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WHAT Senior citizens receive customized visual and performing arts activity training at assisted living, residential communities, adult day care and other senior sites. Senior art classes are also offered to home bound seniors at their place of residence.
WHYSo that seniors can experience the arts, develop stimulating activities and improve physical and emotional health and well-being.
WHERE Center for Elders and Youth in the Arts.(CEYA)
Institute on Aging San Francisco.
San Francisco, CA, USA.

Program Description

"The Center for Elders and Youth in the Arts (CEYA) comes from the standpoint of wanting a professional artist, in not doing art therapy, not doing exercises to just create busy work, but to provide that challenge that art can do, to provide the satisfaction that succeeding in art can do.
-source: video 'CEYA Artists at Work.'

Professional senior art instruction is taught by skilled artists, poets, writers, dancers, or musicians.

Art instructors are artists who are trained by geriatric professionals through a training program so that they are equipped to work with an older population.

The Center for Elders and Youth in the Arts also engages in intergenerational art activities bringing high school youth in connection with older adults.

Special events and art exhibitions are held for seniors to display their artwork.

The Center for Elders and Youth in the Arts also provides senior art classes for those who are home-bound. Art activities take place at the home of the senior once a week for approximately 90 minutes. The home-bound senior art classes aim to be challenging, empowering and creative. All activities are tailored to the seniors' individual abilities, special interests and talents.

The aim of the Institute on Aging San Francisco's Center for Elders and Youth in the Arts (CEYA) is to provide visual and performing arts programming tailored to the Bay Area seniors. The organization also combines forces with youth organizations.

Corporations can lease senior made artwork for their offices and/or lobbies through the
CEYA Corporate Art Lending Program

Intergenerational Social Programs
Intergenerational Seniors Helping Youth Programs
Senior Theater and Senior Arts
Senior Activities




Find out more about the "CEYA - Art Projects For Senior Sites" Program

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