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WHATThe Global Action on Aging reports on older people's needs and potential within the global economy and advocates for elder rights for older persons worldwide.
WHYGlobal Action on Aging researches critical worldwide aging related issues and publishes reports. Issues relating to older adults such as elder rights, income support, health access, and human rights are covered so that the quality of life of older adults worldwide can be improved.
WHEREGlobal Action on Aging.
United Nations.
Based in New York, USA.

Program Description

"Global Action on Aging advocates at the United Nations (UN) in New York to build a better society for older people across the globe. Older persons' numbers are increasing rapidly. One out of every ten persons is now 60 years or above; by 2050, one out of five will be 60 years or older. UN Member States correctly see this growth among the elderly as a tremendous economic and social challenge for their countries and the world. At the same time, governments agree with Global Action on Aging that the world's elderly offer great talent and energy to their nations and our world."

Global Action on Aging’s Programs include important issues effecting older adults such as:

  • Elder Rights - advocates for the protection of older persons as a key element of the human rights movement. Older adults are often subject to physical and emotional abuse, theft and negative stereotyping and discrimination, and can feel vulnerable and frightened. Other issues facing elder rights may include appropriate housing and control over end of life decisions.
  • Senior Health- advocates for access to health care, medicine and care, for older persons.
  • Pension Watch - income support in old age is critical. The organization monitors efforts to reduce pension income and reforms that reduce services and income for older persons.
  • Rural Aging -many older persons live in isolated rural areas and are experiencing environmental disasters, disease, and war. The organization aims to document the barriers that rural elderly face and research ways to overcome these issues.
  • Armed Conflict & Emergencies Project - researches the legal, humanitarian and physical challenges facing older persons caught in armed conflict.
  • Aging Watch at the UN – follows up decisions made at the World Assembly on Ageing in 2002 held in Madrid, where the Member States of the UN adopted a Political Declaration and Plan of Action on Ageing which aims to integrate older persons' rights into national and international policies.
  • Newsletter -Global Action on Aging publishes a free electronic newsletter that features articles on health, elder rights, pension, rural aging, older persons in armed conflict and other aging topics.


Aging Programs
Aging Awareness & Sensitivity Programs

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