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WHATProvides grants and funding for aging related start-ups and projects that benefit older adults.
WHYTo improve the lives of the older adults and their caregivers through targeted aging related projects.
WHERENextFifty Initiative.
Colorado, USA.

Program Description

“We seek to fund game-changing efforts to improve and sustain the quality of life for people in their second 50 years. NextFifty Initiative educates about proven initiatives and advocates for transformational change. We consider ourselves an engine for innovation that transforms aging. Our work will impact lives for generations to come.”

“The NextFifty Initiative is a fairly new grant making organizations that’s based here in Colorado that’s purpose is to find and vet and fund new and innovative thoughts, ideas, programs, projects that will really help change the landscape of aging.”
-Diana McFail, NextFifty Initiative

“We’ve funded organizations focuses on transportation, organizations focused in the arts and civic engagement for older adults. We’ve funded organizations that work through breaking down barriers to technology for older adults.”

-Lisa Sullivan Clark, NextFifty Initiative.

Organizations that receive funds from the NextFifty Initiative provide serves to older adults in the areas of caregiver support, elder justice, health, housing, multigenerational support, social services and more.

Aging Programs
Aging Awareness & Sensitivity Programs




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