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WHATVolunteer drivers pick up senior citizens from their homes and take them to the home of a volunteer host. Volunteer and seniors spend a few hours together enjoying a Sunday afternoon social tea party.
WHYTo give the opportunity for seniors who live alone without family or friends living nearby, to socialize and combat lonliness felt on the weekend when many senior services are unavailable.
WHERE Re Engage - Contact the Elderly.
London England, Scotland, Wales. United Kingdom (UK)

Program Description

"I felt that I had come out of a dark tunnel into the light. Before I joined Contact, I thought that my life had ended and now it's started again!"

-Elderly guest of The "Sunday Afternoon Senior Tea Social" Program

"Our tea parties are a real lifeline of friendship for our older members who have little or no contact with any family or friends. They bring people of all ages together, develop fulfilling friendships and support networks, and give everyone involved something to look forward to each month."

The Sunday Afternoon Senior Social Tea Party allows for a group of seniors to meet once a month and provides a senior social routine to combat loneliness which may be experienced for seniors who live alone.

The senior social program gathers at a volunteer's home and creates a cozy environment with a sense of belonging rather than gathering in a hall or public building.

The goal is for acquaintances to turn into friends and loneliness to be replaced by companionship.

The Sunday Afternoon Senior Tea Social Party operates on the weekend when most community services for older people are not available which can make Sunday a day when seniors can feel particularly lonely.

Volunteers can help in several capacities by hosting the tea, driving and providing senior transportation, coordinating events or helping with admin and marketing the program. Those looking for how they can help volunteer can visit the Re engage website

Tea parties are a wonderful way to support older adults providing benefits such as:

Socialization and Companionship - an opportunity for older adults to interact with others in a relaxed and welcoming environment while combating loneliness and isolation.

Mental Stimulation - older adults can engage in conversation and social interaction stimulating memory and cognitive skills.

Emotional Well-being - having tea in a calm, cozy, peaceful setting can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, a sense of belonging and comfort.

Routine and Structure - regular tea party gatherings help create a sense of structure for older adults giving them an outing to look forward to.

Community and Connection - gatherings bring together different generations of volunteers and older adults, fostering intergenerational relationships and a sense of community.

Re Engage helps older adults connect and engage in the community through other programs including Call Companions, a telephone befriending service, activity groups such as dancing, chair yoga, gardening, tai chi or boules, and research in the area of social isolation and loneliness in older adults.,

Aging Programs
Senior Activities
Senior Social








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