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WHATCorporations lease senior made artwork for their offices and/or lobbies. The senior made artwork is created in the CEYA Art Projects for Senior Sites Program.
WHYBy leasing senior artwork corporations contribute to a valuable cause that helps fund other senior programs by the Institute on Aging San Francisco. Artistic expression and public display of senior artwork can improve the physical health and emotional well-being of the elderly.
WHERECenter for Elders and Youth in the Arts. (CEYA)
Institute on Aging San Francisco.
San Francisco, California, USA.

Program Description

"Adding luster to your office also supports healthy lives and creative expression in the Bay Area's senior community. CEYA's corporate art lending program supports year round visual and performing arts programs and community exhibitions for elders and youth throughout the Bay Area. Your contribution enables CEYA to hire local professional artists, writers, choral instructors and dancers to instruct 500 elders and 100 youth every year."

Art pieces are created by seniors under the direction of professional artists.

Corporations lease out the artwork for public display in their offices and lobbies. Designers and artists assist corporations in displaying the artwork in exhibits.

Artwork can add interest to an otherwise plain corporate office space sending a theme or message to clients and visitors.

The CEYA Corporate Art Lending Program also shows an organization's commitment to helping seniors and the community. A portion of the lease fee is tax to helping seniors and the community. A portion of the lease fee is tax deductible.

All senior artwork is created in the CEYA Art Projects For Senior Sites Program




Find out more about the "CEYA Corporate Art Lending" Program

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