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WHAT A project which researches the aging and health needs of LGBT seniors and provides LGBT cultural competent and relevant training to those who serve LGBT seniors.
WHYTo better understand the health needs of LGBT elder communities in order to address specific aging related needs as well as those of future generations.
WHERE Aging with Pride.
Seattle, WA, USA.
In partnership with:
LGBT Community Aging Agencies.
National LGBTQ Health and Longevity Center.
The Institute for Multigenerational Health at the University of Washington. National Institute of Health(NIH)
National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Program Description

"The findings paint a vivid portrait of the lives of LGBTQ midlife and older adults, documenting the interplay of risk and resilience to further understand those reaching their full aging and health potential and those most at risk of health, social, and economic disparities."

"They were surveyed about their aging, physical and mental health, wellness, support systems, caregiving, communities, and services. This research generated new knowledge on health and aging across these diverse communities, finding that LGBT adults are resilient yet at-risk."

The information gathered by Aging with Pride will recognize and aim to reduce health disparities experienced within LGBTQ senior communities.

The Aging with Pride Program is first national program to study health and wellness among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender seniors and their caregivers.

The Cultural Readiness Training to Serve LGBTQ Elders, Families and Care Partners Program provides LGBTQ cultural relevant training to improve knowledge, skills, and strategies to better serve LGBTQ elders, their families and care partners.

Training is suited to professionals in the aging, health and human service sectors and aims to identify gaps and current needs in serving the LGBTQ senior population.

Find out more about the Aging with Pride Project Program

Senior Programs
LGBT Senior Awareness and Sensitivity Training
LGBT Senior Housing and Assisted Living
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