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WHAT Free information and advice line for seniors, their families and carers about the various senior housing and care options.
WHYTo provide elderly, their families and carers with accurate information and facts about their housing and care options so that they can make clear, sound and informed decisions.
WHEREElderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC)
East, East Midlands, London, North East, North West, South East, South West, West Midlands, Yorkshire & Humberside, United Kingdom.

Program Description

The "FirstStop Senior Housing Advice and Senior Care Advice" Program guides elderly helping them to choose the kind of housing and care which is right for each senior individually.

FirstStop's Advice Line and Advisors provide seniors in the UK with free senior housing and care advice.

Help and Advice with Elderly Care and Support Options covers issues such as:

-What In home care services for elderly are available
-What Care services for elderly are available outside their home in a care home

Help and Advice with Elderly Housing Options covers:

-How to choose between senior housing options
-Choosing between various affordable senior housing options and housing options that will help seniors to maintain an independent as possible lifestyle.
-How to decide if elderly should stay in their own home and adapt it through home modifications to be more senior friendly by installing grab bars, ramps or an alarm system etc.
-How to decide if elderly should move to a new home that is more suitable and easier to get around without stairs or in a more convenient location
-When and how to move to retirement home, village, or assisted living facility
-When and how move to a care home – may be considered when an elderly person can no longer look after themselves or needs regular medical attention
-Helping a senior move, downsize belongings, packing, and arranging the move

Financial Help and advice for Elderly covers:

-Help with getting the various Senior Care Benefits and Allowances – State services from the Council, NHS funding, Health Insurance
-How to Pay for Elder Care in Your Own Home
-How to Pay for Elder Care in a Care Home
-Handling another person's finances
- Mental Capacity Act
-Benefits, Grants and other Financial help
-Releasing Capital from Your Home (equity release)
-Getting help for financial and retirement planning and debt counseling

Help and Advice with Elder Rights covers:

-Help with Senior Housing Rights such as tenant landlord agreements, leases and more
-Free help with how to get a financial assessment to help with care costs
-Free help with elder rights support and what benefits elderly entitled to along with elder advocacy services

FirstStop has several resources available on line including:

-Care homes directory – Care homes covering assisted living, personal care and nursing care
-Housing directory- Including accommodation designed for seniors
-Home Services Directory - Senior services that help older people live independently at home
-Care and Repair or Home Improvement Agencies Directory - Services to help modify, adapt or repair a senior's homes


Annual EAC National Housing for Older People Awards Program - Elderly residents rate their retirement housing, sheltered housing, assisted living, or extra care home for an annual award for best senior housing by using a deck of cards.

Housing Options Self Appraisal Questionnaire Program - Online questionnaire (also known as the HOOP program) helps elderly think about the ease of living in their current home and figures out if home modifications may be required or alternate housing arrangements such as co-housing, assisted living, retirement home or a care home may be of benefit. Suggestions and guidance are provided by advisors.

Over 60s Art Awards for Seniors Program - Art Awards competition celebrating the talent and creativity of senior artists who are anywhere between the ages of 60 and over 100 years old.

Find out more about the "FirstStop Senior Housing Advice and Senior Care Advice" Program

Senior Programs
-Assisted Living for Seniors
-Senior Home Sharing and Cohousing Programs
-Senior Friendly Communities
-Affordable Housing Assistance for Seniors
-Elderly Home Repair Assistance and Modifications for Safety
-Temporary or Senior Shelter Housing
-Gay LGBT Senior Housing & Assisted Living

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