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WHATAffordable Living for the Aging provides seniors with affordable housing options such as home-sharing, cooperative living, supportive housing and independent living, along with other support services.
WHY To provide seniors with stable, environmentally sustainable, and affordable housing and services.
WHEREAffordable Living for the Aging. (ALA)
Los Angeles, California, USA.

Program Description

“Each unused bedroom in Los Angeles is a potential housing unit. And so when occupied, those housing units naturally increase the supply of affordable housing in a community by utilizing homes that already exist. And then secondly, home sharing addresses the financial or service needs of older adults who are struggling to live independently in their homes.”
-Miriam Hall - Director of Affordable Living for the Aging’s Home Share Program source 'LA seniors find housing solution with home share program'

" Seventy-two million 'Baby Boomers' are turning 65 at the rate of 10,000 a day and one-third of them are struggling with where to live on fixed incomes like social security. Shared Housing can help meet this demand in a way that is both cost-effective and socially beneficial."

Affordable Living for the Aging provides seniors with several low-cost housing options such as:

Senior Home Sharing - a low cost, mutually beneficial way for seniors and others to live. Staff screen individuals and a match can be tailored to accommodate specific needs. Seniors who own a home may want to open up their home to a roommate who will be able to pay rent and provide companionship, caregiving support or help with cooking meals, errands, shopping and driving. Those willing to open up their home for seniors may also do so. In order for home sharing to work participants must meet certain requirements such as having an extra bedroom and a safe environment.

Co-op Senior Housing -shared living environments offers seniors their own bedroom and bathroom and a communal kitchen and living space to be used by a small group of seniors.  The advantage of co-op housing is seniors have daily opportunities for socialization with other senior housemates.

Private Senior Apartments- offer seniors affordable, independent living in studio and one-bedroom apartments. 

Through the Bonnie Brae Village
Affordable Living for the Aging provides housing for homeless seniors and those with mental illness or chronic substance abuse.

Aging Programs
Senior Housing
Senior Home Sharing and Senior Cohousing




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