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WHATProvides cultural competency and LGBTQIA+ friendly education and training to senior service providers, staff, caregivers, the community, and advocates for equity and inclusion for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual older adults.
WHYTo help LGBTQIA+ older adults age with support services, dignity and respect.
WHEREThe LGBTQIA+ Aging Project. Fenway Health.
The Fenway Institute.
Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Program Description

“The LGBTQIA+ Aging Project is the premier resource in New England advocating specifically for LGBTQIA+ older adults. It is the ‘go to’ place for organizations looking for training and technical assistance as well as individuals seeking connection and support.”


In addition to cultural competency training and education, The LGBTQIA+ Aging Project provides outreach and support services to the LGBTQIA+ community such as ongoing support for older adults including bereavement support groups, social support groups, and meal programs.

The LGBTQIA+ Aging Project is committed to policy changes that help support the  LGBTQIA+ older adult community. 

The project’s presentation ‘Providing Affirming Care for LGBTQIA+ Older Adults’ covers the following LGBTQ related topics:

  • LGBTQ Aging Supports.
  • Bisexuality and Aging.
  • Transgender Aging.
  • LGBTQ Elders of Color.
  • HIV/AIDS and Aging.
  • Discussing Sexual Health with Older Adults.
  • Dementia & LGBTQ Patients.
  • LGBTQ Caregiving.
  • LGBTQ Language and Pronouns.
  • Resources for LGBTQ Older Adults and Caregivers.

Fenway Health provides accessible health care, education, advocacy and supportive services to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual, (LGBTQIA+ ) black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) communities.

Aging Programs
LGBT Senior Awareness and Sensitivity Training Programs
LGBT Senior Housing and Assisted Living Programs
Watch LGBT Senior Documentaries




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