to pay the proper living wage as set by the Living Wage Foundation to all care home and domiciliary carers and activity co-ordinators.
Mobility and Transportation
- Fines for authorities or the Highways Agency if they fail to maintain unobstructed views at accident black spots.
- Adequate funding to maintain pavements.
- Transport operators give ‘old age’ the same prominence as ‘disability’.
Retirement and Older People in the Workforce
- Age friendly audit by businesses to identify how well they meet older customer’s needs.
- Flexible working conditions for older people.
- Apprenticeships and retraining programs to allow older people to continue working or to re-enter the workforce.
Technology and Internet
- Services used by older people should be accessible both on-line and off-line.
- Companies should sign up for the international standard for web accessibility set by the World Wide Web Consortium and the Web Accessibility Initiative.
Grey Pride has organized older adults in a band called The Anchor Community Band which has produced a charity single celebrating the positive aspects of aging and challenging stereotypes and misconceptions about older adults in a fun way. The single ‘See Yourself’ was recorded by more than 350 people from Anchor's retirement housing and care homes across England.
Proceeds raised from the song will go towards Contact the Elderly a national charity which aims to combat loneliness and isolation faced by older people who live alone.
Aging Awareness & Sensitivity Programs