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WHATHousing for formerly homeless and low-income seniors with mental illness or chronic substance abuse.
WHYTo provide permanent housing for homeless seniors along with support for those who are in the difficult position of aging alone and facing homelessness and mental illness.
WHEREAffordable Living for the Aging. (ALA)
Shelter Partnership's Homeless Older Adult Strategic Plan.
Funded by the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health.
Los Angeles, California, USA.

Program Description

"Bonnie Brae Village is the first development in Los Angeles County designed to house formerly homeless seniors with mental illness or chronic substance abuse."

Bonnie Brae Village provides permanent supportive senior housing to homeless seniors rather than temporary shelter.

Staff include: social workers, service coordinators, case managers, and a service team who work to develops health care and mental health program for senior residents.

The center provides life-long learning and training on topics such as: money management, employment, nutrition and cooking, and more.

The Janet L. Witkin Center was inspired by Bonnie Brae Village and is another affordable senior housing development which aims to helps low-income and formerly and chronically homeless seniors age in place while coping with the challenges of increased frailty. The Center incorporates green design elements and affordable senior housing and aims to provide seniors with a socially and environmentally sustainable living environment.

Learn about Affordable Living for the Aging's senior home sharing options

Aging Programs
Senior Housing, Assisted Living
Temporary Senior Housing, Homeless, Senior Shelters

Find out more about Bonnie Brae Village

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