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WHATSchools move their students and classroom into a senior living facility for approximately two months to participate in intergenerational learning and immersion.
WHYTo provide intergenerational learning, connections, build relationships and aim to reduce stereotypes of each age group.
WHEREMeadows School Project.
I2i Intergenerational Society. Founder - Sharon MacKenzie. Vernon, B.C. Canada.

Program Description

“The whole experience with the seniors is just amazing. You thought that this was going to be kind of boring because you’re with elderly people and you weren’t really sure what was going to happen but nearing the end it’s just amazing the connection that you have with them. They know you, they know who you are they are not just seniors like they are your friends.”
-Student participant in Meadows School Project. Video: i2i Meadows School Project. Documentary ‘Whose Grandma Are You?’ Directed by Jim Elderton.

“A makeshift classroom for thirty students, 9-12 years of age, was set up in an Assisted Living Residence housing fifty older adults. Students were bussed to the facility to attend their full day of school, interlocking their calendar and activities with those older residents who volunteered to participate in the project.”

The aim of the project was to immerse both generations in activities which share skills, knowledge or experience, to reduce stereotypes and to have a positive effect on the well-being of elderly.

The project was able to maintain the educational standards mandated by the Ministries of Education and Health and the teacher adapted the curriculum to the environment to increase learning retention.

Older adults who participated in the program reported a new sense of purpose and reduction of isolation and students were able to absorb the wisdom and experience of seniors.  

In addition students participated in ninety minutes of public service each week.

The intergenerational learning project has been replicated at a senior living facility in Williams Lake B.C.,

Aging Programs
Senior Activities




Find out more about Intergenerational Meadows School Project

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