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WHATProvides free advocacy, information and education on aged care services to older people.
WHYTo educate and empower older adults on their rights with respect to aged care homes and aged care services.
WHEREFunded by the Australian Government.

Program Description

“Advocacy is the process of standing beside someone and supporting them to understand and exercise their rights and have their voice heard on the issues that are important to them.”

The Older Persons Advocacy Network helps older adults to understand and navigate aged care services.

Aged care issues may cover:

·  Transitioning between aged care services.
·  More informed decisions about senior care and exercising the right to choice in accessing aged care services.
·  Providing support for older adults to resolve problems or complaints with aged care providers.
·  Information about aged care rights and responsibilities and empowerment for older adults to self-advocate.
·  Preventing premature admission to aged care facilities and addressing issues that impact the ability of older adults to age in place and live in their own home.

Older adults who are having difficulty with Commonwealth funded aged care services may ask for help from an advocate who can assist with:

  • Listening and understanding an older adult’s views and wishes.
  • Inform on rights and responsibilities.
  • Exploring options and make informed decisions.
  • Support, raise concerns and work towards a resolution.
  • Writing a letter or raise concerns at a meeting.
  • Speaking for an older adult in situations where they may not feel able to speak for themselves.

Aging Programs
Aging Awareness & Sensitivity Programs

Find out more about The Older Persons Advocacy Network

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