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WHAT Senior services including caregiver assistance, adult day program, Alzheimer's, dementia, and rehabilitation, wellness and friendly visit services for South Asian and Indo-Canadian seniors living in the Toronto area.
WHY To provide South Asian seniors services in English, Punjabi, Hindi, or Tamil.
WHEREIndus Community Services. (Formerly India Rainbow Community Services) Mississauga, Brampton, Peel.
Ontario, Canada.

Program Description

"For many, the demands of caring for an aging parent/spouse/relative can be extremely difficult. For some, adding in the demands of work, along with a family with children, can make it seem almost impossible. However, there is support available!"

"The Adult Day program offers stimulating physical, mental, social, and recreational activities in a group setting, combined with one-on-one sessions, to promote independence and healthy living. Delicious and nutritious vegetarian South Asian meals are provided daily, while also accommodating for any special dietary needs of the clients."

The Adult Day Program engages Indo-Canadian seniors in activities that promote physical, mental, emotional and social stimulation and includes a hot, nutritious South Asian meals.

Activities such as light exercise, mental aerobics, word puzzles and indoor games along with field trips and outdoor activities are organized for Indo-Canadian seniors to engage in and to socialize with others.  

Other services offered by Indus Community Services include:

Caregivers support groups and counseling - provided to caregivers on one-on-one basis or in a small group setting. Meetings are held every month to provide on going support to each other and caregivers are able to attend educational workshops. Information and education is provided on various illnesses and disabilities.  Health care professionals are invited to conduct educational sessions.

Clinics – A registered Nurse on site organizes foot care, falls prevention, medication management, diabetes, blood pressure and weight clinic.

Transportation – Senior transportation assistance is provided. Seniors may access transportation services from Transhelp, Red Cross, Canes and the Passenger Assistance program.

Friendly Visiting in-home senior services are arranged for home bound seniors in their home, hospital or nursing home by trained volunteers.

Security Reassurance check – A quick telephone call reassuring a senior’s health and well-being.

Seniors Wellness Program - aims to reduce isolation and loneliness in the south Asian senior population by providing physically and mentally stimulating activities to seniors over the age of 55+. 

Presentations are conducted on various health related topics such as healthy eating, heart and stroke, independent living, Alzheimer disease and more.

Home Support Exercise - program for seniors to enhance general well being, improve overall physical and psychological health.

*Senior programs are conducted in Punjabi, Hindi, Tamil and English languages. A subsidy is provided to eligible seniors after a financial assessment.

Indus Community Services is a CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) accredited service provider.

Indus Community Services was founded by members of the Indo-Canadian community to meet the settlement and social service needs of newcomers from the Indian sub-continent.

In addition to Indian and South Asian Senior Services, Indus Community Services also provides the following services to the community:

  • Settlement Services for Newcomers
  • Language Instruction for Newcomers
  • Job Search Workshops for Newcomers
  • Child, Youth & Parenting 
  • Housing & Support Peel 
  • Women's Program 
  • Family Court Support Services 

The organization aims to:

  • Assist and educate the Indian and other South Asian communities on healthcare needs.
  • Provide family counseling and/or referral services to Indian and other South Asian communities in family crisis situations.
  • Identify problems associated with the duality of cultures for children of Indian and other South Asian immigrants and to provide opportunities for resolving them through education.
  • To strive for providing language and culture specific services as appropriate.
  • Assist the Indian and other South Asian immigrant communities to integrate into mainstream Canadian society through education training, counseling, referral, information and bridging barriers (to integration).


Aristacare Indian Nursing Home Program at Alameda Center -New Jersey, USA
Rehabilitative, subacute and long-term care facility catering to Indian seniors, NRI seniors, South-Asian seniors living in the United States. Nursing care is provided in an environment where Indian culture is respected and languages such as Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi are understood by staff.

Guru Nanak Niwas Independent Living Facility Program - Vancouver, Canada
Assisted living facility for South Asian, Indo-Canadian seniors. Staff is fluent in English, Punjabi, Hindi, Bengali, Urdu and Fijian Hindi.







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