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WHATEveryAGE Counts is a campaign against ageism providing ageism research, information, resources and tools such as an age bias quiz, posters, brochures games and more.
WHYTo change stereotypical and negative attitudes towards older adults which may impact their rights and ability to participate in the community. 
WHEREEveryAGE Counts.
The Benevolent Society. Australia.

Program Description

“…its the only ‘ism’ that might affect us all one day.”

…'thinking all older people of the same will be as absurd as thinking all younger people are the same.”

“…knowledge will be shared younger to older older to younger for the benefit of everyone including employers and older workers won't be forced out because of their age.”

-video: ‘What is Ageism?’ by Every Age Counts

Ageism can impact on job prospects, confidence, healthcare, quality of life and control over life decisions and has proven impacts on physical health and longevity.

Ageism can prevent communities from receiving the benefits from the participation of older people both economically and socially.

The EveryAGE Counts works to fight ageism by building the following:

National coalition for action against ageism.
• Broad-based social movement.
• Advocacy and political engagement.
• Stronger policy and evidence based research.
• Response to structural ageism and discrimination in employment, healthcare, aged care, housing, digital inclusion, economic security, effective communications and marketing

The campaign includes an ‘Am I Ageist’ quiz which tests for age bias.

Free anti-ageism training for individuals and organizations is available through the EveryAGE Counts Advocates Training Program, a six-week program on how to better understand and address ageism in the workplace, family or communities. 

Anti-ageism training covers:

• Talking confidently about ageism: Framing and reframing (understanding fundamentals and key concepts)
• Addressing Ageism: How to tell your own story
Building connections: How to understand your own networks of influence
• Addressing Ageism: How to have a conversation about ageism
• Addressing Ageism: How to engage in online conversations

The EveryAGE website contains helpful resources on ageism including:

-Understanding and preventing age discrimination of older people
-Drivers of Agism
-Reframing Aging Guide
-Pro Aging
-Conversation Starters About Ageism
-The Every WORD Counts Guide - Ageist Language
-How to Select Non-Ageist Images of Older Adults
-Aging in Culturally Diverse Communities
-Ageism in the Workplace
-How to Become an Age Friendly Workplace
-Ageism Reports
-Personal Stories of Ageism
-Action on Ageist Policies

Individual participants and organizations are encouraged to take an Anti Ageism pledge stating:

"I stand for a world without ageism where all people of all ages are valued and respected and their contributions are acknowledged. I commit to speak out and take action to ensure older people can participate on equal terms with others in all aspects of life."

In order to bring about a positive change toward thinking about aging, EveryAGE Counts works with governments, political parties, employers, unions and community sector stakeholders, including older people.

Ageism Awareness Day is held annually on October 9th.

Aging Programs
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Find out more about EveryAGE Anti Ageism Campaign

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